posted 2012-11-20 21:30
ネボ山を訪問。 BC1400年頃、モーセに率いられたイスラエルの民がこのネボ山周辺に野営しました。...
posted 2012-11-19 17:34
聖地旅行最大の危機に、アンマン到着した時点から見舞われました。 同行されている87歳の久さんのスーツケースが届いていないのです。 オフィスで手続きをしますが、先方の片言の英語と協力的でない姿勢にヘキヘキ。 次の到着便が真夜中頃なので、翌日受け取りに来るように言い張ります。普通、航空会社が責任を持って...
posted 2012-11-19 06:22
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
While doing Shikoku henro, we spent one night in a small town called Kuma. There was a small art gallery there, which we had just enough time to visit. Unfortunately they were holding an exhibition of strange modern photography instead of their usual collection, so I could only see it on their postcards... This is one I bought...
posted 2012-11-18 14:29
{以下の文章は、明日からのイスラエルへの旅行に参加されるメンバーに送ったものです。主にある皆さん、末尾にある課題を覚えて、お祈りの援護射撃をいただけましたら幸いです。} ハレルヤ。 今回、皆様方とともにイスラエル聖地旅行に行くことができることをうれしく思います。ガイドにも経験豊かで定評のあるルツさ...
posted 2012-11-16 06:14
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
We spent the night in a town called Imabari, woke up early the next morning, and headed off to temple number 54. We arrived well before opening time - 8am - but the priest kindly opened early and stamped my father-in-law`s book. Temples 54 - 59 were quite close, and only one was a little up a mountain, so we manag...
posted 2012-11-14 07:56
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
In some of my photos you can see people wearing white clothes & conical (= cone shape) hats. This is the traditional dress for pilgrims [gyouja]. Because I was cycling, I didn`t wear them, & I couldn`t carry a walking staff [kongoutsue] either. That`s kind of a shame, because they`re very ornate & colorfu...
posted 2012-11-13 08:27
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
While trying to find out how high henro temple number 45 (Iwaya-ji) was, I found this interesting GPS graph. It was posted online by someone who cycled the same route. I think the beginning point is Matsuyama, & the final point is Iwaya-ji. I feel tired just looking at it.
posted 2012-11-12 17:09
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
Day 2 was the toughest day of our trip - we had to climb a big mountain. Sometimes we rode, sometimes we walked, and sometimes I just sat down by the side of the road, ate a mandarin [mikan] (Ehime prefecture is famous for mandarins) and cried for a while. It was hard work. But coming down the other side was fun...
posted 2012-11-12 09:37
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
明日からのロサンゼルス出張、パソコンを持たずに、iPad だけ持ってゆきます。問題はないと思いますが、どうでしょうか。昔は iPad だけだと少し不安でしたが、特にモノを書く予定もないし、メールやブログなら iPad で十分だと思います。
posted 2012-11-11 23:06
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
We were on Shikoku for four days altogether. These are some photos from the first day. If you have any questions, please ask me in Comments. For example: - What kind of flowers are those in the second picture? A: They`re cosmos. - What kind of crab is that? A: Sorry, I don`t know. I saw a few of them on one mount...