Celebrating his fourth anniversary with Seattle Execs, Josh Miller of Wire Craft Electric gave testimony to the value of the relationships that develop from membership in our organization. an excerpt from his message ~ "In the last four years I have also gained a greater appreciation for the importance of individual relationsh...
Alexis Ducich of Drico Recovery Services received her membership plaque at Seattle Execs lunch yesterday. Congratulations, Alexis!
My current choice of music is Chromeo, an Electrofunk group from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. They are known for their dance grooves and at this moment they have me shaking my legs to the beat and bobbing my head. I'm dancing really well in my head, too bad I really have no real skills when it comes to dancing or I ...
When you have friends (or buddies) on your Bloguru accounts, every time you post something, your post is liked by your friends automatically creating natural links between sites. This makes your blog post more attractive to search sites. So, you should have as many friends as possible on your Bloguru account. Also, com...
When you write a blog, you should remember you are not writing a story book or instruction manual. It is rather a snapshot of your day, product or event. So, make it as brief as possible. People do not spend more then a few seconds to determine whether they like it or not. Also, you must pay attention to the power of th...
During the summer we added a page for those of you who had broken image links resulting from the database change over. Today we updated that page so that more image links can be updated to match our new system. Head over to http://en.bloguru.com/home/updatelinks and enter in your old image tag and we'll give y...
We have released a new clock on Clocklink.com! If you are interested in using the clock, please visit the following URL: http://clocklink.com/taggen.php?agree=1&clkid=5032&fontcolor=&bgcolor=&wlppr=&AcceptBtn.x=19&AcceptBtn.y=9
The web page that does not get updated soon loose traffic and search engine ranking. Blog is one of the better ways to keep you get attention. Trust me, you will bet more traction from Internet if you send 3 minuets a day on your blog. What should you write on your blog. If you work outside of your office, just blog about ...
When your company needs professional photographs, who do you use? Rowland Studio is a member of Seattle Executives Association and Bruce Johnson is one of the nicest person that I know. His studio has pictures from the 1940's to now and PSPINC is scanning his photos and making them into a library at http://www.fre...
Beef, it's what's for dinner, or at least that's how the slogan goes. Beef is the third most consumed meat in the world only after pork and poultry. I love beef, steaks, ribs, brisket. beef stock, all of it, it would be hard for me to be a vegetarian because I like beef so much, I don't eat it everyday or anything, but a diet wit...