We are starting to upgrade http://Japanese-Online.com little by little. The image you see was what Japanese-Online looks like in 2008. We need a lot of work. http://www.japanese-online.com
What do you mean when someone says "you are not reading the air"? Kuuki Yome くうきよめ Read the air Kuuki Yomenai くうきよめない Unable to read the mood (air) Ne...
Japanese language does not have any space between the words. So, my name is written Kenichi. English speaking people pronounce my name as Ke ni chi. t...
Daughter 「おとうさんだいふきっ」 Father 「//ん~?突然どうした~お父さんもだーいふきだよ~♡」 Daughter 「違う。台ふき取って。早く」 Daughter "Father DAIFUKI" Father "I am DAIFUKI too" Daughter "No. DA...
At a supermarket register ... Customer: When is your next day off? Cashier: I am open every except Saturday. Customer: I am asking about the day store...
This is actually funny. It really could happen. Many Japanese people has a perception of what Japanese should link like.
How do you make sentences into something that you asking the others to agree with you. Your browser does not support iframes.
Even street foods are good in Japan. What kind of food do you like?
posted 2018-01-13 18:35
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I was asked to design the smartphone app ... It is very interesting.
Your browser does not support iframes. Where is ____? _______ wa Dokodesuka. _______ はどこですか。 Deguchi でぐち Exit Toire トイレ Toilet Okaikei おかいけい Casher Ta...