だめ menas "No" だめだめ is used to express casually "No". だめです Damedesu is more formal. だめだ Dameda is telling your self "Impossiblle' だめだよ Damedayo is tell...
A new feature of an Opinion Stand just got realized today. This feature give your customer a choice to write what they think ... After a customer choose the opinion, the system will ask youth enter email. We will send email to the customer where they can write what they think
しつれいします This phrase has two meaning. The literal translation is "Please forgive my bad manner." (1) I am leaving. (2) Excuse me. When you are leaving,...
はじめまして Direct translation would be "Meet First Time". This is a greeting you use when you meet someone for the first time. "How do you dp?" "Nice to m...
頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "GANBARE" - "Hang in there." You say this to encourage someone who is working hard, such as running in a marathon or studying. Anothe...
いらっしゃい When you enter a restaurant, people usually say いらっしゃいませ。 It is a polite way of saying いらっしゃい。 It means welcome!!! This is different from どういたし...
Whe someone comes home and say 「ただいま」 which we explained yesterday. You would reply by saying 「おかえりなさい」。Basically you are acknowledging someone has ca...
posted 2019-04-18 17:01
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
オピニオンスタンドで、お客様の感情をクリックしたあとに必要に応じてメールアドレスを入れて、そこにコメントを入れられるリンクが送られる機能が実装されましrた。これはいまお使いのテストサイトの皆様から最も希望が多かった機能です。 http://www.opinionstand.com...
はい === Yes いいえ === No...
しかたない しょうがない Shikatanai or Shoganai is an important word in Japanese. It can be translated "it can't be helped." It's often used to describe Japanese ...