Nichi Youbi にちようび Sunday Getsu Youbi げつようび Monday Ka Youbi かようび Tuesday Sui Youbi すいようび Wednesday Moku Youbi もくようび Thursday Kin Yobi きんようび Friday Do Y...
Here are some questions you may find them useful. Ima Nanji Desuka いまなんじですか What time is it now? Sore wa Itsu Desuka それはいつですか What time will that be? ...
おはようございます Ohayou Gozaimasu Good Moring おやすみなさい Oyasumi Nasai Good Night こんにちは Konnnichiwa Hello はじめまして Hajimemashite How do you do こんばんわ Konbanwa Good...
Moshi Moshi Tanaka Sama no Otakudesuka もしもし たなかさま の おたくですか Hello, is this Tanaka's Resident? Watakushi Kinoshita to Mosuhimau わたくし きのしたと もうします My name...
Korea Ikura Desuka. これはいくらですか How much is it? Onamae wa Nandesuka. おなまえはなんですか What is your name? Koko wa Dokodesuka. ここはどこですか Where is this? Ima Nanji...
What do you say to greet people before new year. You would say "Kotoshimo Arigatou Gozaimashita." "Rainen mo Yoroshiku Onegaiitashimasu." "Yoi Otoshio...
There are thing you usually say in Japan when you meet someone for that first time in the new year. - Shinnen Akemashite Omedetou Goaimasu "Happy New Year" - Kotoshimo Yoroshiku Onegai Itashimasu "I look forward to your continued good will in the coming year." Do not say this until the new year. Your browser doe...
Good Morning - Hello - Good Evening in Japanese Please click the headset icon below to listen. Your browser does not support iframes. This audio embed is using the service called Click It Audio by PSPinc. What do you think of audio feature? I will add more if you like it. PS: I need to get someone with better voice ;)
posted 2017-12-27 18:29
ウチクラ ケンイチ
https://kiroboto.com/Posts/view/101 Current Projects Kiroboto Kiroboto is an experimental project designed by Uchikura and Co. and developed by Pacifi...
There is a tradition in Japan to give people gifts in the winter and summer. Winter gifts are called "Oseibo お歳暮' Summer gifts are called "Ocyuugen お中...