How cool and practical would it be to have an office like this. I am fan of open space but not just an open space ... but like industry area with factory look would be very nice.
We have registered Roving360.com Riving360.com 3DRoving.com for the business services using 360 degree camera.
posted 2017-08-12 17:01
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
美術館や博物館に行って、展示品の前でボタンを押すと説明が流れるという場合があります。もしそれが Web でできたら。そういう考えから生まれたのが現在 PSPinc で製作中の MP3 ファイルの埋め込みサービスです。 作成した MP3 ファイルを Web で管理して、アップロード、削除そして埋め込み...
PSPinc is very close to leasing a new service to improve your website dramatically. We enable you to embed sound files into your website and it works like this. Just click on the blue headset button below. Imagine people being able to listen to what you have to offer. For producing quality sound file for your company, we r...
posted 2017-08-10 17:08
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I created a 360 degree roving video to introduce you to PSPinc. If your browser is 36 degree ready, you should be able to see this video in full 360 degree view. Please try it.
posted 2017-08-09 17:03
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I was really intrigued by this advertisement ... not the content but the way it was presented. What if I made this video with 360 degree camera and put it on the YouTube. People can watch this from every angle. Wouldn't that be cool? So I have made first 360 degree movie. I think there is a potential for business here.
I took a picture of Seattle Executives Association meting using 360 degree camera.
posted 2017-08-09 09:05
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
ものを作る場合2つの考え方がある。両方を成立させることは難しいのだが、皆さんはどちらを選びますか? (1)壊れないものを作るために全力を尽くしてつくる。 (2)ものは壊れるのは当たり前。だから安くは早く修理できるようにつくる。 言うまでもなく信頼性は(1)のほうが高い。日本のものづくり多くはこの(1...
I uploaded 360 Degree Roving Report Video on PSPinc to YouTube. If you watch below YouTube video using 3D/360 Capable Browsers and Video Players, you will see all 360 degree. I am thinking of creating a business to do 360 Video Walk Through ... It might be interesting.
Advertisement is a crapshoot ... why. You always pay before you get your pay off. Wouldn't it be better if you pay advertisement only when you meet advertisers' sales pitch? The proof that advertisement does not work is the fact that you rarely see same advertisement for a long long time. There is absolutely no reason to...