posted 2019-06-05 17:41
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Http://www.opinionstand,com Do you care what customers are thinking about your establishment? Do you have a way to measure it? Companies care use OpinionStand.
posted 2019-06-05 03:48
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I have met a representative from a very interesting company in Japan. They are looking too expand their business to the US. I think we can help.
しんかんせん 新幹線 Shinkansen I took Shinkansen from Hakata to Shin Kobe ... little over 2 hours....
うまか〜 Umaka~ It means “Good Tasteroid” in Hakata-Ben 博多弁 In standard Japanese, you would say おいしい...
I am a business trip and it is difficult to update this blog. I promise I will do better in Japan. Here are the pictures of breakfast buffet at my hotel in Paitei.