Eyeglasses are cheaper in Japan. You can get quality eyeglasses for $30.
Have you ever had Takoyaki? You have to try them when you ever travel to Japan. It is not difficult to cook at home if you have Takoyaki plate. I found one on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/IRIS-OHYAMA-takoyaki-plate-ITY-20WA-R/dp/B00VW8NUOW/ref=asc_df_B00VW8NUOW
posted 2018-09-18 17:48
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Here are what I found today. You can promote your sale for free at Kiroboto. https://kiroboto.com
Why do you want to learn Japanese? What makes you attracted to Japan or Japanese language? Is it an Anime? Is it a friend? Is it a culture? Is it a travel? Is it a job? What is it?
posted 2018-09-17 17:21
ウチクラ ケンイチ
41 years ago, I arrived at Los Angeles International Airport to go study at English school in Downtown. This is how my life in the US started. When I came here, I did not speak English. I still have hard time with the language. I do not know how much more I can go on ... but I will ry my best to build something to the next ...
posted 2018-09-16 19:05
ウチクラ ケンイチ
We are currently testing Kiroboto purchase option. Yes, you soon will be able to sell products at Kiroboto. Kiroboto will take care of the credit card transaction for your. https://kiroboto.com/Seattle_WA/Posts/view/Wireless_Mouse/20180914/619
This is the Japanese food for all Japanese.
posted 2018-09-16 17:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
How do you succeed? You don't. You just get lucky. How do you fail? Now that is your fault!!!
You can shop around and find some of the least expensive pair pf eye glasses in Japan. I bought a pair for $30. 369 Plus Glasses http://www.369plus.com
Omusugi is the original Japanese to-go food. I love them. Do you?