Clocklink clocks did not update with the switch to DST in Europe. We are working on resolving this and will have a fix out Tuesday morning. In addition, we have been attempting to upgrade a couple of clocklink's servers but two of them have not been talking with our database. This results in lower than normal clocklink vi...
Members of the Jet City Gems met for acquaintance and camaraderie Tuesday after work. They are like all of the SEA Neighborhood Teams - they want to win this contest!
We have added following two new categories to Bloguru. "Japan Relief" & "Natural Disaster"
"Japan Relief" & "Natural Disaster" categories are added to Bloguru today.
Megumi PTA is going to hold a yard sale at Bellevue Megumi Preschool to collect money to donate to a Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund. Time: Sunday, March 27th from 10am to 2pm Yard Sale: Books, DVDs, CDs, clothes, household items, toys, Pokemon Cards, and more! Food Sale: Bakes goods, takoyaki, Japanes...
The Lower Eastside Hawks are working their neighborhood for business leads and referrals! They met for a mini open house hosted by Chris Shults of Emerald City Energy on St. Patrick's Day. They are making some points now!
Jack Goldberg of Personnel Managements Systems, Inc. and Chad Richardson of Seattle Mailing Bureau were two of our speakers at Wednesday's meeting. Both are past presidents of Seattle Execs and have 27 combined years of membership in the association.
DON SIDEL of Don's Group Attire has been a member of Seattle Executives Association for forty-one years! Don and his son, Alan Sidel, shared the history of their business, as well as some Seattle history with us yesterday. Don certainly agrees that "Seattle Execs Works!"
Doing Mutual Business with your fellow Execs has benefits! Brian Paulen of Madrona Solutions Group was the first winner of a nice bottle of wine at Wednesday's meeting. Brian conducted mutual business with Dr. Kristopher Royal of Graham Rehabilitation & Wellness Center
Elapsed time sine March 11, 2011, 2:46pm Japan Standard Time. There are more than 50+ nations in the world proving assistance to Japan Disaster Relief. Thank you!