I am flying to Orange Country and driving down to San Diego tomorrow. I have not been there for a long time. I wish I had a time to play golf. This is a picture of Torrey Pines (2008 U.S. Open Championship), they are just north of San Diego. Not that I will have any time for golf. Next time, I will make sure I will have a to...
There are three presidents in this picture. Percel Johnson of Cassel Inc. ( http://www.casselpackaging.com/ ), Peter Frix of Frix Techlogies ( http://www.imajnet.com/ ) and Mayumi Nakamura of PSP, Inc. ( http://www.pspinc.com/ ). We did not plan this meeting. It just happened. As a business owner, we need to be prep...
Two-time Lake Tahoe Marathon speed golf champion, 2008 and 2009. Twenty to 25 golfers get one point for each stroke and one point for each minute. Last year I shot an 83 and finished in 36 minutes. Read a full story.
posted 2010-09-20 18:18
Team Effort
Team DOC
Who knows!
We are considering to develop and release a clock that has no link back to http://www.colcklink.com for nominal fees. What do you think of this idea?
Did you know you can post Bloguru using email?You can post to your Bloguru using your email. Just write contents andsend it to post_en@bloguru.com (Japanese version post@bloguru.com)from the email account you registered at Bloguru. The email subjectwill become your Bloguru title and attached image can become the ima...
We are very happy to announce that PSP is one of Puget Sound Business Journal's 100 Fastest-Growing Private Companies in Washington State for 2010. PS...
Over 120 members could use a good catering company! Do you know one who is looking for business? Who would like to grow? Who could be a potential new member for Seattle Execs? Contact the Executive Director with your ideas or for more information.
This morning we updated the stats graph to display more information and be easier to interpret. These changes come from user reported issues with our original simplified version. If you have any questions about this update please let us know in the comments or via email. Thank you for helping us make a better bloguru e...
Many companies use BLOG for SEO. But just posting the Blog is not always enough. (Although it is better than nothing.) Bloguru (http://www.bloguru.com) is design to maximize your search engine exposure by creating as many natural link as possible. For instance, if you create a Bloguru Buddy, you are creating a link fro...