When making scheduled posts we would like to remind everyone that currently your RSS feeds will not update when your post becomes active. This is a known bug and we are actively working to correct this behavior. As always, if you notice any unexpected behavior with Bloguru please let us know either via email or in t...
A great desert buffet for the luncheon.
New member Jonathan Paz of Wire Craft Electric explains his low voltage background to home remodeler Burke Barker of Empire Home Remodeling.
Shannon Woodman of Washington Alarm, President of Seattle Execs, enjoys chatting with Janet Pluntze of Payroll Solutions at the final luncheon of the year.
We had a casual meeting with the buffet lunch at Washington Athletic Club today. This was the last meeting of 2009. See you all again at the meeting on January 6, 2010. Happy Holidays!
For more information on these gift sets, please visit www.tpiline.com John Bates American Solutions for Business Account Executive Direct: 206-957-5170 Email John American Solutions for Business is a member of Seattle Executives Association since 2003. (FKA Farwest Group)
Did you know 2009 is the last production year for HONDA S2000. Lynnwood Honda has it for special pricing. Please visit their web site at http://www.lynnwoodhonda.com. Lynnwood Honda New Car Special Lynnwood Honda is a member of Seattle Executives Association since 1995.
Don't Forget To . . . Volunteer for a Committee All of our 2010 committees welcome volunteers. Serving on a committee is a great way to get to know other Execs, and for them to be better acquainted with you. If a committee chair asks for your help, say, "YES!" If you'd like more infomation about the various committees c...
Bloguru was updated yesterday to resolve a user reported bug regarding the links in the comment notification email when viewed with the Macintosh email client Entourage. As always if you experience any issues with Bloguru please let us know either in the comments or via email. Thank you for bearing with us as we work...
Don't exchange your foreign currency at the booth like this at the airport. Although, they say there is NO FEE, their exchange rate bring the a profit of 8 to 9%. That is a ripoff.