We are attending Neuroscience 2016 takes place November 12-16 at the San Diego Convention Center. https://www.sfn.org/annual-meeting/neuroscience-2016...
EAS2016 http://easinc.org/wordpress/ Show Hours: Monday November 14, 9:00pm - 4:00pm Tuesday November 15, 9:00pm - 5:30pm Wednesday November 16, 9:00am - 4:00pm
Sep 18 - 21, 2016, Dallas, Texas http://www.aoac.org/aoac_prod_imis/AOAC?hkey=93d482bb-598c-4b59-84f0-a01e96f7f07d - Booth# 700 - Posters Title: Isocr...
June 19 - 24, 2016, San Francisco, CA http://www.hplc2016.org/ - Booth# 701 - Posters LC Column Technology, Silica and Other Particles, Yerba Buena Ba...
June 5 - 9, 2016, San Antonio, TX booth# 902 Posters Abstract ID number: 283300 Δ9-THC Metabolites and Other Cannabinoid Detection Mon, June 6 Abstrac...
We attend the SFC Day San Diego which will bring together leading separation scientists and engineers from major pharmaceutical and chemical companies, academic labs and government agencies. - Learn the latest innovations in this burgeoning technology by participating in the meeting events including: Lectures by chromato...
We are attending ISSCR 2016 held at San Francisco on June 19 - 24. http://www.isscr.org/home/annual-meeting/san-francisco-2016 Please stop by our stan...
Feb. 22nd Monday 7:00 PM Poster # 53 -------------------------- Topic: Metabolomics Separating Vitamin D2 D3, their 25-OH Metabolites and C-3 Epimers ...
We attended EB2016, Experimental Biology, in Apr and want to share with you all what product lines we introduced. - SDS-PAGE in 10 min! http://www.nacalaiusa.com/products/view/273/bullet-page-one-precast-gel - Blocking in 5 min! http://www.nacalaiusa.com/products/view/279/5-min-blocking-reagent-bullet-blocking-one-f...
posted 2013-06-29 07:35
Tai: Diary
結構楽しみにしており、平日のみの開催でしたので、有給を取らせて頂き、最終日のみ見学しました。 海外からのインテリアデザインのメーカーが多数参加するものと期待していたのですが、和食器などの生活デザインを含めた日本メーカー、または海外製品を取り扱っている、国内のセレクトショップの出展などで、少数の展示で...