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Search results for "#health"

    I bought some AIRBORNE FORMULA as gifts to people here in Japan. But I was not feeling well ... So, I opened one of the gifts and took it. I hope it works. This is my last full day in Japan. I will be flying out on DELTA from Narita to Seattle tomorrow.
  • 約400m

    posted 2012-01-28 05:20
    Tai: Diary by Tai
    http://jp.bloguru.com/tai/132192/daily http://jp.bloguru.com/tai/127990/daily 継続は力なり…水泳8往復(400m)、ほぼ止まることなく泳ぎきるようになりました。一昨年は、寒い日は出歩かなかったり、気の向いた時しか行かなかっ...
  • 腹が凹んできた気が。

    posted 2012-01-14 07:15
    Tai: Diary by Tai
    http://jp.bloguru.com/tai/127990/daily 昨年の11月末から再開した不定期の水泳ですが、人生初?の、休みなし4往復(200m)を達成しました。水泳をやっている人からすれば、なんちゅうヘタレと思われる事必至ですが、何せ私は泳ぎが遅く、前にも書きましたが、小学生に抜か...
  • From my daughter ...

    My daughter sent me the link to this YouTube video ... I think I got a message.
  • Another Government Good Idea

    I saw this sign at the entrance of every restaurant around here in Gardena, California. It tells me the restaurant passed the health inspection. It looks like a good idea but what is this costing the restaurant and tax payers. Instead of coming after unhealthy restaurants, they are doing this to employ more people. It sounds like...
  • 脱☆メタボ

    posted 2011-11-26 04:10
    Tai: Diary by Tai
  • メタボ化

    posted 2011-11-21 03:55
    Tai: Diary by Tai
    去年は大阪で、定期的に水泳に行っていましたが、今年は実家でネットサーフィン、たらふく食べて、運動は通勤の徒歩15分。流石に運動にならず、LDL コレステロール値がはね上がり、大変危険な状態です。元々太ったりという事とは無縁だったので、無いと思っていた精神的ストレスが今年は発生しているのか、ただの運動...
  • Purina Carvers Roasted Chicken Slices

    I saw this dog treat selling for $9.99 at http://www.dealgenius.com/ . I buy chicken jerky for my dog so I was interested in this ... But when you read the label, it says "Over 80% Real Chicken." What is the other 20%??? I did not buy it.
  • Radiation Meters are Sold Out

    Can you believe all the radiation meters are sold out. I can not even find one except at eBay selling at much higher than the retail price. I checked the Washington Sate DOH web site that shows the radiation level. It show no change due to the Fukushima Power Plants. http://www.doh.wa.gov/Topics/japan/monitor.htm
  • Put it in Perspective

    180 mSv level of radiation was reported by people who got radiation burn yesterday at the plant. What is that mean? Well, this chard will put it in perspective. Source: http://xkcd.com/radiation/
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