Opinion Stand Complete Opinion Gathering and Marketing System We have created Opinion Stand to gather people’s opinions, but we did not stop there. We...
血圧 けつあつ Ketsuatsu Blood Pressure...
Another iconic store is closing its door. It is very sad to see. It is not only due to the competition with online stores like Amazon. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that younger generations do not desire nice an expensive things. They are more practical. You do not meed $1,000 dawn coat, you can get by with $100 UN...
ひゃっきん Hyakkin 100 Yen Shop Daiso is the mist widely know Hyakkin in Japan. We have Daiso in Seattle too. Prices are little higher....
いただきます Itadakimasu I will receive This is what you say at the start of the meal thanking....
I had a wonderful breakfast this morning. It remind me of the days I stayed in Dublin long time ago. That must have been over 25 years ago. I was invited by the company in Ireland to tech them about localization. Back then Pacific Software Publishing, Inc . was known as a Double Byte Specialists. We were considered the e...
洗車 せんしゃ Sensya Car Wash きょう せんしゃを しました Kyou Sensyao Shimashita I washed my car today....
CONTACTWASH This is how we create a new product. I have been thinking about a way to update and maintain contact information. You exchange business ca...
Pouring and being poured sake on this video is more Korean than Japanese. Another thing ... Do not eat or drink one the local train.
眼鏡 めがね メガネ Megane Glasses...