It appears that the latest update enabled the devices to remember it login information.Sent via bloguru mobile.
I am trying very hard to understand how to setup a cash register. Yes, a cash register. I am reading manuals, but I don't understand what it is saying. Why do you need a price for the department?Sent via bloguru mobile.
I am at car wash at Park Place Auto Salon.Sent via bloguru mobile.
Sales leads, anyone?Sent via bloguru mobile.
Played a round today at Aldarra. I did nor play really well today. I shot 48/48=96 today. Sent via bloguru mobile.
Lunch at Hector's in Kirkland. Sent via bloguru mobile.
I am at PSPINC Seattle Data Center. What you are looking at is our Network Monitoring Center.Sent via bloguru mobile.
This is long. Sent via bloguru mobile.
I went to University of Washington today. It was beautiful, but not good for my allergy. I count not stop sneezing.Sent via bloguru mobile.
I am sneezing like crazy today.Sent via bloguru mobile.