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Herbsprout is a webblog and podcast dedicated to sharing the health benefits of herbs, food, innovations related to our gut microbiome. Herbsprout seeks to bridge the vast chasm dividing the mainstream medical community and alternative medicine.

プロバイオティクスの活動を追跡するために作成されたツール; Tool created to track probiotic activity

 2023年12月19日のThe Conversation記事によると、複数の研究によって裏付けられて いる500億ドルの米国のプロバイオティクス市場は、体内の有害な細菌や便秘を予防 し、コレステロールと血圧を下げ、ビタミン生成をサポートし、免疫システムを高める ことを示す。「2」 しかし、他の研究では、プロバイオティクスが特定の健康上の問題に対処するには限界 があることが強調されています。プロバイオティクスの効果を測定する方法はあります か?
クレムソン大学のカルロス・ガルシアとジョージ・チュマノフは、酸化還元を通じて細 菌の代謝活動を検出する帯電したカーボン製のセンサーツールを作成しました。「2」 テストには、米国の店舗でテストツールを使用して広く販売されている人気のプロバイ オティクスヨーグルトとビールを使用しました。この検査では、乳酸菌、ビフィズス 菌、サッカロミセスなどの種の種類は区別されませんが、代謝活性のレベルが判定され ます。このツールを作成する前は、プロバイオティクスのモニタリングは大規模で費用 がかかりました。

The $50 billion US probiotics market is backed by multiple studies showing they prevent harmful bacteria in the body and constipation, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, supports vitamin production, and boost the immune system, according to a December 19 2023 article in TheConversation.

However, other studies highlight the limitations probiotics have to address specific health issues. They are only as helpful as they are live active cultures. Is there a way to measure the efficacy of probiotics?
Clemson University’s Carlos Garcia and George Chumanov created a sensor tool from electrically charged carbon that detects the metabolic activity of bacteria through oxidation reduction, per the Conversation.
For testing, they used popular probiotic yogurt and beer, widely sold in U.S. stores using their test tool.
While the test does not distinguish the type of species such as Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Saccharomyces, it determines their level of metabolic activity. Before creating this tool, monitoring probiotics has been extensive and costly.
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腸を元気にする 6 つのハーブ; 6 herbs that heal the gut

Dr. Nicole Apelian Dr. Nicole Apelian Lion’s mane mus... Lion’s mane mushroom

The following is part two by guest author Dr. Nicole Apelian. She was among the first women selected for the History Channel’s hit TV show “Alone”. She has B.S and M.S. degrees in Biology from McGill University in Canada and the University of Oregon. She earned her Doctorate through Prescott College.

腸を元気にする 6 つのハーブ

以下は、ゲスト著者であるニコールアペリアン博士によるパート 2 です。彼女は、ヒ ストリーチャンネルの人気テレビ番組「アローン」に選ばれた最初の女性の一人でし た。 彼女は、カナダのマギル大学およびオレゴン大学で生物学の学位を取得し、学士号と修 士号を持っています。彼女はプレスコット大学で博士号を取得しました。
私は、腸を癒し、健康な微生物叢を促進する 霊芝・ライオンのたてがみ・七面鳥の尾 の薬用キノコ・オオバコ・アスリッパリーニレ・マシュマロ、6 つの特別なハーブを使 用しています。この植物は、炎症を軽減し、重要なプレバイオティクスを提供し、腸の 再生と治癒を可能にする保護膜を腸内に形成するのに役立ちます。追加の利点は、以下 で説明します。

霊芝(Ganoderma lucidum)
霊芝は、炎症の増加・ホルモンの不均衡・高コルチゾール、疲労などのストレスによる 悪影響に対して身体を強化する優れたアダプトゲンハーブです。ストレスが炎症を引き 起こす可能性があるため、霊芝は 多発性硬化病の場合に特に重要です。また霊芝も若 返りの睡眠を促し、副腎の健康を促進し、健康な免疫反応をサポートします。さらに、 神経保護作用があり、アレルギーを鎮め、抗ウイルス作用もあります。
ライオンのたてがみ (Hericium erinaceus)

ライオンのたてがみキノコは、神経系を強化し、腸の炎症に対処するため、多発性硬化 症を管理するためのもう一つの優れた漢方薬です。また、ミエリン鞘として知られる神 経線維を取り囲む保護的な脂肪コーティングの修復に必要な神経成長因子の促進にも役 立ちます。多発性硬化症の患者の場合、ミエリン鞘は重度の損傷を受けていることがよ くあります。このタンパク質は、学習・記憶・集中力に関与するニューロンを維持しま す。 研究により、ライオンのたてがみは認知機能も改善する効果もあることが証明さ れています。
七面鳥の尾 (トラメテス癜風)
もう一つ抗炎症作用のある薬用キノコは七面鳥の尾です。また、免疫システムの活性が 過剰になったり、活性が低下したりしないように調節するにも役立ち、自己免疫を管理 するための優れた漢方薬になります。 さらに、この印象的なキノコは優れたプレバイオティクスでもあり、カンジダと闘い、 小腸細菌の異常増殖 (SIBO) に対処します。

冬虫夏草 (Cordyceps militaris)
 の著書『The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies: The Healing Power of Plant
 割引料金で購入するには、チェックアウト時にクーポン WELCOME10 を使用し、最初の 注文から 10% オフにしてください。ニコールが日常的に多発性硬化症をどのように管
 理しているかについては、彼女の詳細ブログをお読みください。 ありがとう!
 • 霊芝は血管拡張作用があるため、出血性疾患のある方や手術前の使用は禁忌で す。
 ** Mase G. (2012)。 薬用キノコ: 主要な種の簡単な歴史と概要。2016 年 8 月
27 日に
 • この記事の内容は情報提供のみを目的とし、医学的アドバイスを構成するもので
 ださい。この Website を読んだことを理由にして、専門の医学的アドバイスを
 急事態が発生した場合は、直ちに医師または 911 に電話してください。 この
 Website が提供する情報を信頼する場合は、お客様ご自身の責任で行ってくださ
 • ニコール・アペリアン博士は、薬草医・母親・サバイバルスキルのインストラク

 スキルの多くを学び、非営利団体「The Origins Project」を通じてサン族との
 2000 年に多発性硬化症と予期せぬ診断を受け、ニコールは自分の研究スキルを
 これが彼女の人生の使命となり、著書『The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies:
 The Healing Power of Plant Medicine』を執筆する主な理由となった。その中
 に彼女は 28 年以上にわたる植物の知識と、湿布・チンキ剤・煎じ薬・軟膏・注
 2015 年、彼女はヒストリー チャンネルの人気テレビ番組「アローン」に史上初 めて選ばれた女性の一人でした。多発性硬化症を患っていたにも関わらず、彼女 は狩猟用ナイフとそこで見つけた野生の食べ物と薬だけを持って、バンクーバー
 島の人里離れた地域で 57 日間連続で一人で生き続けた。
 ニコール・アペリアン博士について詳しくは、こちらをご覧ください。 nicole_apelian/ survival/

I use six specific herbs that heal the gut and promote a healthy microbiome: reishi, lion’s mane, and turkey tail medicinal mushrooms, along with plantain, slippery elm, and marshmallow. These botanicals help to calm inflammation, provide important prebiotics, and create a protective coating in the gut that allows it to regenerate and heal. They also have additional benefits, which we will explore below.

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)
(Link for reishi photo:
Reishi mushroom is an outstanding adaptogenic herb that strengthens the body against the negative effects of stress — such as increased inflammation, hormonal imbalance, high cortisol, and fatigue. This is particularly important if you have MS because stress can cause a flare. Reishi also encourages rejuvenating sleep, promotes adrenal health, and supports a healthy immune response. Moreover, it is neuroprotective, calms allergies, and is antiviral.

Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus) (Link for lion’s mane photo:
Lion’s mane mushroom is another impressive herbal medicine for managing MS as it fortifies the nervous system and addresses gut inflammation. It also helps to encourage Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), which is necessary for the repair of the protective, fatty coating surrounding nerve fibers known as the myelin sheath. For those with MS, the myelin sheath is often severely damaged. This protein maintains the neurons that are involved in learning, memory, and focus. Research has
established that lion’s mane also improves cognitive function.

Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor)
(Link for turkey tail photo:
Another anti-inflammatory medicinal mushroom is turkey tail. It also helps to modulate the immune system so that it is not over or under active, making it an excellent herbal remedy for managing autoimmunity. Turkey tail is exceptional for healing leaky gut, chronic fatigue syndrome, and treats a range of bacterial and viral infections as well. What’s more, this impressive mushroom is also an outstanding prebiotic, combats candida, and addresses small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).

Cordyceps (Cordyceps militaris) (Link for cordyceps photo:
Additionally, I use a cordyceps extract everyday to manage my MS. Similar to reishi, cordyceps has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries. It is known to have neuroprotective properties that reduce neuronal cell death — an important consideration for those with MS. This unique mushroom is anti-inflammatory and helps to improve energy. It is also antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiprotozoal, which is helpful for addressing poor gut health. Cordyceps is anti-cancer and regulates blood sugar as well.

Lastly, plantain, slippery elm, and marshmallow root calm inflammation, soothe mucous membranes, and create a protective layer that helps the gut to regenerate. I have found these botanicals to be essential for healing leaky gut.

If you would like to learn more about natural herbs and remedies, Dr. Nicole Apelian’s book, The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies: The Healing Power of Plant Medicine, is available here.
For access to Nicole’s Apothecary at a discounted rate, please use the coupon WELCOME10 at checkout for 10% off your first order. To learn how Nicole manages her MS on a daily basis, please read her detailed blog on this subject. Thank you!

Reishi is a vasodilator, so it is contraindicated for those with a bleeding disorder or for use before surgery. **Masé, G. (2012). Medicinal mushrooms: A brief history and overview of principal species. Retrieved on 08/27/2016 from

Please note that the contents of this article are for informational purposes only, do not constitute medical advice, and are not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. In the event of a medical emergency, call a doctor or 911 immediately. Reliance on any information provided by this website is solely at your own risk.

Nicole Apelian, Ph.D.

Dr. Nicole Apelian is an herbalist, a mother, a survival skills instructor, an anthropologist, and a biologist. She has B.S and M.S. degrees in Biology from McGill University in Canada and the University of Oregon. She earned her Doctorate through Prescott
College while working as an anthropologist and ethnobotanist in Botswana.
She has spent years living in nature with the San Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert, one of the last indigenous peoples who still live as hunter-gatherers. Developing strong relationships within the tribe helped Nicole learn many of the remedies and skills she practices and teaches today and she continues her work with the San through her non-profit, “The Origins Project“.
An unexpected diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in 2000 led Nicole to apply her research skills towards her own personal wellness. She focused on a healthy living strategy, including deep nature connection and gratitude practices. Through changes in her lifestyle, recognizing profound mind-body linkages, and making and using her own remedies, Nicole went from bedridden to being fully alive and from surviving to thriving.
She believes that there are many more people suffering who need to find their own remedy. This became her life’s mission and the main reason for writing her book The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies: The Healing Power of Plant Medicine. In it she poured over 28 years of plant knowledge and her first-hand experiences of making her own poultices, tinctures, decoctions, salves, infused oils, and other herbal remedies.
In 2015 she was among the first women ever selected for the History Channel’s hit TV show “Alone”. Despite having MS, she went on to survive solo for 57 days straight in a remote area of Vancouver Island with little more than her hunting knife and the wild foods and medicines she found there.
For more about Dr. Nicole Apelian please visit

Philip, A., & White, N. D. (2022). Gluten, Inflammation, and Neurodegeneration. American journal of lifestyle medicine, 16(1), 32–35.
Esmaeil Amini, M., Shomali, N., Bakhshi, A., Rezaei, S., Hemmatzadeh, M., Hosseinzadeh, R., Eslami, S., Babaie, F., Aslani, S., Torkamandi, S., & Mohammadi, H. (2020). Gut microbiome and multiple sclerosis: New insights and perspective. International immunopharmacology, 88, 107024.
Jangi, S., Gandhi, R., Cox, L. et al. Alterations of the human gut microbiome in multiple sclerosis. Nat Commun 7, 12015 (2016).
Shahi, S. K., Freedman, S. N., Murra, A. C., Zarei, K., Sompallae, R., Gibson-Corley, K. N., Karandikar, N. J., Murray, J. A., & Mangalam, A. K. (2019). Prevotella histicola, A Human Gut Commensal, Is as Potent as COPAXONE® in an Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis. Frontiers in immunology, 10, 462.

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Which type of mushrooms do you regularly eat?

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A bacteria is found to generate electricity

A bacteria is found to generat...
Imagine if humans could breathe in air and breathe out electricity. That's not so far from the truth for some bacteria. It is commonly accepted among scientists that two bacteria, Shewanella and Geobacter conduct small amounts of electricity.

Bacteria have no mouth or lungs. The bacteria called Geobacter swallows organic waste and exhale electrons which generates a tiny electric current in the process, according to a September 19 2020 article by Live Science.

Nikhil Malvankar, an assistant professor at Yale University's Microbial Science Institute in Connecticut, told Live Science that Geobacter are 100,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair, but by breathing through a snorkel they trasmit electrons hundreds to thousands of times the length of their body (1).

An August 20 2020 article by Science magazine says Dr. Lars Peter Nielsen of Aarhus University, Denmark, found bacteria that join cells end to end to build electrical cables able to carry current up to 5 centimeters through mud (2).

Theoretically, this suggests that it might be possible to manipulate bacteria to create enough microbe-generated energy for consumer use, as in a "microbe-battery". TBD.


#digitalhealth #electric #gutbacteria #guthealth #microbiome

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Bellymount highlights the fruit fly where 65% of human disease causing genes can be studied

source: source:
A January 27, 2020 article co-published by lead scientist Leslie Ann Jaramillo Koyama of Stanford University, developed Bellymount, a method for high-resolution imaging of live microscopy. The imaging of an adult vinegar fly, Drosophila melanogaster, has yielded foundational insights into what scientists call metazoan physiology, or developmental biology. Bellymount is able to show how cellular and physiological processes unfold inside living organisms. The adult vinegar fly (common fruit fly) has approximately 65% of human disease-causing genes with functional homologs (member of a chromosome pair). It is a powerful tool for pathologies in humans, revealing live physiological dynamics of cells, tissues, and organs.

The Bellymount method capabilities means the same opportunities exist for the study of microscopic organisms living inside our gut, potentially revealing the layers of processes and interactions between our gut microbiome and cells, such as stem cells, in our body, their functions, and root causes of ailments.

(See articles, ; and
#DNA #chromosomes #developmentalbiology #fruitfly #gutbacteria #guthealth #microbiome #stemcells

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More gut health links to Autism

More gut health links to Autism
A March 11 2020 report by The Conversation, a collaboration between three Australian universities, conducted two studies, one of mice and the other of human twins with autism, showing a gene mutation called neuroligin-3. It is known among professionals in the field that people with autism are more likely to experience gastrointestinal disorders than the general population. The twins were diagnosed with esophagitis and diarrhea, and the gene- mutated mice also showed gut microbiome deficiencies associated with diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease. Other reports found that children with autism (ASD) were four times more likely to have gastrointestinal issues than children without autism ( see ). The three collaborating universities of The Conversation are RMIT, La Trobe, and Monash Universities.

Parents of children have long claimed that giving their autistic children a healthy probiotic diet has helped reduce their autistic behaviors. Studies show that children with ASD often have a mix of gut microbes that substantially differ from children without ASD. A January 22, 2020 article in Nature references a University of Arizona study on microbiota transfer therapy, which would be used to recolonize the guts with bacteria of children suffering from autism. The study found other research showing the following deficiencies of gut microbiomes in autistic people: Bifidobacterium, Blautia (needed to produce bile acids to produce serotonin), Veillonellaceae, Coprococcus and Prevotella. Conversely, researchers found an excess of the Clostridia bacterial pathogens (know to disrupt production of serotonin in the gut) (see ).

April is Autism Awareness month. Global Engage a world leading çonference organisers published a variation of this blog on their website at .
#ASD #autism #gutbacteria #gutbrainaxis #guthealth #microbiome #serotonin

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Ulcerative colitis linked to missing gut microbe; 70% of our body's molecules produced by gut bacteria

Ulcerative colitis linked to miss...
The research we are witnessing on the gut microbiome is nothing short of revolutionary and its importance to health care is still just scratching the surface. Two perennial institutions just one day apart came up separately with two keys to the puzzles that could forever alter the way we administer health care to digestive system related diseases. These two are Stanford University and University of California San Diego.

A February 25, 2020 study by Stanford University's School of Medicine has found links between ulcerative colitis and a missing gut microbe. Led by Aida Habtezion, MD, associate professor of gastroenterology and hepatology, and Sidhartha Sinha, MD, assistant professor of gastroenterology and hepatology, scientists found a large deficiency in levels of a group of substances called secondary bile acids in the intestines of seven FAP (familial adenomatous polyposis) patients.

FAP is a rare genetic deficiency condition where a person lacks the ability to produce the secondary bile acids (produced by gut bacteria) which derive from primary bile acids produced in the liver. Bile acids are important for effective digestion.

A February 26, 2020 study by University Of California San Diego (UCSD) found that microbes play an intimate role in the production of bile acids. In a trial of mapping the microbiome of mice, they found that 70% of the molecules in our bodies are actually produced by our gut bacteria. UCSD researchers "have created the first-ever map of all the molecules in every organ of a mouse and the ways in which they are modified by microbes," according to the UCSD press release. The research team was led by Pieter Dorrestein, PhD, professor at the UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Robert Quinn, PhD, assistant professor at Michigan State University (see article ). The findings were first published in ( ).

The production of these metabolites have been linked to a family of bacteria called Ruminococcaceae, according to the Stanford study. The deficiency of these metabolites makes individuals particularly susceptible to ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Specifically by testing their stool samples, deoxycholic acid and lithocholic acid were much lower in stool specimens taken from the ulcerative colitis patients.

Currently ulcerative colitis patients endure an invasive surgery putting them at risk of other health issues such as infections. Over a million Americans have been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis.

The Stanford findings were first published online in Cell Host & Microbe. More information is available at Stanford University's website, .
#crohnsdisease #gutbacteria #guthealth #microbiome #ulcerativecolitis

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"I am who I am" because of my gut bugs?

"I am who I am" because of ...
A February 13, 2020 article published by Psychology Central claims that our personality is shaped by the bugs, or microbes, in our gut.

Microbial diversity seems to be the key indicator to a healthy personality. Strong microbial diversity supports good mental health while a low microbial diversity points toward mental health problems such as autism or neuroticism. "Personality is both inherited and influenced by one’s environment. And the environment inside humans may matter just as much as the external environment", says Katerina Johnson in the Inverse article, and a research associate at Oxford. It is believed based on ongoing research that a lack of the Akkermansia, Lactococcus, and Osciollospir bacteria in our gut shows a tendency to autism, says the report (source: ). Conversely, a study of primates shows that social interactions can promote gut microbiome diversity, adds Dr. Johnson (see ). So the research suggests it goes both ways, even though it is not explicitly stated in these articles. We are predisposed in part to being social or anti-social based on the pre-existing level of microbiome diversity in our gut, but we can promote healthy microbiome diversity in our gut by being more social.

BBC Science reported in December 2019 that probiotics and prebiotics by nurturing and nourishing our gut bugs can help ease stress and anxiety, even aid in reducing other mental health risks. (See article, ). So yes, be at ease; the bottom line is we do have self determination; we can steer and shape and mold our own personality. . . with a little help from our microbiome friends.

#autism #braingutaxis #gutbacteria #guthealth #mentalhealth #microbiome

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Is strong Beer, the best probiotic? (in moderation)

Is strong Beer, the best probio...
According to December 03, 2019 report by a professor at Amsterdam University, strong beers can be “very, very healthy” for gut health when consumed in moderation. The key word here is "moderation", as excessive drinking can be very damaging to your gut and overall health.

Professor Eric Lassen’s research revealed that strong Belgian beers like Hoegaarden, Westmalle Tripel, and Echt Kriekenbier have more probiotics than their weaker counterparts. The research found that strong beers that go through two fermentation cycles, unlike most beers, has more of a "specific type of probiotic yeast that kills disease-causing bacteria in the gut."

There actually is a local company, Fermented Brewing Company, (FBC) which offers twice fermented beer in its bottle conditioned Saison brand. FBC is located in Hood River not far from Seattle and Portland along the Columbia River. Stop by their tasting room for a try! (
#alcohol #drinking #gutbacteria #guthealth #liverdamage #liverdisease #microbiome

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Can you get drunk without drinking alcohol? Yes.

Too much junk food? Too much junk food?
The answer is yes, and it's more common than you think. Researchers have discovered a new culprit to liver damage without even picking up your favorite alcoholic drink. That culprit is the bacteria in your gut, specifically a strain called Klebsiella pneumonia.

Not everyone's k. pneumonia creates liver damaging levels of alcohol. This gut bacteria produces a large amount of alcohol in the body in a select number of people. These bacteria reside in over 60% of patients who contract non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), in some leading to fibrosis and in fewer, the life threatening cirrhosis of the liver. An estimated 25% of the human population has alcohol producing bacteria in their body.

So "what's the point?" quoting the local AA meeting reading. "The point is" . . . well, watch what you eat. Apparently, non-alcohol induced inebriation is triggered by eating too much carbo- rich, sugary foods, according to a study by co-author Jing Yuan, a professor and director of the bacteriology laboratory at the Capital Institute of Pediatrics in Beijing. He recently shared his team's findings with Live Science (see article, ).

The good news is that even if you're an "alcoholic" without consuming even a drop of alcohol, the new finding offers opportunity to diagnose and treat NAFLD early. . . And a solution- "put down that sprinkle donut!"
#alcohol #drinking #gutbacteria #guthealth #liverdamage #liverdisease #microbiome

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