Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 54 一か八か(いちかばちか)


(いち)(ばち)かをそのまま(やく)すと、1 8 かという意味(いみ)のわからない言葉(ことば)になりますが、これはサイコロを2使(つか)って「偶数(ぐうすう)」((ちょう)()います)「奇数(きすう)」((はん)()います)で()けをする丁半(ちょうはん)博打(ばくち)から()ています。(いち)(ばち)かの(いち)は、(ちょう)漢字(かんじ)(うえ)部分(ぶぶん)(ばち)(はん)という文字(もじ)(うえ)部分(ぶぶん)意味(いみ)しているのです。


Ichi Ka bachi Ka (1 or 8)

Japanese people are familiar with the phrase "Ichi Ka bachi Ka" but many people from overseas may not know of it. The phrase “1 or 8 or nothing" means to leave something to chance, and is used in gambling.

If you translate it as-is, it becomes “1 or 8”, which is a meaningless phrase. However, it comes from "丁Cyou (Even) and 半 Han (Odd) Gambling," in which two dice are used to bet on an "even" or an "odd" number. The "1" in "1 or 8" refers to the upper part of the Chinese character for "丁" and the "8" refers to the upper part of the character for "半".

“1 or 8" means "even or odd" as it is written. You may not be sure whether you will succeed or not. However, when you try something, why don't you call it “Ichi Ka Bachi Ka"? By the way, gambling is illegal in Japan.

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__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._ あいうえお かきくけこ さしすせそ たちつてと なにぬねの はひふへほ まみむめも やいゆえよ らりるれろ わゐうゑを ん __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._

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