Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 214 日本の助数詞(にほんのじょすうし)













Counting in Japanese

The words you use to count in Japanese, or josuushi, are Japanese words that express quantity by adding numbers. When counting something, you choose an appropriate particle based on the nature, shape, and type of the object. You usually place a particle after a number to indicate the more specific nature or type of quantity.

When counting animals, the particle will depend on the type of animal, especially its size. Some typical examples are: 

Hiki (匹): 1 (ippiki), 2 (nihiki), 3 (sanbiki)...
We typically tend to use these particles to count small animals such as dogs and cats, as well as live fish.

Tou (頭): 1 (itto), 2 (nitou), 3 (santou)...
We typically use these particles to count large animals such as horses and cows.

Wa (羽): 1 (ichiwa), 2 (niwa), 3 (sanwa)...
We typically use these particles to count birds.

There are exceptions among the animal counting particles. For example, to count rabbits, we’d use 1 (ichiwa) and 2 (niwa) instead of 1 (ipiki) and 2 (nihiki), but if you did use the wrong counting particle, people would still understand what it means.

The way to count boats also depends on their size and purpose.
  • Seki (隻): A particle to count large ships and vessels.
  • Sou (艘): to count medium to small-sized vessels.
  • Kan (艦): A particle to count ships and vessels. It is generally used to count warships and military vessels.

To count people, you would use "nin" (人), but if you’re only counting one person, you would use "hitori" (one person), rather than "ichinin" (one person). When counting two people, you’d use "futari" (two people), not "niinin" (two people). For three or more people, you would use "san-nin" (three people) with "nin" added to the number.

Usage and conventions of each language determine the evolution of language while cultural factors largely influence it. For this reason, some parts of Japanese particles are difficult to learn, but as you get used to them, you will learn how to use them naturally.


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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 213 日本での仕事を探す(にほんでのしごとをさがす)








1. 日本語(にほんご)能力(のうりょく)試験(しけん)(JLPT)
- 日本語(にほんご)教育(きょういく)国際的(こくさいてき)基準(きじゅん)として(ひろ)認知(にんち)されており、日本語(にほんご)(まな)外国人(がいこくじん)にとって(もっと)一般的(いっぱんてき)試験(しけん)です。
- N1からN5までの5つのレベルがあり、N1が(もっと)上級(じょうきゅう)、N5が(もっと)初級(しょきゅう)です。
- 読解(どっかい)文法(ぶんぽう)語彙(ごい)(ちょう)(かい)会話(かいわ)などの領域(りょういき)がテストされます。

2. 日本語(にほんご)教育(きょういく)能力(のうりょく)検定(けんてい)(JEES)
- 日本語(にほんご)教育(きょういく)(かん)する能力(のうりょく)評価(ひょうか)するための試験(しけん)で、教員(きょういん)日本語(にほんご)学習者(がくしゅうしゃ)受験(じゅけん)します。
- 初級(しょきゅう)中級(ちゅうきゅう)上級(じょうきゅう)の3つのレベルがあります。
- 語彙(ごい)文法(ぶんぽう)読解(どっかい)作文(さくぶん)(ちょう)(かい)会話(かいわ)などの領域(りょういき)がテストされます。

3. 実用(じつよう)日本語(にほんご)検定(けんてい)(J-TEST)
- 日本語(にほんご)母国語(ぼこくご)としない(ひと)(たい)する日本語(にほんご)教育者(きょういくしゃ)能力(のうりょく)評価(ひょうか)するための試験(しけん)です。
- 日本(にほん)国内外(こくないがい)日本語(にほんご)教育(きょういく)機関(きかん)での教育(きょういく)(たずさ)わる(ひと)対象(たいしょう)で、初級(しょきゅう)中級(ちゅうきゅう)上級(じょうきゅう)の3つのレベルがあります。


Proof of Residence in Japan

To work in Japan, people need proof of residence (as a work visa), which falls into the following categories:

Permanent resident: With this status, people can permanently live and work in Japan without restrictions.

Japanese spouse or child: Those married to a Japanese national or with Japanese children can get this status, letting them work in Japan.

Spouse or child of permanent resident: If you’re married to a permanent resident or have a child who is a permanent resident, you can get this status to work in Japan.

Long-term resident: If you’ve lived in Japan for an extended period and meet other specific requirements, they’ll grant you this status, permitting various activity engagements, including work.

These resident statuses open doors to diverse occupations and industries in Japan. Foreign workers should ensure that their visa aligns with their intended employment activities.

Additionally, proficiency in the Japanese language is crucial for employment in Japan. The main Japanese language examinations for foreigners include:

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT):

The JLPT has five levels, from N1 (most advanced) to N5 (beginner).
They test areas include reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, listening comprehension, and conversation and it’s internationally recognized as the standard for Japanese language education. 

Japanese Language Education Proficiency Test (JEES):

The JEES has three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced and evaluates abilities related to Japanese language education, which is why teachers and learners take the test as well. This test covers vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, listening, and conversation.

Japanese for Practical Use Test (J-TEST):

The J-Test assesses Japanese language instructors’ ability to teach non-native speakers. There are three levels to the test: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

These exams serve as valuable proof of Japanese language proficiency for those studying, working, or immigrating to Japan. For detailed information on eligibility, test dates, and content, please visit the official websites of each test or relevant organizations.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 212 てにをは


- 「(わたし)は、ショッピングに()きます。」
- 「(わたし)」が主語(しゅご)で、後続(こうぞく)文章(ぶんしょう)状況(じょうきょう)行動(こうどう)(しめ)しています。

- 「(わたし)をショッピングに()れて()って。」
- 「(わたし)(たい)して(なに)かをしてもらう場合(ばあい)」に「を」を使(つか)います。ここでは、「(わたし)」を対象(たいしょう)としてショッピングに()れて()くことを要望(ようぼう)しています。

- 「(わたし)がショッピングに()れて()きます。」
- 「(わたし)(なに)かをする場合(ばあい)」に「が」を使(つか)います。ここでは、「(わたし)」がショッピングに誘導(ゆうどう)する行動(こうどう)(しめ)しています。

- 「(わたし)もショッピングに()れて()って。」
- 「(わたし)(なに)かに追加(ついか)してもらいたい場合(ばあい)」に「も」を使(つか)います。この場合(ばあい)、「(わたし)も」は「Me too」のように、(ほか)(ひと)()くショッピングに追加(ついか)参加(さんか)したい意向(いこう)(あらわ)しています。

- 「(わたし)にショッピングを(おし)えてください。」
- 「(わたし)()()(なに)をされる・されたい場合(ばあい)」に「に」を使(つか)います。ここでは、他者(たしゃ)によって(わたし)にショッピングの知識(ちしき)やアドバイスを提供(ていきょう)してもらいたいという要望(ようぼう)表現(ひょうげん)されています。



“te-ni-wo-ha” refers to particles and conjunctions in Japanese such as “ha,” “wo,” “ga,” “mo,” “ni,” and other elements that indicate relationships between words. These words serve to clarify roles and sentence structure within a sentence to impart meaning. Precise usage is important, and using these words in the wrong position or context can make a sentence unnatural or have the wrong nuance. It is important to pay attention to the proper use of “te-ni-wo-ha” in order to make sentences succinct.

“Watashi wa”:
- “Watashi wa shoppingu ni ikimasu(I am going shopping.)”
  - “Watashi” is the subject, and the following words express a description or action.

“Watashi wo”:
- “Watashi wo shoppingu ni tsurete itte.(Take me shopping.)”
  - Use “wo” when “watashi” is the object of the action. Here, “watashi” wants to be taken shopping.

“Watashi ga”:
- “Watashi ga shoppingu ni tsurete ikimasu(I will take you shopping.)”
  - Use “ga” when “watashi” is performing the action. Here, “watashi” is taking someone else shopping.

“Watashi mo”:
- “Watashi mo shoppingu ni tsurete itte(Take me shopping too.)”
  - Use “mo” when “watashi” is being added to the action. In this case, “watashi” wants to also be taken shopping, as in “Me too.”

“Watashi ni”:
- “Watashi ni shoppingu wo oshiete kudasai(Teach me to how to shop.)”
  - Use “ni” when the action is performed for “watashi.” Here, “watashi” wants others to provide shopping expertise.

As you can see, mastering the use of “ha,” “wo,” “ga,” “mo,” and “ni” is important when trying to understand Japanese.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 211 日本ではビジネスホテルが便利(にほんではビジネスホテルがべんり)


1. 手頃(てごろ)価格(かかく):ビジネスホテルは、手頃(てごろ)価格(かかく)宿泊(しゅくはく)できることが特徴的(とくちょうてき)です。

2. 機能的(きのうてき)客室(きゃくしつ)客室(きゃくしつ)(おお)きくはありませんが、基本的(きほんてき)設備(せつび)(そな)えつつ、スペースを有効(ゆうこう)活用(かつよう)して機能的(きのうてき)にデザインされています。デスク、ベッド、シャワールームがコンパクトに配置(はいち)されています。

3. (たか)清潔(せいけつ)()日本(にほん)のビジネスホテルは清潔(せいけつ)整備(せいび)されており、(おとず)れる人々(ひとびと)安心感(あんしんかん)提供(ていきょう)します。スタッフは丁寧(ていねい)かつ迅速(じんそく)対応(たいおう)(こころ)がけます。

4. ビジネスサポート:ビジネスホテルはビジネス出張者(しゅっちょうしゃ)対象(たいしょう)としており、会議(かいぎ)(しつ)やビジネスセンターを利用(りよう)できることがあります。また、無料(むりょう)のWi-Fiや仕事(しごと)をするためのデスクなどが提供(ていきょう)されることも一般的(いっぱんてき)です。

5. 便利(べんり)立地(りっち)(だい)都市(とし)主要(しゅよう)なビジネスエリアに(おお)くのビジネスホテルがあり、アクセスが便利(べんり)です。鉄道(てつどう)(えき)空港(くうこう)周辺(しゅうへん)位置(いち)することが一般的(いっぱんてき)です。

6. 朝食(ちょうしょく)サービス:(おお)くのビジネスホテルでは、宿泊(しゅくはく)料金(りょうきん)朝食(ちょうしょく)(ふく)まれていることがあります。ビジネスマンにとって(いそが)しい(あさ)でも手軽(てがる)食事(しょくじ)をとることができます。

7. 予約(よやく)のしやすさ:オンライン予約(よやく)簡単(かんたん)にでき、即時(そくじ)確認(かくにん)可能(かのう)なことが一般的(いっぱんてき)です。(おお)くのビジネスホテルは予約(よやく)サイトやアプリを(つう)じて手軽(てがる)予約(よやく)することができます。


Business Hotels in Japan

More and more tourists are opting for stays in business hotels rather than city hotels when visiting Japan. Some of those reasons include: 

1. Affordability: Business hotels are known for providing affordable accommodation options.

2. Functional rooms: While rooms may not be overly spacious, they’re functional by design, making it common to have a compact but efficient arrangement of desks, beds, and shower rooms.

3. High level of cleanliness: Japanese business hotels uphold high standards of cleanliness and maintenance, ensuring a comfortable experience for visitors. The staff is courteous and prompt.

4. Business support: tailored to cater to business travelers, these hotels may offer amenities such as access to meeting rooms and business centers and commonly provide free Wi-Fi and dedicated workspaces.

5. Convenient location: many business hotels strategically position themselves in large cities and major business districts, often near train stations and airports.

6. Breakfast Service: several business hotels include breakfast in their room rates, providing a quick and convenient meal option for busy mornings.

7. Ease of reservations: online reservations are typically straightforward, allowing immediate confirmation. So, it’s easy for someone to make a reservation through websites and apps.

These features have propelled business hotels in Japan into a favored choice among guests, offering a convenient lodging environment and competitive prices.

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