Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 214 日本の助数詞(にほんのじょすうし)

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Counting in Japanese

The words you use to count in Japanese, or josuushi, are Japanese words that express quantity by adding numbers. When counting something, you choose an appropriate particle based on the nature, shape, and type of the object. You usually place a particle after a number to indicate the more specific nature or type of quantity.

When counting animals, the particle will depend on the type of animal, especially its size. Some typical examples are: 

Hiki (匹): 1 (ippiki), 2 (nihiki), 3 (sanbiki)...
We typically tend to use these particles to count small animals such as dogs and cats, as well as live fish.

Tou (頭): 1 (itto), 2 (nitou), 3 (santou)...
We typically use these particles to count large animals such as horses and cows.

Wa (羽): 1 (ichiwa), 2 (niwa), 3 (sanwa)...
We typically use these particles to count birds.

There are exceptions among the animal counting particles. For example, to count rabbits, we’d use 1 (ichiwa) and 2 (niwa) instead of 1 (ipiki) and 2 (nihiki), but if you did use the wrong counting particle, people would still understand what it means.

The way to count boats also depends on their size and purpose.
  • Seki (隻): A particle to count large ships and vessels.
  • Sou (艘): to count medium to small-sized vessels.
  • Kan (艦): A particle to count ships and vessels. It is generally used to count warships and military vessels.

To count people, you would use "nin" (人), but if you’re only counting one person, you would use "hitori" (one person), rather than "ichinin" (one person). When counting two people, you’d use "futari" (two people), not "niinin" (two people). For three or more people, you would use "san-nin" (three people) with "nin" added to the number.

Usage and conventions of each language determine the evolution of language while cultural factors largely influence it. For this reason, some parts of Japanese particles are difficult to learn, but as you get used to them, you will learn how to use them naturally.


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