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Schedule for January 6th Meeting

12:00Call meeting to order (reminder, turn off cell phones) - Welcome everyone and introduce yourself - The Pledge of Allegiance - Introduce new alternate member - Ask “yellow badge” members to introduce themselves, and members to introduce their guests - Thank facilitators ? 1 minute at the microphone
12:10Shannon introduces outgoing board members and committee chairs ? presents gifts to them
12:20Shannon turns meeting over to Corey Coffman of LC Jergens Painting Co., who opens roast agenda
12:45Roast agenda closed by Corey who presents gift to Shannon. He then returns the meeting over to her.
12:50Shannon turns gavel over to new president Ken Uchikura of Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. Ken makes first speech as president and introduces new Board of Directors
12:58Leads Committee pick up leads
1:00Meeting adjourned

#Business #Marketing

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