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Welcome New President Mayumi Nakamura

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Welcome New President Mayum...
Mayumi Nakamura of Pacific Software Publishing addressed Seattle Execs on July 8 for the first time as President of the Association.

“Pay It Forward” is Mayumi's motto for her term.

Here are some excerpts from her speech -

"Over the past 12 years, I have met so many people in this organization who have helped us get our company where it is today. Whether it’s a connection with another person, a product or service, or just a piece of good advice, many of you have set us on a track for success."

"Opportunities have been handed to me throughout my life, and that have brought me to this podium today. I would be nothing without people who cared to see me succeed; people who invested time and resources in me."

"That’s why it is my mission to 'pay it forward' and give opportunities to others. And that is the message I want to encourage for all of you today."

"It is vital to the success of our economy and this organization that our partnerships are mutual and we help each other grow with advice, with leads, with friendship, with mentorship, and with our business. So during my term as president, I ask you all to do just that."

"Let’s give opportunities to our fellow members in hopes that they will one day be able to reciprocate."

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