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Part 2: Reading the sake label 

Sake bottles normally display two labels. 
The large front label often displays the “sake brand” in the center of the bottle, while the right or left side shows the special sake designation (such as Junmai Daiginjo, etc.). 
The production year, month, and date indicated is the sake bottling date. The label also lists the alcohol content, volume of the bottle, and the names of the brewery and master sake brewer.  
The back label lists important information such as the sake meter value - a positive or negative value that indicates the sake is sweet or dry. Generally, the greater the negative value, the sweeter the flavor; and the greater the positive value, the dryer the flavor. This positive or negative sake meter value is determined by the sugar content in sake. The higher the sugar content, the greater the negative number; and the lower the sugar content, the greater the positive sake meter value. Sake with a positive sake meter value that is lighter in relative density than water is lower in sugar content, etc., while sake with a negative sake meter value that is heavy in relative density is higher in sugar content, etc. 
Generally, sake with scary names such as oni, kujira, otoko, etc., tend to be dry in flavor. 
Approximately sixty-five percent of all sake produced is standard sake. As sales of Ginjo and Junmai Ginji increase however, the overall sales of sake is also increasing.  
裏ラベルには重要なことが書かれてある。日本酒度は甘辛のことで、一般的にマイナスになればなるほど甘口、プラスになればなるほど辛口とされている。 このプラスとマイナスは、お酒の中にどれくらい糖分が入っているかどうかで決まり、 お酒の中に糖分が多ければマイナスになり、少なければプラスになる。比重が水より軽いプラスの値のお酒は甘味のもとである糖分などが少なく、比重が重いマイナスの値のお酒は糖分などがより多く含まれているため。
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