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  • Sake is brewed from yellow koji. 

Sake is brewed from yellow koji. 

The most important part of brewing sake is the brewing methods used – first koji, second yeast, and three-step method. 
1:Process the ingredients: Polish, wash, and soak the rice. 
2:Prepare koji: Prepare the koji. 
3:Yeast starter: Prepare by cultivating quality yeast using steamed rice, koji, and water to brew sake. 
4:Prepare fermentation-mash: Apply the three-step fermentation method to divide the water, steam the rice, and prepare malted rice in three steps. 
5:Fermentation (aged fermentation mash)
6:Press the mash: Press the aged fermentation mash to leave the sake lees. 
7:Precipitate the sediments (in fresh new sake): Precipitate the sediments to the bottom and extract the clear sake. 
8:Filter and pasteurize the sake (heat the sake to sterilize and prevent deterioration in quality)
9:Store, mix, and dilute the sake with water (add the mother water and mix with sake)
10:Bottle the sake
Sake brewing is a biotechnology that utilizes the functions of microorganisms, maximized by the skills and experiences of brewery workers. 
造りかたは、 最重要点、一麹、二元(酒母)、三造り
1:原料処理 玄米を精米し、寝かし、洗米、浸漬
2:製麹  麹(こうじ)をつくること。
3:酒母 (しゅぼ)日本酒の醸造のために、蒸した米・麹・水を用いて優良な酵母を培養したもの
4:醪(もろみ)造り、 水・蒸米・麹米を、三段に分けて仕込む(3段仕込み)
6:上槽(じょうそう) 熟成したもろみを搾る。酒粕が残る

#alljapannews #japanese #japanesesake #koji #sake #sakebrewing

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