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The Onigiri boom arrives in the Bay Area of San Francisco!

The Onigiri boom arrives in th... The Onigiri boom arrives in th... The Onigiri boom arrives in th... The Onigiri boom arrives in th... The Onigiri boom arrives in th... The Onigiri boom arrives in th... The Onigiri boom arrives in th...
By Elli Sekine

Data for Japan’s convenience stores say that 6 billion onigiris (rice balls) are sold each year. A major convenience store chain, Seven Eleven, for instance, sells about 4 million onigiris every day. The number of onigiris consumed every day should be enormous if you include sales at supermarkets and bento specialty establishments. A young group of people were making a plan to launch a franchise business in North America with onigiris, a Japanese daily food, in 2007.

I had been to one of their onigiri sampling events back then before this business started. In those days, onigiris were not sold anywhere except in a few Japanese markets. Sushi had already gained overwhelming popularity in the San Francisco area, and onigiris were also considered to be sushi. In other words, people used to think that rice + seaweed = sushi. In those days, most of them thought that it would be too difficult to market onigiris as a product, due to such poor recognition among the people. However, the three entrepreneurs made a passionate presentation at La Cocina, the organization to support immigrant women’s food businesses in San Francisco, despite the gender gap being men, and seized the opportunity to be supported by them. They launched “Onigilly”, operated in outdoor tents for a while, and then opened an independent store. They are on the right track, successfully increasing the number of the establishments, and heading towards a typical success story.

Currently, in San Francisco, the onigiri boom has arrived. In San Francisco, where commodity prices are going up all the time, onigiris are a good value. They are inexpensive, healthy, and delicious. People rush to buy them in large numbers.

The demand for them is expanding, and not just sold at onigiri shops now. They are now also delivered to IT industry lunches as catering, as boxed lunches for meetings, Uber Eats, etc. Unlike sushi, onigiris are easier to handle because they are not raw. The recipes are simple, and anybody can make them. Each piece is completed, so the quantity can be easily calculated by the number of pieces. For busy one-handed eaters of today, onigiris help them save eating time, and health-conscious people look to them as a superfood for gluten-free or vegan diets.

Presently, there are 5 “Onigilly” restaurants. It has been 6 years since the first opening, and the menu has been evolved yearly. They have expanded the variety, and depending on the size of each restaurant, they are offering other things besides onigiris such as rice bowls which you can add toppings of your choice, zousui (rice porridge), a noodle soup, a tofu noodle salad, etc. The onigiri boom has already spread to NY, LA, etc., and onigiri menus are diversified from high-end to fast-food. Zousui and chazuke are appearing on menus as well.

“Samovar”, a health-conscious restaurant + café in San Francisco, which took the world by storm 10 years ago, opened another restaurant at SFO (San Francisco Airport), which is known as the most gourmet airport, last year.

There are currently 5 “Samovar”s in the Bay Area, and each of them offers slightly different designs and menus. Their SFO location is run by a different team of people than its founders. The “Operator Tastes on the Fly” has invested an enormous capital of $4.1 billion to run the SFO location. They operate as a tea café of San Francisco, at New York, Denver airports, and neighboring high-end hotels, where other local popular restaurants have been selected also.

“Samovar Tea Lounge SFO” ‘s sophisticated exterior and interior are extraordinary. A high-class tea bar, a full bar, and a dining space are set up, and all the menu items are healthy. You can enjoy your meal in a big oasis-like space in the airport. Its rice menu contains smoked duck porridge ($14.5), hojicha ochazuke ($14.50), and salmon egg bowl ($14.50), and you can also add a half-boiled egg or a soup on the side. It is a precious airport gourmet place where you can have a comforting meal before your departure, or upon your arrival.

Mr. Koji Kanematsu, the founder of “Onigilly” has said at the first year, “I want to aim for an onigiri chain that will expand to 500 locations nationwide.” People who were there were laughing at him behind his back then, but this big dream of his does not seem impossible now. The “Onigilly” chain is surely increasing the number of its restaurants, and onigiris are appearing more and more on the menus of many restaurants and fast-food establishments. Nobody calls onigiris sushi anymore. It does not seem long before this dream of the team of Japanese entrepreneurs who have been running towards it the last 10 years, will be realized.


日本のコンビニエンスストアではオニギリは年間60 億個売れているというデータがある。大手コンビニのセブンイレブンをとっても1 日に約400 万個という消費量だ。これにスーパーやお弁当屋などを入れると驚異的な数字になるだろう。

そんな日本の日常食、おにぎりのチェーン店を北米で展開しようと若いグループが2007 年に起業を構想していた。筆者は当時起業する前のおにぎり試食会に出かけている。当時、寿司が圧倒的な人気を得ていたサンフランシスコでは出回っていなかった。寿司が圧倒的な人気を得ていたサンフランシスコでは、おにぎりも寿司と呼ばれていた。要するにご飯+海苔=寿司という認識だった。

そんな中、おにぎりを商品化するのは厳しいのではないかという意見がほとんどだった。しかし3 人の起業家たちは、サンフランシスコで移民女性達のフードビジネスを支援するLa Cocina で男性でありながら、熱いプレゼンをし、ビジネス支援のチャンスを掴みとった。その後「Onigilly」を起業、テント販売を経て独立店舗をオープン、店舗数を増やすといったサクセスストーリーのレールに乗っている。



現在、「Onigilly」は、ベイエリアに5店舗を構える。最初の店舗オープンから6 年経ち、メニューも年々進化している。最近ではオニギリに加えて、好きなものをトッピングに加えていくライスボール(Rice Bowl)、雑炊、ヌードルスープ、豆腐ヌードルサラダなど、店舗の広さによりメニューは異なるが、バラエティーに富んだ内容だ。おにぎりブームはすでにNY、LAなどにも広がり、おにぎりメニューは日本食レストラン以外のハイエンドからファーストフードまで多様化し、メニューも雑炊(粥)や茶漬けなどがメニューに登場し始めている。

サンフランシスコのティーカフェで10 年前に一世風靡したヘルシー系レストラン+カフェの「Samovar」は去年、全米で最もグルメなエアポートと言われるSFO(サンフランシスコ空港)にオープンした。「Samovar」は現在ベイエリアに5店舗を構えるが、店舗によりデザインやメニューが多少異なる。SFO店は創業者とは別チームで、Operator Tastes on the Fly が$4.1 ビリオンという巨額資金を投じてオペレーションを行い、サンフランシスコからニューヨーク、デンバー空港、隣接するハイエンドホテルのティーカフェとして参入する。いずれも地元の人気店が選ばれている。

 「Samovar Tea Lounge SFO」は、洗練された外観、インテリアは異彩を放っている。高級なティーバー、フルバー、ダイニングが設置され、食事メニューは全て健康食。空港のオアシスとも言うべき広々としたスペースでは落ち着いて食事ができる。ご飯メニューには、スモークダック($14.50)のお粥、焙じ茶のお茶漬け($14.50)、サーモンエッグボウル($14.50)がベースで、オプションで半熟卵やスープをサイドでつけることもできる。出国、帰国の際に癒しの食事ができる貴重なエアポートグルメだ。

 「Onigilly」の創業者、金松こうじ氏は起業元年に「全米500 店舗を展開するおにぎりチェーン店を目指したい」と語った。同席していたものは鼻で笑っていたが、その夢は満更でもない。「Onigilly」は確実に店舗数を増やし、オニギリメニューは多くのレストランからファーストフード店まで拡散している。今やオニギリを寿司と呼ぶ人はいなくなった。

カート一つから夢を実現させようとこの10 年走り続けた日本人起業家達の夢が叶う日もそう遠くなさそうだ。

Onigilly (Newly opend)
164 University Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94301
(650) 313-2104
Mon.-Sun. 11:00am-9:00pm

Samovar Tea Lounge(Newly opend)
International Terminal A
San Francisco
(650) 821-8949
7:00am-8:00 pm
#Japanese #SF #alljapannews #oinigiri #onigilly

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Enjoy sake more casually

By Yuji Matsumoto

Japanese sake is still a largely unfamiliar beverage to American consumers.
Ninety percent of sake is consumed in restaurants, indicating the unfortunate reality that sake is still far from being casually enjoyed in private homes and parties.

One of the reasons is because the true flavors of sake and how they’re enjoyed is not widely introduced. Therefore, to American diners, sake is still a unique beverage to be enjoyed at local sushi bars. Also, because the prices can be at times higher, products may not be lined visibly on store shelves and information may be lacking on labels, which may be contributing to this issue.

In this issue, I will give you a simple overview of how to select sake.

First, it’s important to decide what menu selections to enjoy the sake with. Similar to how wine enhances the foods you eat, sake is also to be enjoyed during meals.

Meat dishes: Junmai or Junmai Kimoto is recommended (from Kyushu, Tohoku, Kanto, Hokuriku or Nada regions)

Chicken dishes: Ginjo class (from Hiroshima, Niigata, Nada, Hokuriku, and Kanto regions) is recommended

Fish dishes: Ginjo and Daiginjo class (Niigata, Hiroshima, Shikoku, Kyoto regions) are recommended.

Of course, flavoring and preparation methods will influence your choice of sake, but first, it would be interesting to sample sake by region.













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A desire to create fans of Japan by spreading Yakitori to the world

A desire to create fans of Jap... A desire to create fans of Jap... A desire to create fans of Jap... A desire to create fans of Jap... A desire to create fans of Jap...
By Aya Ota

Only after a year since they opened “MIFUNE New York” and “sushi AMANE” at the same time in the Midtown East area, Tokyo Restaurants Factory Inc. opened Toriko NY, the third Yakitori specialty restaurant, in the West Village District in late August of 2018, and is attracting a lot of attention.

“I already anticipate a huge potential,” says Hiroyuki Morishima, General Manager of the Overseas Business Division of the company. The “Toriko” is a successful business model among the high-end Japanese restaurant chains in Japan developed by Tokyo Restaurants Factory Inc. Its concept, “to enjoy Yakitori, which used to be inexpensive casual food culture, in a stylish and sophisticated ambience with wine”, caught on. Since the opening of its first restaurant in 2011, this chain has been growing steadily, and there are 15 of them in Tokyo and Osaka combined. They were sure that this “Toriko” concept would be well received in the dining scene of New York as well from the very beginning of the company’s plan to go to New York, and had been working on its realization. In the preparation of its opening, the experience and knowledge with the opening of “MIFUNE” somewhat helped them in terms of construction, certificates application, hiring etc., but they still experienced many difficulties in developing a completely different type of business model in a completely different geographical condition. As part of their marketing efforts, they started early by hiring a PR company in order to collect customers, so many people visit by seeing the media advertisement; however, the presence and the ambience of the restaurants are also attracting people’s eyes, and drawing neighboring people to the restaurant as well. By word of mouth, they already started gathering regular customers.

“The chicken meat we get here is totally different from what we get in Japan, so we repeated trial and error a lot for the whole processes of preparations, grilling, and spices in order to achieve Japan quality,” says Shinji Odahara, the Culinary Director. He is the executive chef, who manages the whole group, and was called in for the opening of this New York location. He tried so many different kinds of chicken meat, checking the quality by touching and cooking, and settled with the “Bobo Chickens” which are raised freely out of cages in the northern New York State. One selling point of the restaurant is serving of rare parts such as Seseri-Neck, Yagen-Soft Bone, and Bonjiri-Tail, and each part is prepared and grilled with matching delicacy and particularity to complete. By utilizing multiple different sauces and salts exquisitely, best possible tastes are being brought out.

Presently, they offer only 2 menu items for the dining room, “Omakase Course” ($85), and “Toriko Course” ($72). The Omakase Course starts with the “Seasonal Amuse Bouche, 4 kinds”, and followed by the “Chicken-Bone Soup”, and the “Foie Gras Chawanmushi”. After cleaning your pellet with the “House-made Rice Bran Pickled Vegetable/Grated Daikon”, the main Yakitori dish finally comes with 5 chicken skewers, 2 vegetable skewers, tsukune, and wagyu”. To end the course, you get either rice or noodle dish: shio ramen or oyako don. A dessert is also served in this gorgeous course. At the bar, you can order a-la-carte menu items. In order to accommodate some Americans’ requests, they have gluten-free sauce and a vegan menu. They also handle customers who do not care for internal organ parts flexibly. At the Toriko restaurants in Japan, majority of people enjoy Yakitori with wine, but here, at the New York location, the ratio of wine and sake sales is half and half.

“I am certain that Yakitori will be as well accepted as sushi in the US,” says Morishima.  “To create fans of Japan” is a mission of Tokyo Restaurants Factory Inc. It may not be too long before you see “Toriko” all over the US.


ミッドタウン・イーストに『MIFUNE New York』『sushi AMANE』を同時開店してからわずか1年―。東京レストランツファクトリー株式会社が、3店舗目となる焼き鳥専門店『鳥幸ニューヨーク』を2018年8月末、ウェストヴィレッジ地区に開店し、注目が集まっている。


2011年に1店舗目を開店以来、着実に店舗を増やし、現在は東京と大阪で15 店舗展開している。同社がニューヨーク進出を検討していた当初から、『鳥幸』はニューヨークのダイニング・シーンに受け入れられるという確信があり、計画を進めてきたという。開店準備に当たっては、工事、許認可申請、人材採用などの面では、『MIFUNE』での経験や知見に助けられたこともあったが、やはり、全く異なる立地条件で全く異なる業態の展開には苦労も多かったという。集客・マーケティングは、PR会社に依頼して早い段階からメディアに掲載されたことで、メディアを見て来る客が多いが、店の存在や雰囲気自体も人目を引き、近所に住む客も多く訪れる。すでに人が人を呼び、早くも常連客が着いてきたそうだ。





76 Carmine Street
New York, NY 10014
Tel: 646-596-8198

Dinner : Mon – Sat 5:00pm – 11:30pm
(Last Order 10:30pm)
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A new notable sight is born in Little Tokyo

A new notable sight is born in... A new notable sight is born in... A new notable sight is born in... A new notable sight is born in... A new notable sight is born in...
By Keiko Fukuda

A takoyaki food truck first appeared in the Los Angeles area a few years ago. Back then, Okonomiyaki restaurants had already existed, but there were no takoyaki restaurants. Every time I came across the takoyaki food truck, I would run to it so I wouldn’t miss the opportunity to taste takoyaki. The name of the takoyaki establishment is TaNoTa. It consists of the three first syllables of the names of the Japanese men who contributed to the founding of this business.

In March of 2018, TaNoTa opened a restaurant at the entrance of the Japanese Village Plaza, the center location of Little Tokyo, where many local Asians, Americans who love Japanese cultures, and tourists hang out. There is a take-out order counter and 6 seating spaces only; however, you can also order and taste takoyaki at the tables of the okonomiyaki restaurant, Chinchikurin, because theyshare the restaurant space with them.

The owner, Takeo Shibatani, who represents the first syllable, Ta of TaNoTa, came to Los Angeles with the hopes of starting both a surfing and a Japanese food business after retiring from the eat-out restaurant industry in Japan. Shibatani, who is from Osaka, noticed the fact that there was no place in Los Angeles, where authentic takoyaki was served yet, and decided to launch the takoyaki business as his Japanese food business goal. However, he did not have enough money to open a restaurant, so he got money invested by a friend whose name represents the second syllable, No, and started to sell takoyaki on a food truck as the start, in 2010.

Along with the sales from using the food truck, he aggressively pushed the sales at various events, which he still does presently. “I tried to sell takoyaki at an event before starting the food truck business. It was a huge hit. People waited in line for an hour to buy. Most of them were not even Japanese!” He sold out 500 meals.
Even now, they still participate in various events 70 times a year. They are especially the busiest in the summer when many outdoor festivals are held. They are also busy with China-related festivals during the Chinese New Year celebration.

The menu of the long-awaited restaurant, which opened on the street corner, consists of 7 kinds of takoyaki; original, jalapeño, ponzu, wasabi, mentaiko, sesame, and parmigiana truffle, and some side menu items; 3 kinds of shaved ice, beers and Japanese sake. “I often see people working in the area leisurely drop by to have a drink, ordering takoyaki as nibbles,” says Shibatani. He expressed an idea for the future to offer a beer and takoyaki set menu for the happy-hour customers.

Most importantly, the takoyaki is cooked carefully with machines which are manufactured by the partner company, Chinchikurin. The 7 different flavors are differentiated by the sauces. I tried the parmigiana truffle kind. The hot melted cheese went superbly well with the takoyaki!

In fact, Shibatani’s company also takes on a wholesale business of frozen takoyaki for other restaurants besides the sales at his own restaurant, and at the various events.

“I was convinced that I would succeed with takoyaki when I was working at a friend’s ramen restaurant before I started my own business. They had takoyaki as a side menu item, and it was selling very well,” says Shibutani. Moreover, the company sells takoyaki makers manufactured by Chinchikurin. I must say that they seem to be controlling the takoyaki business single-handedly.

It was 2 o’clock in the afternoon of a weekday when I visited. The Japanese Village Plaza, where this restaurant is located, was busy as usual with many people. 10 years or so ago, you could not imagine such popularity of the area. You hardly saw any one walking in the area. However, the town was revived by the opening of series of popular restaurants in Little Tokyo, which include Daikokuya (ramen), Monzo (udon), Kura (revolving sushi), and Shinsengumi (yakitori and ramen), which have been attracting so many people into the area. I would like to see TaNoTa (takoyaki) grow to become one of such magnetic places, which draw people into the area.











350 E.1st St. Los Angeles CA 90012

Mon+Wed.-Fri..11:30am-2:45pm, 5:00pm-10:30pm
Tuesday Closed
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The Most Full-fledged Seminar for Sake Brewers in the U.S.: Part 2

By Kosuke Kuji

I’m a firm believer that brewing delicious sake worldwide will lead to more consumers enjoying Japanese sake. To accomplish this, we must introduce the latest Japanese sake brewing technology, emphasize the meaning and importance of foreign brewers brewing authentic Japanese sake in Japan, where Japanese sake production started; how to prepare sake in small quantities, and other information in demand in the U.S. and worldwide to refine the flavor of sake brewed in foreign countries and generate a wonderful, synergistic effect!

In the wine industry, French wine is not the end-all-be-all, with high-quality wine also produced in California, Chile, Argentina, etc., which helped popularize wine worldwide. Similarly, high-quality Japanese sake produced locally worldwide could also popularize wide-scale consumption of sake at affordable prices, generating sake with additional value from among these sake to create the “Opus One” of Japanese sake worldwide, while simultaneously increasing the value of Japanese sake produced in Japan. I believe this will create a synergistic effect for both sides!

I’m excited to see which one of the brewers overseas who attended this seminar will become the “Opus One” of sake brewers overseas! This seminar is the first step forward, not for immediate results, but towards the future. The results may be evident for five years, maybe ten, but I can’t wait! We Japanese sake brewers must not fall behind either, but continue striving to produce high-quality sake and work hard together to refine our sake brewing technologies!

アメリカで世界初の本格的な醸造セミナー   その2


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