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ClockLink and Internet Explorer 9 Beta

ClockLink and Internet Explore...
Some people are reporting that Internet Explorer 9 Beta is having issues with FLASH content that includes clocks from

Because this is a beta version of IE and is not a final version, we are not trying to fix the problems right now. If the problem continues after the official release of IE 9, we will do our best to support it.

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30,081,054 clock views recorded

There was over 30,000,000 clock views recorded. We come very close to 30 million but it is not easy to go over that number.

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A Happy Thanksgiving

A Happy Thanksgiving
On behalf of all the employees at PSPINC, we hope that everyone has a lovely Thanksgiving. And for those customers that are not celebrating Thanksgiving, we hope you have a wonderful rest of the week.

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Database Cleaning

Database Cleaning
As a part of site upgrade, we are cleaning up log database. It has grown to more than 600GB. Imagine 30 million entry per day for a long time.

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New features are coming

We are currently developing several new features to which will increase ease of use and increase more exposure for our clock users. Please keep checking the site often.

The clock you see above has no mouse over advertisement or link back to

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Daylight Saving Time Auto Adjust

It appears that our new auto adjustment module is working. If you have any problem, please report it to us.

Thanks for using

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Daylight Saving Auto Adjust Module

Daylight Saving Auto Adjust Mod...
We have deployed Daylight Saving Auto Adjust Module today. The service is stable and we see no sign of problem at this point. We will know if this module has worked this weekend.

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Daylight Saving Hour Adjustment

Daylight Saving Hour Adjustment
We are releasing new and refined version of Automatic Daylight Saving Hour Adjustment System for this week. We are currently testing the system to make sure the time will be correct.

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ClockLink on Mobile Devices

ClockLink on Mobile Devices
Clocks offered at are made using Flash. That means, neither iPhone or iPad can be used to view them. We have experimented with HTML 5 like Apple suggested, but we do not have enough know-how to create good working model. On the other hand, if you are using Google Android Phones, you can view clocks just like you would on any PCs or Mac.

Do you think we should develop clocks for iPhone and iPad?
Please VOTE!

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Australian Daylight Saving Time

Australian Daylight Saving Time
We are aware of not adjusting to Australian Daylight Savings time now. We will deploy automated daylight savings time adjustment this week. The time will be correct when we deploy this software upgrade.

Thank you for your support.

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