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You can now "Like: the bloguru post on your Facebook. ---- I did not like the way it was working, so we revert to the older version.
Today seemed more summer than any day this summer. I plead golf today. It was a good exercise.
Today the temperature will raise almost up to 80F. This may be the last summer like day in Seattle. I will play golf and go to the office later.
Featured speakers at Seattle Execs on September 21st were members Laurie Almoslino President of PC Database Solutions and Ken Hoving VP Business Development at PSR Mechanical.
This is a photo of a 1899 Locomobile Runabout steam car. These vapor fueled cars were built from 1899 to 1903. Powered by a two cylinder 57ci, 927cc steam engine. The Locomobile Runabout could travel at 30mph, for 20 miles on a single tank of water! The Locomobile is credited for being the first automobile to be used ...
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Don Roberts of Don Roberts Associates led Execs in a song of birthday wishes for Adam Broetje of Odd Dog Media at yesterday's lunch meeting!
This is a Photo of Mt. Rainier. For some reason when looking at this photo I can't help but remember the many hours I spent in from of the television watching Bob Ross paint mountains, and "happy little trees", His cool demeanor, his whispering tone, his afro! Rest in Peace Bob Ross. This photo of Mt. Rainier is great; a ...
Looking for completely random, royalty free stock photos? Head to Free Tiny Images and check out the selection of photos, use them for whatever you like! I'm not sure the story behind this photo, but I'm pretty sure someone needs to switch to decaf!