You're already an expert on taking photos, optimizing them for your website, and you know how to upload them to WebdeXpress. Now it’s time to make sur...
$26.2 billion sounds a lot but it is a lot better buy than $8.5 billion they spent on NOKIA provided Microsoft can so something with 433 million Linked in users. When you think about it, Microsoft spend $60.51 per user. Linked in has revenue of $2.99 billion last year ... so that means, each user produced about $6.91 per year ...
posted 2016-06-13 17:30
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
Microsoft が Linked in を $26,200,000,000 で買った。これは日本円にして役 2,777,200,000,000円 (2兆7772億円) というわけのわからない数字だ。この数字は日本の GDP のほぼ 5%にあたる、そしてアメリカの GDP の 1.5% の数字だ。...