In the tech world, you’ll hear the word, “cloud” frequently, especially when linked to services like iCloud and Google Drive among many others. But what exactly is “the cloud” and what role does it play in business today? The cloud generally refers to servers and the software and databases that run on those...
After Bing announced they’d integrate the AI-generated chatbot, ChatGPT, Google announced their own rival chatbot, Bard. Since then, Google opened access to Bard via a waitlist (much like Bing) in late March. Unsurprisingly, now that users have access to both, it begs the question of which one is better. In the search engi...
ChatGPT is a popular free-to-use AI-generated chatbot. To use it, just go to the ChatGPT webpage and enter a search query, much like you would in a search engine bar. OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, however, recommends typing search queries as a statement instead of a question as it will render more accurate re...
posted 2023-02-17 19:00
山田 武彦
こんにちは最近になって、PCを起動すると画面中央に「検索バー」が表示されて驚きました。検索窓にカーソルを当てると、オフにするという表示が出るので、選択すれば以降は、表示されません。いったい、なんだこりゃ??という事で、調べてみたところ、「Windows 11のプレビュー版(Developerビルド)...
We’ve all heard of virtual reality (VR), especially with conversations around the metaverse getting more frequent. But augmented reality (AR) is similar. Rather than immersing people in a fully virtual world, it incorporates objects from the real-world environment and enhances them. By mapping three-dimensional virtual ob...
お客様各位 平素よりPSPINC のサービスをご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。 弊社の一部サービスで使用しております 他社のSMSメッセージ配信システムで不具合が発生しております。 その影響により、アメリカ西海岸時間 3月31日午後3時頃、日本時間 4月1日午前7時頃から SMSメッセージの...
昨年、マイクロソフトはInternet Explorer のサポート終了を発表しました。Internet Explorer 1.0として知られる最初のバージョンは、1995年にWindows 95と一緒に導入されました。しかし、競合他社のブラウザ(Netscape、Mosaic、Lynx、Opera...
Last year, Microsoft announced they were favoring Microsoft Edge by retiring Internet Explorer after 25 years. The first version, known as Internet Explorer 1.0 was introduced in 1995 alongside Windows 95. However, it didn’t gain much traction because many users preferred using their competitors’ browsers, namely...
By definition, the metaverse is a virtual reality space where users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users. Culturally, it’s becoming a much bigger buzz word. Especially now that every big tech company is announcing that they too are joining the metaverse. But what is the metaverse really? In...
ついにサンディエゴオフィスが7人に成長しました。 https://sandiegotown.com の広告営業からスタートしたチームは、現在では Web 開発や SEO 対応などの各種のサービスを提供できるチームに育てきました。 ホームページの開発、プロモーションに関するお問い合わせは PSPINC...