What you are looking at are the web pages from Pspinc.com back in 1996/1997. Yes, we have been hosting and developing website for 23 years. Some of the people developing websites nowadays were not even born. We have build the website from the HTML 1.0 to current. We have upgraded our system every year since ...
Nabe is a Japanese word for a pot. But if you use the same word for food, it refers to hot pot like you see here. If you are in Japan in the winter, make sure you look for NABE restaurants. This was at NABE-ZO ... one of my favorite NABE restaurants in Japan.
posted 2019-02-15 16:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Compliment Nobody doesn't want to be complimented. “Good Job”, “Nice Work”, “Great Idea” even just a “Thank you” would make their day. But in addition...
喫茶店のスパゲティ I wanted to eat Japanese Coffee Shop (Kissaten) Spaghetti today. So, I made it. It is a ketchup based spaghetti. I have a craving for it som...
Albert Einstein said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” That’s great advice, especially when it comes to business...
Bento ... Are you hungry?
I strongly believe relationships in business – a company and its customers, a company and its employees, a manager and team – must work like a marriag...
Grilled SaltedPacific Saury. If you can and enjoy eating this (サンマの塩焼き) you are truly Japanese....
posted 2019-02-11 16:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
How do you differentiate your web development service? Please tell me if you have the answer. Isn't it like trying differentiate your bottle of water from the other brands?