Japanese Anime Heroes and Heroines I do not know how many of you watch Japanese anime. I sometimes watch it on YouTube and I really enjoy it. However,...
デパート でぱーと Depa-to Department Store...
景色 けしき Keshiki View けしきがいいですね Keshiki Ga Iidesune Nice View...
To communicate with foreigners visiting Japan, many Japanese local governments are handing out finger pointing translation sheets. By pointing what they want t say, people in Japan would understand what they are trying to say. This is a great idea.
ばった Batta Glashoper...
We3 have a new coffee machine at HQ. It is fancy coffee maker that we are testing. Because of that, everyone goes to HQ to get a cup of coffee. So nobody makes coffee any more at R&D building where I reside. I have no coffee ... I am dinking tea.
新聞 しんぶん Shinbun Newspaper しんぶんをみましたか Shinbun o Mimashitaka Have you seen the newspaper?...
眼鏡 めがね Megane Eye Glasses 眼鏡屋 めがねや Meganeya Eye Glass Store...
how much would you pay for this? It is a great rib steak. I paid less than $30 in Japan.
切符 きっぷ Kippu Ticket きっぷはいくらですか Kippu wa Ikura Desuka How much is the ticket?...