posted 2019-10-16 09:13
ウチクラ ケンイチ
While I was swimming, it started to rain ... I parked at the wrong spot. Fall is here.
友達 ともだち Tomodachi Friends タイニーとポンポンは友達です。 Learn Japanese Language and Culture at https://www.japanese-online.com...
Once in w hile I have to go to COSTCO and pick up things. When I go to COSTCO, I make an extra effort to make sure I buy pizzas for my company. Today I bought pumpkin pies and ice cream bars.
気を付けて 気をつけて きをつけて Kiotsukete Be careful...
洪水 こうずい Kouzui Flooding...
Japan was hit by one of the biggest typhoons in the recent history. There are some reports of people missing and death. We play for the fast rescue an...
Something you should know. Abnormal market behavior where consumers purchase the higher-priced goods whereas similar low-priced (but not identical) substitutes are available. It is caused either by the belief that higher price means higher quality, or by the desire for conspicuous consumption (to be seen as buying an ...
Shinto is consider as a religion all over the world except in Japan. Funny, isn't it. This video explains why.
posted 2019-10-11 16:18
ウチクラ ケンイチ
It is good to have two of our most reliable app developers from San Diego and Japan here this week.
分かりました (understand) 解りました (Solved) わかりました Wakarimashita I understood or I solved it...