I just completed the coronavirus testing. This is a free service we found for Washington State residents. This is a part of study conducted by researc...
According to CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) National Center for Health Statistics 2018. Deaths and Mortality data for the US. says. ...
posted 2020-08-04 17:01
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
ワシントン州では、大学と政府、医療機関が連結して連結して Covid-19 の検査を広く行おうとしています。その一環がこの SCAN と呼ばれる無料のサービス。私も今日申し込みました。明日の午後2時にキットが会社に届けられて、検査を自分で行って、それをドアとの外に出しておくと、ピックアップしてくれる...
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is monitoring and observing all Federal, State, County, and City regulations to ensure the safety and well-being of ...
posted 2020-03-15 17:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
The reason why we are scared of Coronavirus is that we cannot see =them and we do not know how we can contract for sure. NameWhenNo. of Death Antonine Plague166 - 1805,000,000 Plague of Justinian541-54230 ~ 50,000,000 Japanese Smallpox Epidemic735 - 7371,000,000 Black Death (Bubonic Plague1347-1351200,000,00...
I asked for disposable chopsticks and spoon. It was good bowl of noodle and soup. I may be risking Coronavirus infection ... but how long can you stay at home? I'm sure all restaurants are hurting. If you are scared, stay home. That is your choice. I am not downplaying the virus. I just do not want to be so scared all the ...
There is not very many people eating out. People are staying home to avoid contact with others. People are scared of Coronavirus. There are many businesses hiring because people are scared. Business closure and lay offs are starting. I do not know what I can do but eating out will help a little. I may be stupid to eat out...
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is not he first pandemic nor the biggest. Let's look at the history of Pandemic. NameWhenNo. of Death ------------------------------ Antonine Plague166 - 1805,000,000 Plague of Justinian541-54230 ~ 50,000,000 Japanese Smallpox Epidemic735 - 7371,000,000 Black Death (Bubonic Plague1347-1351200...