I bought a set of Nike Golf Shoes for a very good price ... may be. The original price was $260 but was on sale for 60% off. That took it down to $104. I has coupon for additional 20% off. And farther more I had free shipping coupon too. I am very cheap and I don't usually spend more than $80 on any pair of shoes, golf s...
All of the Blogs, None of the Ads. Bloguru is completely ad-free. Keep your blog looking clean and your load times fast. Besides, if your company wants to use Blog to promote your business, why should you choose the blog that may display your competitor's advertisement? Search Engine Optimized Bloguru was designed fro...
If you listen very carefully, there is a clue to Apple's success. Do you hear what I heard? What I heard is that you should be spending as much money in marketing as you do in the research and development. I do not think Apple is the greatest technology company in the world, but Apple was the greatest marketing / publi...
We have upgraded the HTML5 Open / Closed clock so that may now specify different hours for different days of the week. Head on over to the HTML5 gallery to check it out!
To simplify things and fix some issues, we have replaced the Facebook 'Recommend' and 'Send' buttons with a single 'Like' button. We have also received a few reports about posts that have been 'Liked' taking a while to appear on users' Facebook timelines. Unfortunately this is beyond our control, and is a bug with Fa...
The twitter account is not been posted from the Bloguru post. I need to investigate.
Just look around you. How many things around you carry the badge saying "Made in China". No matter what the manufacturers are, they are all made in China. If we do this, there will be nothing left for us. It is time to bring back the manufacturing to the country of consumption. Testing Twitter Link ...
Eric Flattery of Door to Door Storage received his new member plaque at today's Execs luncheon.
We have updated the Skin selection page to be more user friendly. You can now switch pages of skins more quickly without refreshing the page. Additionally, when viewing the skin selection page, your current skin will be selected by default. Thank you for using Bloguru. -Bloguru Support Team
We have just release the link feature between this Bloguru and Facebook. With this new feature, you can "Like" and "Recommend" the Bloguru post om the facebook.