Today marks one year annoversy from my liver surgery.It is a long recovery processs ... I am still not 100% ... I do noyt know if I ever be 100%.But I...
My flight out of Orange Country was delayed until tomorrow mormnimg. The airline got me a hotel at Embassy Suite. I just cheked in. The aitline provid...
It started to rain yesterday and it is still rining in LA.I guess I broght rin from Seattle.I was hoping to get some sunshine in LA ... Too bad!!!Keni...
When our customers call us for help, you won't spend time talking to a machine. Our team is standing by to give you that professional support you dese...
Our San Diego sales team has put together an Internet seminar in Los Angeles. I was asked to give presentation to 40 Japanese Business Owners. I hope ...
This airport is called - Orange Country Airport- Santa Ana Airport- John Wayine AirportI do not know any other areport that has three names.Kenichi Uc...
Seminar in Los Angeles Tomorrow (Feb. 23), I’ll be giving a seminar on the use of the web at the Miyako Hybrid Hotel in Torrance. The idea came from c...
ClickItAudio is developed by PSPINC, and that it is another SaaS (Software as a Service) offering from them.As a web service, ClickItAudio can be usef...
Scan QR code to hear what you have recorded. You can add this feature too your product label, letter head, business cards. https://clickitaudio.com Ke...
posted 2023-01-11 10:19
ウチクラ ケンイチ
昨日の夜は真っ赤な夕焼け 今日からの日本出張がうまくいきますように。 多くの方々とお会いしてお話ができれば嬉しいです。 飛行機は混んでいるみたいで少し憂鬱ですが、10時間我慢します。 今回は東京だけですが皆様にお会いするのを楽しみにしています。 __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__....