やっと届きました! Apple Watch 前に使用していた Apple Watchの 電池消耗が激しく 買い替えました 今回のApple Watchですが めっちゃ軽いです! 性能はあまり変わらないみたいですが 軽さが違う! ここしばらく、 下取りに出す予定の Apple Watchを 外してまし...
Albert Einstein said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” That’s great advice, especially when it comes to business...
I strongly believe relationships in business – a company and its customers, a company and its employees, a manager and team – must work like a marriag...
Has anyone ever asked you, “So what is your point? The point we try to make to someone can easily get muddled with extra words and long explanations, ...
Communication is a very broad topic in business – it includes internal communication between staff, from management to employees, and it also includes...
By Yuji Matsumoto No matter how good a product is, the message needs to be communicated for customers to try the product. Also, the timing and message...