Website Creation for Businesses There’s this question of whether a business, corporate or personal, should have their own website or not. Many people ...
Opinion Stand is a very smple to use customer survey system developed by PSPINC. We can custimizxe the system to your needs. So, if you want to develo...
We had our semi annual company meeting today. Each team presented their success sotries. We had Mayuri;s Indian Restaurant for lunch. https://pspinc.c...
Every chair was take at Seattle Exeutives Association meeting today. I don't remember seeing this many people at the meeting since the start of COVID....
The Difference between a Coach and a Consultant Since 2021, we developed the website, “C-sagaseru” to introduce coaches, and we continue operating it ...
Another phishing email ... Do not fall for it.Never click on the link inside the email.If you are not 100% sure ... Go to the wab site doectly to find...
[開発の背景] 毎日届く大量のスパムにイライラした経験はありませんか?スパムやウイルスを送るときに、自分の本物のメールアドレスから送る人はいません。最近のスパムは色々な手口を使ってくるので、ボットや悪意のあるスパマーからのメールと、そうでないメールを識別するために、今回送信元メールアドレスの認証機能...
Background of Development Are you ever frustrated with the large amounts of spam every day? When cybercriminals send spam or viruses via email, they never send them from their actual email addresses. These days, spam emails come in all sorts of different ways. So, we developed a feature to identify emails coming fr...
As of November 2022, there are nearly two billion websites on the internet, according to How to Geek. Before content management systems (CMS) existed,...
We believe blocking suspected SPAM mails are great idea but having no way to check and recover the suspected emails are unacceptable for business emai...