The first death was reported at Evergreen Health in Kirkland, Washington. It was the hospital that I got my colonoscopy in December last year. Hearing what is going on ice China, Iran, Korea, Italy and Japan made me concerned but hearing something this close to our hime makes it really scarcely. However, although the c...
Company lunch today. I hope everyone enjoyed.
We are starting to overhaul MegaMail (secure Large File Transfer System) now. Back in September 2004, we have published the system enabling people to send large file using Internet and our datacenter. It was a hit and we kept it un until 2013. Since then, we have not done mony update due to the fact there are other se...
Stock market is at free fall. We lost all the gain from last August. The coronavirus is not showing the sign of slowing down.
You can setup your email client to access your email with POP or IMAP. If you use multiple devices to access your email server, you MUST use IMAP.
I purchased two new 1080 monitors on Amazon and set them up on my desk today. Compared to what I had, they are amazingly light and thin with very thin edges. They can also be tilted as you can see on the final picture. What do you think?
POST IN HEAVEN 天国のメッセージボード 世の中には何の意味もないサイトが存在します。これはわたしが作ったそんなサイトのお話です。 2年前にわたしは愛犬のポンポンくんを天国に送り出しました。ペットをお持ちの方ならそれがどれだけ辛いかお分かりいただけると思います。そこでわたしは天国にいるポ...
POST IN HEAVEN This website has no purpose ... or does it? When I lost my dog, Pompom, two years ago, I created a website to send message to him in He...
今週のブログルユーザーランキングです。 ブログルは、無料でお使いいただける PSPinc が開発したブログで、一切広告がございません。 1神戸:ファルコンの散歩メモファルコンVisit Bloguru2神戸角打ち学会(至福の立ち呑み)神戸のおいさんVisit Bloguru3いつまでも起業家 For...
There are many fake news going around Internet. I cannot trust; (1) Internt Posts (2) Media News (3) Government (Especially Chinese and Japanese Governments) Who do you trust when it comes to COVID19 / Coronavirus? What do you hear?