Today I went to a major appliance store, Yodobashi Kamera to buy the iPad. (今日、わたしはiPadを買うためにヨドバシカメラという電気屋に行きました。) In this store there are every kind ...
posted 2017-04-16 17:47
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Ring Holders are the very first product of Uchikura & Co. If you would like to have popular ring holder with your company logo and URL, please contact us for estimate. http://www.uchikura.co
posted 2017-04-16 09:14
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Before Edison release the light bulb, he created more than 100 prototypes. Nothing will come without failour ... So don't give up. Every failour is a step close to the success. And when you succeed, keep on improving.
posted 2017-04-15 18:23
ウチクラ ケンイチ
How can we sell this bluetooth headphone for so cheap? Here are things we did to bring price down. (1) Get rid of packaging (Put Product in a Plastic Bag) (2) Purchased large quantity (3) No middleman (Direct Sale Only) (4) Simple website with online sales ability (5) USPS Delivery This weekend is the ;last week end...
It is not much but we are starting to receive order for the bluetooth headphones online. That is something we are very excited about. http://www.uchikura.co/wireless-headphones/
posted 2017-04-14 21:26
ウチクラ ケンイチ
This is the last weekend for the preorder pricing of bluetooth wireless headphones. $14.95 includes free shipping within the US. http://www.uchikura.co/wireless-headphones/
posted 2017-04-13 17:02
ウチクラ ケンイチ
The very first shipping of the headphones are done today. Within the US, it cost $2.67 per package. We are happy to provide that with no cost to our customers. But for Canada and other international parcel, we need to fallout the custom form and pay as much as $9.50 (Canada) to $13.75 (Japan) per package. Se we have ...
posted 2017-04-12 20:05
ウチクラ ケンイチ
The first shipment of Bluetooth Headphones has landed in the US via Air. They still need to clear the customs and need to be delivered to US in Bellevue, Washington. Once they arrive, we will check for the quality and any damages. Hopefully by sometime next week, we can start shipping them to you. To take advantage of p...
posted 2017-04-11 18:42
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Order on today to take advantage of the preorder pricing.
For many things we made, this turned out to be one of the most popular among the younger people. Ring Holder for Smartphones http://www.uchikura.co