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Herbsprout is a webblog and podcast dedicated to sharing the health benefits of herbs, food, innovations related to our gut microbiome. Herbsprout seeks to bridge the vast chasm dividing the mainstream medical community and alternative medicine.

薬用キノコ、自己免疫、および腸の健康: 真の治癒を発見した方法; Medicinal Mushrooms, Autoimmunity, & Gut Health: How I Discovered True Healing

薬用キノコ、自己免疫、および腸... 薬用キノコ、自己免疫、および腸...
The following is part one by guest author Dr. Nicole Apelian. She was among the first women selected for the History Channel’s hit TV show “Alone”.

薬用キノコ、自己免疫、および腸の健康: 真の治癒を発見した方法
以下は、ゲスト著者のニコール アペリアン博士によるパート 1 です。彼女は、ヒスト リー チャンネルの人気テレビ番組「アローン」に選ばれた最初の女性であり、カナダ のマギル大学とオレゴン大学で生物学の学士号と修士号を取得しています。その後、プ レスコット大学で博士号を取得。

30 代前半に多発性硬化症(MS)の診断を初めて受けた際、圧倒された気分で怖かった です。この病気が自分の健康に与える影響の速さを見るのは恐ろしいことでした。片目 が見えなくなり、バランスが崩れ、朝も起きられないほどの重度の疲労感に悩まされて いました。
しかし、それはほんの始まりでした。 病気が進行するに当たって、自分が好きな仕事をすることができなくなるし、日中は杖 が必要になり、夕方には車椅子が必要になり、かみそりのように鮮明だった私の記憶 は、絶え間ない脳の霧に置き換えられました。神経内科医の指示に従い、病気の進行を 遅らせ、症状を管理することを期待する為、薬の処方を開始しました.しかし、思った 通り自分の健康状態は良くならず、驚くべき速さで悪化し続けました。
このまま続けられない事をすぐに気づき、何かを変える必要があると思いました。健康 を取り戻して人生をやり直したいと思います。それで私は自分の健康を管理することに すると決めました。そして、自分の治癒の主な側面は、腸の健康を改善することでし た.




The Takeaway

天然ハーブと治療法についてさらに詳しく知りたい場合は、ニコール・アペリアン博士 の著書『The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies: The Healing Power of Plant Medicine』をこちらで入手可能です。
Nicole’s Apothecary の割引料金を得るには、チェックアウトの時に WELCOME10 クー ポンを使用すれば、最初の注文は 10% オフになります。ニコールが日常的に多発性硬 化症をどのように管理しているかを学ぶために、この件に関する彼女の詳細なブログを 読んだ方が良いと思います。
 の著書『The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies: The Healing Power of Plant
 割引料金で購入するには、チェックアウト時にクーポン WELCOME10 を使用し、最初の 注文から 10% オフにしてください。ニコールが日常的に多発性硬化症をどのように管
 理しているかについては、彼女の詳細ブログをお読みください。 ありがとう!
 • 霊芝は血管拡張作用があるため、出血性疾患のある方や手術前の使用は禁忌で す。
 ** Mase G. (2012)。 薬用キノコ: 主要な種の簡単な歴史と概要。2016 年 8 月
27 日に
 • この記事の内容は情報提供のみを目的とし、医学的アドバイスを構成するもので
 ださい。この Website を読んだことを理由にして、専門の医学的アドバイスを
 急事態が発生した場合は、直ちに医師または 911 に電話してください。 この
 Website が提供する情報を信頼する場合は、お客様ご自身の責任で行ってくださ

 • ニコール・アペリアン博士は、薬草医・母親・サバイバルスキルのインストラク
 スキルの多くを学び、非営利団体「The Origins Project」を通じてサン族との
 2000 年に多発性硬化症と予期せぬ診断を受け、ニコールは自分の研究スキルを
 これが彼女の人生の使命となり、著書『The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies:
 The Healing Power of Plant Medicine』を執筆する主な理由となった。その中
 に彼女は 28 年以上にわたる植物の知識と、湿布・チンキ剤・煎じ薬・軟膏・注
 2015 年、彼女はヒストリー チャンネルの人気テレビ番組「アローン」に史上初 めて選ばれた女性の一人でした。多発性硬化症を患っていたにも関わらず、彼女 は狩猟用ナイフとそこで見つけた野生の食べ物と薬だけを持って、バンクーバー
 島の人里離れた地域で 57 日間連続で一人で生き続けた。
 ニコール・アペリアン博士について詳しくは、こちらをご覧ください。 nicole_apelian/ survival/

Dr. Apelian has B.S and M.S. degrees in Biology from McGill University in Canada and the University of Oregon. She earned her Doctorate through Prescott College.

My Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis

When I first received my multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis back in my early thirties, I was overwhelmed and scared. It was terrifying to watch the impacts of the disease rapidly deteriorate my health. I lost my eyesight in one eye, my balance was unstable, and I was experiencing crushing fatigue where it was difficult to even get out of bed in the morning.

But that was only the beginning.
As the disease progressed, I was unable to work at the job that I loved, needed a cane to walk during the day and a wheelchair in the evening, and my once razor-sharp memory was replaced with constant brain fog.
I followed my neurologist’s orders and began a regime of drugs in the hope it would slow the progression of the disease and manage symptoms. It didn’t. In fact, my health continued to worsen at an alarming rate.
I soon realized I couldn’t continue along this downward spiral — something needed to change. I wanted to regain my health and live life again. So I decided to take charge of my health. And a major aspect of my healing involved improving gut health.

The Link Between Gut Health and Autoimmunity

Throughout my journey of healing, one point has been made abundantly clear: If your gut and microbiome are impaired, it is impossible to have a healthy mind and body.

This is because intestinal inflammation and leaky gut are significant factors in autoimmunity, depression, and brain-fog.1
Time and again, a compromised gut has been shown to be associated with autoimmunity, neurologic disorders, and inflammation.2 Research has found that those with MS have an altered microbiome, where the bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms in the gut are different from that of a healthy person.3

Several studies have established that there is a direct correlation between multiple sclerosis and gut dysbiosis. Interestingly, those with MS have lower levels of the bacteria Prevotella histicola, which may explain why a compromised microbiome creates chronic inflammation and a tendency towards MS flares.4

Foundational Healing

Once I discovered the importance of gut health, I set out to heal any issues with microbiome dysbiosis and leaky gut. Of course, diet is key. I make sure to eat foods that are rich in prebiotics, probiotics, insoluble fiber, and resistant starch to support a robust microbiome and healthy gut. Through my research I discovered that leafy greens are particularly important as they are not only packed with vital nutrients and fiber, but also encourage the formation of butyrate, which is a compound that helps to reduce inflammation and improve gut immunity.

Healing leaky gut is another important consideration. This increasingly common health disorder develops through poor diet, parasites, diverticulitis, or exposure to environmental toxins. When harmful substances or microbes are able to pass through the gaps of a leaky gut into the bloodstream, it creates a cascade of inflammation throughout the body, which can trigger an autoimmune flare and aggravate other health issues. I think we all can agree that addressing a leaky gut should be a top priority if you are concerned about optimal health.

The Takeaway

My favorite diet for managing multiple sclerosis and boosting gut health is gluten-free, anti-inflammatory, and many times ketogenic. To address inflammation I also practice intermittent fasting. Gratitude, spending time in nature, and yoga help me to manage stress. Importantly, I take these specific dual-extracted reishi, lion’s mane, turkey tail, and cordyceps mushrooms everyday to heal leaky gut, calm inflammation, soothe the stress response, boost energy, and improve cognitive function. And I use these botanicals to support overall gut health.

I hope this information has been a helpful introduction to the relationship between medicinal mushrooms, gut health, and multiple sclerosis. If you know of others who are struggling with autoimmunity or compromised gut health, please share this post.
All my best to you on your healing journey!

If you would like to learn more about natural herbs and remedies, Dr. Nicole Apelian’s book, The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies: The Healing Power of Plant Medicine, is available here.

For access to Nicole’s Apothecary at a discounted rate, please use the coupon WELCOME10 at checkout for 10% off your first order. To learn how Nicole manages her MS on a daily basis, please read her detailed blog on this subject. Thank you!

This is part one of a series by guest author Dr.Nicole Apelian. The second part of this series features mushrooms and herbs which are keys to maintaining a healthy gut.

Reishi is a vasodilator, so it is contraindicated for those with a bleeding disorder or for use before surgery. **Masé, G. (2012). Medicinal mushrooms: A brief history and overview of principal species. Retrieved on 08/27/2016 from
Please note that the contents of this article are for informational purposes only, do not constitute medical advice, and are not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. In the event of a medical emergency, call a doctor or 911 immediately. Reliance on any information provided by this website is solely at your own risk.

Nicole Apelian, Ph.D.

Dr. Nicole Apelian is an herbalist, a mother, a survival skills instructor, an anthropologist, and a biologist. She has B.S and M.S. degrees in Biology from McGill University in Canada and the University of Oregon. She earned her Doctorate through Prescott
College while working as an anthropologist and ethnobotanist in Botswana.
She has spent years living in nature with the San Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert, one of the last indigenous peoples who still live as hunter-gatherers. Developing strong relationships within the tribe helped Nicole learn many of the remedies and skills she practices and teaches today and she continues her work with the San through her non-profit, “The Origins Project“.
An unexpected diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in 2000 led Nicole to apply her research skills towards her own personal wellness. She focused on a healthy living strategy, including deep nature connection and gratitude practices. Through changes in her lifestyle, recognizing profound mind-body linkages, and making and using her own remedies, Nicole went from bedridden to being fully alive and from surviving to thriving.
She believes that there are many more people suffering who need to find their own remedy. This became her life’s mission and the main reason for writing her book The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies: The Healing Power of Plant Medicine. In it she poured over 28 years of plant knowledge and her first-hand experiences of making her own poultices, tinctures, decoctions, salves, infused oils, and other herbal remedies.
In 2015 she was among the first women ever selected for the History Channel’s hit TV show “Alone”. Despite having MS, she went on to survive solo for 57 days straight in a remote area of Vancouver Island with little more than her hunting knife and the wild foods and medicines she found there.

For more about Dr. Nicole Apelian please visit


Philip, A., & White, N. D. (2022). Gluten, Inflammation, and Neurodegeneration. American journal of lifestyle medicine, 16(1), 32–35.
Esmaeil Amini, M., Shomali, N., Bakhshi, A., Rezaei, S., Hemmatzadeh, M., Hosseinzadeh, R., Eslami, S., Babaie, F., Aslani, S., Torkamandi, S., & Mohammadi, H. (2020). Gut microbiome and multiple sclerosis: New insights and perspective. International immunopharmacology, 88, 107024.
Jangi, S., Gandhi, R., Cox, L. et al. Alterations of the human gut microbiome in multiple sclerosis. Nat Commun 7, 12015 (2016).
Shahi, S. K., Freedman, S. N., Murra, A. C., Zarei, K., Sompallae, R., Gibson-Corley, K. N., Karandikar, N. J., Murray, J. A., & Mangalam, A. K. (2019). Prevotella histicola, A Human Gut Commensal, Is as Potent as COPAXONE® in an Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis. Frontiers in immunology, 10, 462.

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Autism’s strongest link yet to gut microbiome

Autism’s strong...
43 scientists of various disciplines found the strongest link yet between gut microbes, host immunity, genetic expression in the nervous system, and dietary patterns, according to a June 28 2023 Science Alert report.

The study shows a general gut profile that is consistently common among people with autism (ADS). For example, microbiologist Rob Knight from the University of California San Diego and his team found that gastrointestinal problems are a consistent indicator of autistic people.

According to the Science Alert report, researchers found 15 datasets including diet, metabolism, immune cells, and gene expression that point toward ADS. The authors found autism associated with particular gut microbes which matched those identified by a recent long-term study on fecal transplants among 18 children with ASD.

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