Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 201 円安の意味(えんやすのいみ)

存知(ぞんじ)(とお)り、現在(げんざい)日本円(にほんえん)はUS$1 = 151(えん)という円安(えんやす)推移(すいい)しており、過去(かこ)30(ねん)(かん)(もっと)日本円(にほんえん)(やす)取引(とりひき)されています。過去(かこ)のデータから(かんが)えると、2011(ねん)10(がつ)31(にち)(えん)過去(かこ)最高値(さいたかね)であるUS$1 = 75.32(えん)記録(きろく)しています。当時(とうじ)(くら)べると、日本円(にほんえん)半分(はんぶん)以下(いか)価格(かかく)取引(とりひき)されていることになります。




The Meaning Behind the Weak Yen

As you are aware, the current U.S. dollar to Japanese yen conversion is at US$1 = 151 yen, marking the yen’s weakest position in the past 30 years. Looking at historical data, the yen reached an all-time high of US$1 = 75.32 yen on October 31, 2011. In comparison to that period, the Japanese yen is now trading at less than half of its value in 2011.

What does this depreciation of the yen mean? It means that prices in Japan are remarkably low in comparison to historical standards. For instance, at the 100 yen store you frequent during your visits to Japan, this translates to 
$0.67 (or 100 yen) per item in U.S. dollars. However, it’s important to note that this doesn't imply that prices in Japan are inherently cheap; rather, it suggests that prices in Japan give off a perception of affordability when viewing them from overseas.

Consequently, there is a current uptick in the number of foreign tourists. In 2019, approximately 32 million foreign tourists visited Japan, but due to the pandemic, the numbers dwindled to just eight million from 2020 to 2022. Nevertheless, by 2023, it has since rebounded to around 80% of its peak. Today, the presence of many foreigners is palpable wherever you go in Japan, particularly in Tokyo and Kyoto, which are popular cities among foreign tourists.

Even though foreigners can acquire accommodations, meals, and souvenirs in Japan at a discounted rate, travel expenses to Japan present a different scenario. In comparison to the pre-pandemic era, travel costs are approximately 40% higher, and they anticipate that this trend of yen depreciating over time will persist. Therefore, this could be an opportune time to contemplate importing Japanese goods or outsourcing to Japan.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 200 オノマトペ:擬音語、擬態語(オノマトペ:ぎおんご、ぎたいご)




Onomatopoeia (sound symbolism, mimetic words)

What is an onomatopoeia? An onomatopoeia refers to symbolic sounds or mimetic words. It is a word or sound effect that imitates a sound or motion. In the Japanese language, there’s a variety of onomatopoeias. Some typical onomatopoeias are:

Goro-goro: the sound of thunder or a large object rolling
Kira-kira: the sound of sparkling objects and describes light shining on something
Wan-wan: the sound of a dog barking
Musha-musha: the sound of someone chewing food or munching something
Pika-pika: the sound of something shining or glittering
Pota-pota: the sound of light rain or liquid falling
Kuru-kuru: the sound of something spinning in a circle
Guru-guru: the sound of something spinning around
Kari-kari: the sound of scratching a hard object or eating something crunchy
Zubo-zubo: the sound of liquid going or squirming through something
Kasa-kasa: the sound of something dry or the sound of something rustling lightly
Zawa-zawa: the sound of something rustling or the sound of a noisy environment, which gives off the sense of feeling anxious or uneasy
Moro-moro: the sound of something falling apart, giving off the feeling of things being scattered
Bin-bin: a very sharp and intense sound 
Tsuru-tsuru: the sound of something smooth like a sleek surface
Gabu-gabu: the sound of someone taking a large bite or drinking something
Kyaa-kyaa: the sound of joy and excitement, or surprise and fear (as a woman or child making a cute surprised sound)
Zaa-zaa: the sound of heavy rain falling
Kin-kin: the sound of something sharp or high-pitched like metal clanging, or something extremely cold
Hoka-hoka: the sound that gives off the feeling of something warm and comforting
Poka-poka: the sound that gives off the feeling of the sun’s pleasant warmth
Bari-bari: the sound of something hard cracking or the feeling of something strong

Japanese people don’t just use these onomatopoeia examples as words, but they also use them to vividly express sensations and conditions. In Japanese, people use onomatopoeias frequently and they play a role in conveying various expressions in communication and writing.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 199 鬼とお化けと妖怪の違い(おにとおばけとようかいのちがい)









The Difference between Oni, Obake, and Yokai

Today I would like to talk about the differences between "Oni", "Obake," and "Yokai," and each of their characteristics.


Oni are generally portrayed as evil beings and appear in Japanese legends and myths. They often have a fearsome appearance and are characterized by horns and fangs, large eyes, and red skin. Oni are spoken of as beings that oppose humans and gods and do evil. A well-known example would be "Onigashima."


Obake is a common term in Japanese legends and folk beliefs for spiritual beings or ghosts. They are sometimes described as the spirits or ghosts of the dead and may haunt places or objects. They may take human form, but can also be disguised as a haunted cat or a haunted fox.


Yokai are mysterious and supernatural beings in Japanese legends and folk beliefs. They have a wide variety of characteristics, ranging from those having the form of humans to those that take the form of animals or objects. Yokai can be both benevolent and malevolent, and appear extensively in Japanese folklore and legends.

Simply put, oni are generally evil beings, obake are spiritual beings or ghosts, and yokai are mystical beings, each with different characteristics and backgrounds. However, these definitions are ambiguous, and may vary from context to context.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 198 外国人が日本で嫌われる行動(がいこくじんがにほんできらわれるこうどう)












A Guide to Behaviors to Avoid in Japan

Japan’s culture and customs differ from those of other countries, so foreigners need to be aware of common courtesies and manners when visiting Japan. Here are some behaviors by foreigners that Japanese people may dislike and other things to look out for:

Rude behavior: Although frowned upon in any country, Japanese people highly value courtesy, especially in Japan. So, it’s important to show politeness and respect to others.

Not taking your shoes off: In Japan, it is customary to remove shoes in the home and some indoor spaces. It is common to remove your shoes when entering a house, and they may ask you to remove your footwear in public places as well.

How to use chopsticks: Not knowing how to use chopsticks may lead to unintentionally breaching manners, so it’s a good idea to learn if you don’t already know how to use them.

Shouting: In Japan, you should refrain from shouting in public because you’re expected to be considerate in a quiet environment.

Pointing: Pointing at people or objects is considered rude. If you want to point at an object, using the entire palm of your hand is common.

Tattoos: In public places, especially in hot springs and swimming pools, they may ask you to hide your tattoos. This is because tattoos are associated with the yakuza.

Smoking in public: Smoking in public places is restricted and only allowed in designated areas, so you should avoid smoking in public places.

Harassment: Sexual harassment and discriminatory behavior are not tolerated in any country. These acts are also considered extremely problematic in Japan.

Garbage separation: They enforce strict garbage separation in Japan. It’s important to understand the rules of where you live, as they may differ from region to region.

As a foreigner, it’s important to respect local customs and manners and to be sensitive to cultural differences when visiting Japan. Keep it in mind to be respectful to the locals and to leave a good impression.

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