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“American customers are desiring to enjoy sake”

By Yuji Matsumoto

American customers who come to Japanese restaurants anticipate enjoying cuisine and beverages not available in general American restaurants or supermarkets. According to a previously publicized survey, 70 American customers asked what they most look forward to at a Japanese restaurant said they “wanted to enjoy Japanese sake.” In reality however, most American customers end up ordering Japanese beer or house sake.
Here, we explain how to sell Japanese sake without the presence of staff knowledgable about sake or sake sommelier.

1. Does the name of the sake brand, regardless of it’s price, characteristics of the flavor, and pairing recommendations with menu items (sales points) listed in the menu?
Example) XXsake Junmai Ginjo Nagano prefecture
An exquisite sake presented by a sake brewer with over 300 years of traditions. A fruity aroma very unique for a Japanese sake and balanced acidity greatly enhances the delicious flavors of richly flavored meat dishes. Pairing recommendations are the Duck marinated with miso, Cod marinated with kasuzuke.

2. Are sample portions offered in small quantities for tasting? The purpose is to review sales by the glass at reasonable prices for customers to try the sake. If sake is sold by the bottle at approximately $50 to 70, customers won’t feel like sampling it, so offering glasses at $5~8 or sampler sets is recommended.



① メニューに日本酒の名前、価格のみならず味の特徴、食事とのペアリング(セールスポイント)が書かれているか?
例)XX酒  純米吟醸  長野県

② 顧客が試しに飲んでもよい容量でサーブされているか?要は顧客がトライしやすいグラス売りや価格帯になっているかをみてみる。ボトル売りのみで単価50ドル~70ドル前後だけの品揃えでは少し試しに飲んでみようという気にはなれないので$5~8でのグラス売りまたは酒サンプラーセットをお勧めする。

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“Rubbing Alcohol Manufactured by Sake Producers: Part 3”

By Kosuke Kuji

Since the decision was made to manufacture rubbing alcohol, I still had a concern that left me hesitant. Founded in 1902, Nanbu Bijin since the first-generation owner upheld “quality first” as the family motto and corporate management principle, brewing sake to serve “delicious” sake to customers right up to the fifth generation overseer, myself.
Faced with the coronavirus pandemic, I felt conflicted – not sure if our ancestors would forgive me for brewing alcohol not made for human consumption. Meanwhile, the first rubbing alcohol was completed. Immediately supplied to the Ninohe Medical Association, rubbing alcohol was delivered to homes of families tending to sick children and their caregivers at every opportunity presented. Long used before the coronavirus pandemic to sterilize medical devices such as gastric fistulas or ventilators, the sudden demand for rubbing alcohol in homes nationwide created by the coronavirus resulted in a national shortage.
By the time I visited, the supply of rubbing alcohol was so low that several more sterilizations would’ve easily depleted the supply. Upon delivery, one teary-eyed recipient greeted me saying, “Thank you so much for helping us.”
Although many of our sake customers commented, “This is delicious, thank you” to me in the past, it was the first time in my life someone said to me, “Thank you so much for helping us.” I couldn’t stop the tears welling up in my eyes. I was sad to realize so many people were suffering at the brink of death, and yet, I never knew until now. I felt ashamed, humbled and sorry I never noticed before. Many people are suffering in Iwate prefecture, a rural prefecture in Japan, with many more people suffering nationwide. Meanwhile, I can manufacture rubbing alcohol for immediately delivery to the community.
Perhaps, after the coronavirus pandemic, rubbing alcohol can be manufactured and immediately supplied regionally. I was determined to continue manufacturing rubbing alcohol to help ensure Iwate prefecture will never run out of rubbing alcohol.

「酒類業者による消毒用アルコールの製造 その3」


#Sake #coronavirus

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The Taste of Japanese Sake

Sake aroma is difficult to describe in one phrase. However, focusing one’s senses helps to detect the aroma of various plants and food ingredients harmonized together. This issue introduces the below aromas detected in sake.

Summer Aromas
Chestnuts, cashew nuts, peanuts, roasted chestnuts, thin chestnut skin, walnuts, cacao, coconuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, ginkgo and sesame.

Mineral Aroma
Mineral, stream water (mountain water streaming between the boulders), charcoal, stone, oil, mud wall and fossils.

Vegetable Aroma
Watercress, winter melon, gourd, butterbur, Japanese parsley, Chinese cabbage, rape blossoms, daikon radish, carrots, burdock, fern, bracken, butterbur sprout, white radish sprouts and asparagus.

Other Aromas
Marshmallow, milk candy, whipped cream, aroma of the coast, biscuit, cream puff shell, yogurt, candy drops, cottage cheese, peat moss, soymilk, custard, cream, aonori (green laver), kelp, cotton candy, crystal sugar, brown sugar sponge cake, wafer, condensed milk, honey, maple syrup, sherry, dried shrimp, pancakes, ambergris and beeswax.

日本酒物語 日本酒の味






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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (Trip to Niigata Prefecture Part 3)

By Ryuji Takahashi
This report is a continuation of our trip to Niigata prefecture since the issue before last. Our final destination was Hakuro Shuzo Brewery in Nagaoka city, Niigata prefecture.
To touch on the history of the sake industry, the four-step preparation of fermentation mash was popularized throughout Japan from Nagaoka city, Niigata prefecture, home to approximately 16 sake breweries. The Hakuro Shuzo Brewery we visited is so prestigious, an entire book can be written on their history of various hardships the brand was protected from and survived.
The Hakuro brand was named with the character ‘oak,’ derived from three oaks forming the Makino family crest of the Nagaoka clan. Matahichi Yamazaki saved the Makino family from financial ruins and inherited the Hakuro brand. Stories of the Makino family and Yamazaki family are the most important part of discussing the history of the Hakuro brand.
On the day of our visit to the sake brewery, the Japanese gargoyle roof tile happened to be delivered, which we were permitted to view. I believe this tile would be interesting to anyone knowledgeable about the history of Niigata prefecture. I recommend a visit to the Hakuro Shuzo Brewery to review this roof tile to learn more about the history of the brewery. Our group happened to be very interested in how the brewery underwent changes in modern times. We visited looking forward to hearing from President, Shigeru Osaka how his concept of managing a “sake brewery” changed with the times since the brewery owner changed over time.
Of course, I am fully aware how delicious the sake is produced by Hakuro Shuzo Brewery. Slight seasonal changes in the brewing method and flavors are detectable in the “Sanzui series.” Their classic sake brands are “Hakuro” and “Three Oak.” The brewery also released sparkling sake and a collaborative brand NIIGATA ALBIREX BB. Sake produced by the Hakuro Shuzo Brewery is refreshing to the palate, consistent with sake brewed in Niigata prefecture; yet characteristic for it’s full-bodied flavor, rare for sake brewed in Niigata prefecture. In addition, the “Sanzui series” can differ significantly in flavor, depending on the production year. This is because the “Sanzui series” is still undergoing experimentation and evolving as a series. Already delicious as is, we can’t help but anticipate how much more flavorful the “Sanzui series” will become.
We toured the Hakuro Shuzo Brewery led by Master Sake Brewer, Mitsuaki Shirahara. The brewery was clean and spacious with many young sake brewers working on site. It’s wonderful to see Hakuro Shuzo Brewery raise the next generation of young sake brewers to take on sake production for the next generation. Workers appeared to be cleaning up after the day’s work at the time of our visit, yet we were permitted to tour the koji making room, storage tank, filtration machine and pasteurizer (a device that sterilizes sake with heat). Hakuro Shuzo Brewery seemed modern than most breweries we’ve visited so far. One advantage of sake brewed in a modern brewery is reliable quality.
Especially because of this day and age, sake by Hakuro Shuzo Brewery is enjoyable for its reliable, delicious flavors. Nagaoka city, Niigata prefecture is also known for their spectacular fireworks. The firework display, a summer highlight of Nagaoka city, was unfortunately cancelled this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. A longstanding tradition since the Meiji Era (1868 - 1912), the firework display was held as an ongoing festival to celebrate the city’s post-war recovery. Once the coronavirus pandemic is over, I look forward to seeing the firework display resume in Nagaoka city.


酒の専門的な話になるが、四段仕込法を試醸し全国的に普及させたのは新潟長岡である。そんな長岡には日本酒蔵が16蔵程ある。今回訪れた柏露酒造とは、蔵の歴史を辿れば1冊の社会科の教科書が造れる程、名門でありその反面、沢山の苦労の中で銘柄を守ってきた酒蔵である。この柏露という銘柄は、長岡藩牧野家の家紋「三つ柏」の「柏」の字を取って誕生したとのこと。その牧野家の経営の窮地を救い柏露を譲り受けたのが山崎又七という人で牧野家と山崎家の話が柏露の歴史を語る上で最も重要な部分となる。当日、山崎家の鬼瓦が偶然にも酒蔵に届いたとの事で見せてもらった。新潟の歴史に詳しい人からすると非常に興味のある資料だと思う。是非酒蔵に行って鬼瓦を見て柏露酒造の歴史に触れていただきたいと思う。私自身は、蔵の現代の移り変わりに非常に興味があり、時代の流れの中、経営者が幾度か変わっていく事で「蔵元」という概念とは違う酒蔵運営を、尾坂 茂社長から直接聞けるのを楽しみにしていたのである。勿論、酒の美味さは充分解っている。季節で微妙に製法と味わいが変わる「さんずい」シリーズ。定番「柏露」「三つ柏」。スパークリングや新潟アルビレックスとのコラボ商品も出ている。柏露酒造の特徴としては、新潟らしいスッキリ感の中に新潟では珍しい深いコクがあることだ。しかも、「さんずい」シリーズは年によって味わいが大きく変わる場合がある。なぜなら「さんずい」シリーズは、まだまだ模索中で進化途中とのこと。今でも十分美味い「さんずい」が今後、どう美味くなるのかは期待しないわけにはいかないだろう。そんな酒造りを行っている酒蔵を白原光明大杜氏の案内で見せてもらったのだが、清潔感のある広い酒蔵で、比較的年齢の若い蔵人の姿も多く見うけられた。次世代の酒造りの世界を背負って立つ若者を育てられる酒蔵は本当に素晴らしいと思う。時間的に、片付けを行っている様子だったが、麹室や貯蔵タンク、濾過機やパストライザー(お酒の加熱殺菌をする機械)を見せてもらった。私が今回見てきた酒蔵の中ではかなり近代的な蔵に入る。近代的な酒蔵の造る酒のメリットは、品質に対する安心感だろう。こんな時だからこそ、柏露酒造の酒は安心して美味しく飲める酒であると言える。そして新潟県長岡市で有名なのは、やっぱり花火大会である。夏の風物詩である長岡の花火大会は今年、残念ながらコロナウイルスの影響で中止になってしまった。明治時代から続く、この長岡の花火は戦後の復興のお祭りとしても行なわれる様になったそうだ。コロナウイルスが終息し、その狼煙としてもう一度長岡の花火が打ち上がるのを私は楽しみにしている。

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