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  • Japan Business Opportunities : Gachapon

Japan Business Opportunities : Gachapon

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Entertainment & Shopping... Entertainment & Shopping & Collection Gacha Gacha machines at Yodo... Gacha Gacha machines at Yodobashi Camera Capsule Toy You do not know... Capsule Toy
You do not know what you get.
Japan is know for its vending machine culture. Gachapon is one of the validations of vending machine. Instead of buying specific item, you get one of the something in the machine. It started as a game for a child to get small toys.

I always thought that I would never buy anything from this as it was designed to server children. However, it represents 30 billion yen industry … that is $380 million dollar. And nw it is not limited to a little toy. Now, there are capsules containing electronics, camera, brand name fragrances, accessories and so on.

Capsule prices ranges from 100 yen to several thousand yen. Do you think this will be popular in the US? Next, do you have any products you might want to sell through thus in Japan. Some of the limited number items sell out and traded at premium prices on auctions sites.

About Gachapon
#JapanBusiness #JapanBusinessOpportunites #KenUchikura #KenichuUchikura #UchikuraCo

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