We’re happy to announce that Dreamersi, our premiere web and email hosting service, now has a new feature! We will now display an in-email warning for any incoming email that looks suspicious but isn’t caught by the spam filter. When you report an email as spam, it will lead you to a page where: · ...
本日ご紹介させていただくのが南カリフォルニア・ガーデナに新しくオープンした LA Musubi ✨🍙 ガーデナの人気焼肉店たまえんが経営するおむすび屋さんで、定番のLA Musubiにはたまえんのシークレットソースが使われています🤤 新鮮な食材、お米を使った出来立てのおむすび🍙 メニューには限定で”...
When our CEO, Ken Uchikura, realized his parents were having trouble calling him on their phones, he had an idea. If it was this hard for his parents to call people, it must be a problem other senior citizens face, too. That’s why he created Tap-To-Call. As the name suggests, users can easily make phone calls, as well ...
There can be a lot that goes into marketing for a business. And it can be overwhelming. But having an overarching marketing plan to do so makes it much easier. It’ll outline what needs to be done and what the intended results will be, not just to your marketing team, but to the entire sales team. You might have some initi...
For anyone that has a website, you probably know how important web hosting is to your site. Having one is essential for keeping your site online, but it’s also important to have the right kind. The type of hosting you have for your site will dictate how much available space you have, how much monthly traffic can go to y...
クライアントのJeanさんは、在米歴が長いものの、日本語でコミュニケーションがとれることはとても嬉しいし、ケアギバーさんが来てくれる日をいつも楽しみにしているとおっしゃっていました💓 Keikoさんは、ケアギバーとして長く働けているのは、自分自身、人のために直接何かお手伝いがができる喜びがあり、クラ...
The elements of a good marketing plan include two things: marketing objectives and a marketing strategy. Many people mistake an objective and a strategy as being the same thing, when, in fact, they are not. An objective is a more specific path to take to achieve your business goals. Examples include increasing brand awar...
日本人のMakoさんによるビューティサロン✨ Gemstar Nail and Beauty Salon では、毎月お得にネイルが出来ちゃうマンスリーネイルスペシャルを実施しています✨ 5月は、写真に写るこの2つのデザインのどちらかが、 なんと!! $65で出来ちゃいます😳✨ 1つ目は、ピンクにお花...
An important part of developing a business’s brand identity is its website. The elements that go into designing a business website include a logo, a simple navigation bar, a clear call-to-action (CTA), a product and services page, and an about us page. The web designer’s job isn’t just to create these components, but i...
Released in 2005, Google Analytics is a free web analytics service where users can view statistics and have access to basic analytical tools for their websites. These tools help website owners optimize their sites for search engines and better market their sites and potential businesses. Since 2012, Universal Analytics (UA) ...