お客様各位 平素より PSPINC のサービスをご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。 皆様に弊社サービスをより快適にご利用いただけるよう、メールサーバ環境のアップデートを下記の日程で実施致します。 アップデート作業中、10分程度メールの送受信ができない時間帯が発生する見込みでございます。 お客様...
Dear valued customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we offer you. As such, we will be conducting mail server update. There will be a period of about 10 minutes during which you will not be able to send or receive e-mails during the maintenance ti...
Employees are not tools, but the law makes them so. We are told that communication with employees is important, but problems arise when we try to comm...
It feels like George W Bush Jr. presidency. I thought he was supporting Joe Biden. This might be a payback to he Bush Jr. Kenichi Uchikura President /...
Company lunch today. Kenichi Uchikura President / CEO Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. ken.uchikura@pspinc.com __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__...
Thank you very much for all your birthday messages. Kenichi Uchikura President / CEO Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. ken.uchikura@pspinc.com __..-・*...
I wonder why they have changed the original logo. Is it a marketing decision? If so, why do they keep this original logo at the first store? Kenichi U...
This is the first time I saw same car today. I tried to open the other car. I was not exception to see another same car. Kenichi Uchikura President / ...
We had a problem, with our data center A/C system. PSR came and fixed it today. It is nice to have maintenance contract with PSR. If you own your own ...
Dear valued customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we offer you. As such, we will be conducting mail server update. There will be a period of about 10 minutes during which you will not be able to send or receive e-mails during the maintenance ti...