The fundamental meaning of Ginjo is “sake brewed under close examination and scrutiny,” generally understood to be sake raised to the level of art fro...
By Kosuke Kuji“The Japan Ginjo Sake Association” with over forty years of history held a new style of sake event that combines a live-stream (two-dime...
Sake Nation “A new way to promote Japanese sake combines a live-stream (two-dimensional) event with an in-person tasting (three-dimensional) event: Pa...
By Yuji Matsumoto I’m often asked by Americans, “I often use wine for cooking, but can I also use Japanese sake?” Japanese sake contains many umami fl...
By Yuji Matsumoto Japanese sake is still a largely unfamiliar beverage to American consumers. Ninety percent of sake is consumed in restaurants, indic...
By Kosuke Kuji In the previous column, we introduced the background that led to the Ginjo sake-sampling event held at the United Nations (UN). To hold...
By Kosuke Kuji In the previous column, Naotaka Miyasaka, 7th President of Japan Premium Sake Association wrote the association had set sail with the g...
By Kosuke Kuji The previous column detailed the first Japanese sake tasting event in the world held at the United Nations (UN), organized jointly betw...
By Kosuke Kuji The first Ginjo event in the world was held at the United Nations headquarters in New York several years ago. This was the first Japane...
By Yuji Matsumoto Japanese sake is a drink that Americans still cannot get used to. Majority of Japanese sake sales are from restaurants, and unfortun...