While increasing overall sales is the ultimate goal for small businesses, working to generate leads is just as important. Lead generation involves gen...
Following the recent update of the UI/UX to InforMakers, we have divided various items in the form settings into basic information and advanced options. If you want to skip the advanced settings and simply create a form, entering only the basic information will be easy and quick. If you want to add Google reCAPTCHA verificat...
平素より PSPINC のサービスまたInforMakers をご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。 先日行ったユーザーインターフェースのアップデートに続き、 今回はフォーム設定内の各種項目を基本情報と詳細設定に分類致しました。 複雑な設定は省いて、簡単にフォームを作りたいという方は基本設定さえ...
Why are we called "Pacific Software Publishing"? When we started, we licensed US computer software and translate them into Japanese language and publi...
No, it has nothing to do with my liver ... I am still cancer free. This time its my left knee ... I went to see a doctor to talk about my options. Wel...
お客様各位 平素より PSPINC のサービスまたInforMakers をご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。 この度、ユーザーインターフェースの一部を刷新し、これまでより使い易いサービスを目指して下記のアップデートを実施致しました。 フォーム作成フローを、新規作成と既存フォームからのコピー、...
Dear valued customers,Thank you for choosing InforMakers, an online form creation/delivery tool developed and provided by Pacific Software Publishing,...
I do not talk about politics and religion on my social media, that is because I do not like to offend anyone. But I must say I am tired of democratic ...
https://passwizard.com Secure and affordable password management system. Available with a free account: - Up to 30 passwords - Secure password generat...
What is important for a company? For a company to survive today, it must meet several requirements. These are, needless to say, "price," "quality," "s...