Japanese Health Care Offers Private Sector Options & Coverage for Herbal Remedies.
In Japan, Agaricus blazei Murill is the most popular product. Many cancer patients take this mushroom. This medicinal mushroom contains special types of polysaccharides known as beta glucans which stimulate the activity of natural killer cells that are vital to the immune system. These polysaccharides are believed to be among the most potent polysaccharides for immune health. Beer yeast, Propolis, cereals, banaba, Japanese plum, Chlorella, barley verdure, vegetable juice, collagen, royal jelly and mulberry are also taken. Dong quai is an ingredient covered by Kampo. The ingredients of dong quai are coumarins, essential oils, ferulic acids, psoralens, and vitamin B12 and folinic acid, the active form of folic acid. Shakuyakukanzoto was the most frequently prescribed Kampo drug, known to relieve muscle pain and maintain healthy blood flow. It consists of peony root and licorice extract.
USA dietary supplements which are not covered by American health insurance include Gingko Biloba, Echinacea, Garlic, Ginseng, Soybean, Saw Palmetto, St John's Wort, Valerian, Black Cohosh, Milk Thistle, Evening Primrose, Grape Seed Extract, Bilberry, Green Tea, Pycnogenol, Ginger, Feverfew and Dong quai, amongst others.
Though published so along ago, I was cleaning out the basement storage the other day, and came upon my only printed copy "Japanese Health Care for Elderly" which was published by US-Japan Foundation and National Conference of State Legislatures. I couldn’t find it anywhere. It has been referenced on a number of library websites, but no copy. I realized my co-author Dr. Bill Steslicke and I may have the only copies, along with a few die hard former legislators around the country, so here is a Word doc version. Noteworthy- 1) certain Japanese companies may form their own in-house HMO-style coverage and provisioning. 2) Japanese insurance covers eastern medicine, Kampo medicine described above, including but not limited to herbal remedies and acupuncture.
Here is a downloadable word doc copy of the original publication: https://kotojazz.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/ncsl_japanesehealthcare_forelderly.doc