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“First in the world! Ginjo Sake Sampling Event Held at the United Nations Headquarters: Part 4”

By Kosuke Kuji

In the previous column, we introduced the background that led to the Ginjo sake-sampling event held at the United Nations (UN). To hold the Ginjo sake sampling event at the United Nations headquarters means the invited guests were not local American consumers walking down the streets of New York, but representatives from 193 nations serving as delegates to the United Nations at the United Nations headquarters in New York, where the 193 representatives gathered in one place, which aligned with the Japan Premium Sake Association’s goal to “promote Ginjo sake to the world.”

Association members faced difficulties while planning the Ginjo sake-sampling event held at the United Nations (UN). However, since the Japanese government graciously assumed the role of “joint organizer,” the arrangements were easily made as the association “organized the Ginjo sake sampling event representing Japan.” Further research revealed this Japanese sake sampling event was the “first held in the world” at the United Nations headquarters, organized by the Japan Premium Sake Association literally representing Japan to accomplish this feat.

The association was highly motivated to ensure this event was successful as each member would be wearing the uniform representing Japan, and took many hours to arrange and coordinate with the UN Side in preparation for the day of the event.

The association learned from the number of pre-registered guests that a large crowd of approximately 300 guests was expected to attend. Further, the Secretary-General of the United Nations working at the United Nations headquarters and other administrative employees also expressed interest in attending the event, thus a total of approximately 350 guests were expected to attend.

Although many of the guests from around the world had never tried Japanese sake before, the guests started to understand the appeal of Ginjo sake as the event progressed and became very lively. Although guests rarely stay at these diplomatic parties until the end, nearly 100 guests captivated by the appeal of Ginjo sake remained even after the time passed for the event to end, wanting to listen to the sake brewers speak. The guests reluctant to leave until the very end left a lasting impression with the event organizers.

As representatives of Japan, the organizers made a significant accomplishment by arranging the first Ginjo sake-sampling event at the United Nations headquarters.

「世界初!国連(UN)本部での吟醸酒の会 その4」






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A popular sushi restaurant proudly known for having fresh ingredients sent directly from Tsukiji and Fukuoka

A popular sushi restaurant pr... A popular sushi restaurant pr... A popular sushi restaurant pr... A popular sushi restaurant pr... A popular sushi restaurant pr... A popular sushi restaurant pr... A popular sushi restaurant pr... A popular sushi restaurant pr...
By Elii sSekine

Hayes Valley, which is known as the place where a gourmet culture started, is also a highly competitive place for the restaurant business. During the recent real estate development, many new condominiums and business buildings have been built, and the area is becoming even more desirable. Many foodies who want to eat out live there, and also some culture/art facilities for performing arts such as symphony orchestra concerts, ballet, Jazz performances, art museums, etc. are in the nearby areas. Restaurants in the area, therefore, need to accommodate to a wide variety of preferences as well. There is only one real authentic sushi restaurant in the area, and that is “Tsubasa”. They have gained many excellent reviews through word of mouth on social media, and have been given a Bib Gourmand rating by the Michelin Guide. They are supported by local sushi lovers for their high-quality a-la-carte, and omakase menus, and the approachability.

The owner, Irene Ouyang, is a Chinese American. She has been a fan of Japanese cuisine for a long time, and was motivated to start and run a Japanese restaurant called “Sushi House” 20 years ago. She later opened “Naked Fish Sushi Grill & Wine Restaurant”, which attracted a younger generation of sushi fans, taking advantage of the pop culture-like sushi boom of that time. Its innovative style, in which a drink bar and sushi are combined, has been copied by many restaurants since, and has become one of the standard styles. Then, 3 years ago, she opened “Tsubasa” on a busy street of Hayes Valley where people are always keeping their eyes on restaurants.

Last summer, the restaurant welcomed Peter Pae as the executive chef, and refreshed the menu. Mr. Pae is a non-Japanese sushi chef, who has 20-years of experience in cooking at Japanese restaurants. He learned the basics of sushi and sushi making techniques from Osamu, the owner of “Sushi Sam”, a popular restaurant which has been leading the sushi boom in San Mateo. He is also carrying over his craftsmanship. He says, “The most important thing about sushi is freshness, and enjoyment of dining is enhanced by having seasonal ingredients.” It is so obvious that such a philosophy is reflected on the menu. He is very particular about the fish he buys, and 90% of it comes directly from Tsukiji and Fukuoka. A wide variety of ingredients and freshness are their selling points.

The menu contains a wide-variety of dishes which include a-la-carte dishes, traditional nigiri sushi, sushi rolls, the original “Fusion Roll”, and options of temaki (hand rolls). The signature items are the “Chef’s Choice”, and “Tsubasa Daily”, for which nearly 30 different kinds of seasonal freshly caught ingredients are described daily. Evening time is mostly filled by reservations, but some walk-ins are accepted on some nights. For lunch time, there are items for quick-eats such as chirashi sushi and negitoro donburi, but they have recently added omakase style dishes on the lunch menu, which are welcomed for business lunches and “Tsubasa” fans. This time, I tried a course meal, and some dishes from the regular menu items. The appetizer, local oysters, were flavored in a Japanese way, and colorfully arranged with momiji oroshi (tinted grated daikon) and green onions, and boosted my appetite. Nicely tender and sweet ankimo (monkfish liver) ($11/each) and Nasu-no Nibitashi (cooked eggplant dish) went very well with Junmai sake. Chawan-mushi (steamed egg custard), a popular dish ($9〜$14) had a slight fragrance of sakura-ebi (tiny dried shrimp), and the fluffy custard made with tasty dashi was bringing out the goodness of rich and creamy uni (sea urchin) from Hokkaido. The main dish, “Special Sashimi” ($80) was colorful, and presented like an art for the decoration of your table. You can easily imagine the freshness of the ingredients by just looking at them, and the skillfully cut pieces and tasteful presentation showcase the craftsmanship well. Well-thought colorful arrangement of that day consisted of fish from Japan, shimaaji, hotate (scallop), inada, kinmedai, kamasu, hotaruika (tiny squids), muki-hotate, etc., and sakura-masu (trout) was decorated and favored with cherry leaves. The nigiri plate looked high class and gorgeous with gold dusted o-toro and zuwai-gani (crab) served with kani-moso (crab brain), which give you the ultimate pleasure of sushi tasting. The menu contains a wide selection of ingredients from standard fish to rare fish from Japan’s nearby seas, which you rarely see at other restaurants, hence can accommodate all sushi eaters from beginners to experts. You can imagine how prominent this place is from serving hon-maguro, because it is supplied to only a limited number of Japanese restaurants.

The restaurant is medium size, having a total of 50 seats. On the left after entering, you see the sushi chef counter, and bar tables, which were filled with many single customers. As for the alcoholic drink selection, Japanese sake brands dominate it. They are sorted by dryness, crispness, and smoothness. Next is wine, beer, and craft beers. Here, the sushi dining that should start with a drink, which Ouyang believes in, matches the eat-out culture spirit of Hayes Valley, and is collecting a lot of sushi fans every day.


グルメ発信基地としても知られるヘイズバレーはレストランの激選区。最近の再開発で新しいマンションや商業ビルが次々と建ち、益々魅力的な街へと変貌を遂げている。レストランに出かけるフーディーな客が多く、シンフォニーやバレエ、ジャズホール、美術館などの文化芸術施設が隣接するため、店側も多種多様な対応が求められる。その中で唯一の本格的な寿司屋、「Tsubasa Sushi」は、SNS の口コミで常に多くの星の数を獲得し、ミシュランガイドではビブグルマンにも選ばている。アラカルト、オマカセ共に高品質なのに通いやすさが寿司ファンに支持されている。

オーナー、 Eileen Ouyang 氏は中国系アメリカ人。昔からの日本食好きが高じて20 年前にレストラン「Sushi House」の経営を始めた。その後オープンした「Naked Fish Sushi Grill & WineRestaurant」は、当時のポップな寿司ブームに乗り、特に若年層を惹きつけた。ワインを加えドリンクメニューを充実させた画期的なスタイルは、今では多くの店が取り入れ定番となっている。そして3年前、いつも注目を浴びるヘイズバレーのおしゃれで賑やかな通りに「Tsubasa」をオープンした。

去年の夏、エグゼキュティブシェフにPeter Pae 氏を迎えメニューも一新された。Pae 氏は、日本食レストランでの料理人歴20 年になるノンジャパニーズの寿司職人。San Mateoで寿司ブームを牽引して来た人気レストラン、「SushiSam’s」のオーナー、おさむ氏から寿司の基本と技術を伝授され、その職人気質も継承している。「寿司は鮮度が命。そして季節のネタが並ぶ事で、食べる楽しみが一層豊かになる」とPea 氏。その哲学はメニューを見れば一目瞭然だ。毎日仕入れる魚にはこだわりがありその90%近くが日本の築地や福岡からの直輸入。ネタの種類と新鮮さがウリとなっている。

メニューは、一品料理、伝統的な握りとロールにオリジナルの「フュージョンロール」手巻きのオプションが加わるバラエティーな内容。看板は、「Chef’schoice」と30 品目近くの旬のネタが毎日書き換えられる「Tsubasa Daily」だ。

夜は予約客がほとんどだが、日によってはウォークインでも入れる。昼メニューはさっと済ませられるチラシ丼やネギトロ丼物などもあるが、最近「オマカセ」もランチメニューに加わり、ビジネスランチや“Tsubasa ファン” に好評だ。

今回、コースとレギュラーメニューの一部を賞味した。アペタイザーの牡蠣は地元産で和風に味付けし、もみじおろしやグリーンオニオンの彩も良く食欲を唆る。適度な甘さで柔らかいあん肝(各$11) とナスの煮浸しは純米酒との相性も抜群。人気アイテムの茶碗蒸($9 〜$14)は桜えびの匂いがほんのり漂い、良い出汁で仕上げたフルフルなカスタードが北海道産の濃厚でクリーミーな雲丹を引き立てている。メインの「SpecialSashimi」($80) は、色彩豊かでプレゼンテーションがまるでアートの様にテーブルを飾る。ネタの新鮮さは見た目で想像できるが、その切り身とセンス良い盛り付けに職人技が光る。この日は、シマアジ、ホタテ、イナダ、キンメダイ、カマス、ホテルイカ、ムキホタテなど色合い鮮やかで、サクラマスは桜の葉で飾り香り付けをするなど工夫が凝らしてある。


店内は全50席のミディアムサイズ。エントランスを入った左側には寿司シェフカウンター、バーテーブルがあり、個人客も多く見かける。アルコールは日本酒が圧倒的に多く、ドライ、クリスプ、スムーズの口当たり別で表示してある。次いでワイン、ビールを多種揃える。ここでもOuyang 氏がこだわるドリンクから始まる寿司ダイニングがヘイズバレーの外食スピリットにマッチし、毎日大勢の寿司ファンで賑わっている。

Tsubasa Sushi
429 Gough St.
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 551-9688

Tues.-Wed. 5:30pm-10:00pm
Thur. 11:30am-2:00pm
Fri. 11:30am-2:00pm
Sat. 12:00pm-2:45pm
Sun. 5:30pm-9:30pm
#SF #TsubasaSushi #Tsukiji #alljapannews #fukuoka #restaurant

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Sake Industry’s Corporate Efforts

By Yuji Matsumoto

The average amount an American spends at a full-fledged casual restaurant is, including beverages, about $20. If we suppose the entrée is $14.50, $5.50 is spent on alcoholic beverages. The majority of glass wines are priced at $4-7 for 180-220ml servings, and many bottled beers are $3.50-4.50. Comparatively, sake from Japan with the same serving size as wine (180ml) is $8.50-9.50. The price is 2.5 times higher, and the selections are more limited.

Sake might still sell at such relatively high prices outside Japanese restaurants in Las Vegas or big cities such as New York, but this pricing makes Japan-made sake difficult to become established in California, which is the most competitive and largest Japanese food market (1/3 of US overall).

On the other hand, sake made in America are priced around $6-7 for 12 oz. If two customers share two small tokkuris, that keeps the cost at $6 per person. Large bottled beers also come out to $3 per person if shared by two, making the pricing adequate, which is why they are selling well. Japan-made sake utterly lacks selections in this price range. 720ml-bottle sake are sold in restaurants for $40 and higher; this makes the product a challenge to order, or a special occasion-only option to many. Trader Joe’s Charles Shaw made a splash in the wine world when it was introduced, and at $2.99 for a 750ml bottle, it’s still selling strong and bringing in new wine lovers. Many must have started with this “Two Buck Chuck,” fallen in love with wine, and begun buying more expensive wines. Initially considered as a threat to the normally $4-5 wine industry, Charles Shaw contributed to expanding the wine industry that eventually benefitted all wine businesses.

There is no need to dramatically reduce quality to reach this price point, but Japanese corporations should be able to achieve a certain level of it, considering what has been achieved in the past with home appliances and cars.




逆に米国産の日本酒は2合徳利で6ドル後半から7ドル前後。2人で食事し2本シェアーしても一人当たり6ドル。また、大瓶のビールも2人でシェアーしたら一人あたり3ドルくらいと適正な価格帯にあり、ここは伸びている市場である。しかし、日本からの日本酒はこの価格帯でのバラエティーがまったくない。現在の720mlでレストラン販売価格が40ドル以上でのこの価格帯ではなかなかの勇気のいる選択または、特別な日以外は対象外となる。ワインの世界では一時期話題を呼んだトレイダー・ジョーズの“Charles Shaw”の2.99ドルワイン(750ml)は現在でも健全であり、多くのワイン愛好家を育成している。まずは2ドル投資をして気に入ったら徐々に価格の高いワインへとのめり込んだ人は多くいるはずだ。当初は、4ドルから5ドル前後のワイン業界は、脅威と感じたらしいが逆にワイン人口が相対的に増え全体のパイが広がったと言える。

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A Japanese sake bar that provides at-home cooking and a relaxing space

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By Aya Ota

Sake Bar Satsko” stands like a hide-out in a corner of Alphabet City in the East Village District. As soon as you step into the space, you feel so comfortable and nostalgic, like you have just come home. You almost can’t help saying, “Tadaima (I’m Home! In Japanese). Everybody in the restaurant looks relaxed in an intimate and family-like ambience, and you cannot tell the difference between the staff and the customers.

The owner, Satsko Watanabe opened this place in 2004. The 3 years prior to the opening were periods of struggling and researching for her. While struggling with raising a child as a single mother, she worked as a database designer for a company for 25 years. Exhausted from working in the competitive and ever-changing IT industry for so long, she decided to quit, and became a home-maker.

After a year or so of being at home, she thought, “I want to do something creative like flower arrangements,” and knocked on the door of a flower shop, and made a proposal. “Please teach me flower arrangements. In return, I am willing to work for free.” For a while, she could neither learn the flower business, nor make friends with the co-workers, but she just kept going there. One day, she started to bring a lot of home-cooked dishes to give to the co-workers at lunch time. Her flower arranging skills were still not quite at an approved level, but her cooking was raved by everyone, which quickly shortened the distance between her and the co-workers. She could have kept working at the flower shop, but she was slowly realizing that what one can be most passionate about in life is eating and drinking. She thought, “New York is a lonely city. I want to create a place where people gather and relax, enjoying home-style meals and sake,” and opened a café-style restaurant. Then, obtaining a liquor license a half year later, she has been running the place as “Sake Bar Satsko” since then.

Back then, in New York, there were not many bars where mainly Japanese sake was served. Sake was not quite recognized yet, so her place was a pioneer in this field. Most of the customers were thinking that Japanese sake was meant to be served hot, so Satsko repeatedly held tasting events in order to enlighten customers with the right ways to enjoy tasty Japanese sake. They say that it is important to educate bartenders to stretch sake sales. Her restaurant has 5 bartenders, and the sake brands for which those bartenders know well, make good sales.

“Customers don’t come unless the food tastes good,” says Satsko. Although the name is “Sake Bar”, the food menu is well thought out, and their motto is to create simple dishes using fresh ingredients. For a while, the dishes, which gained positive feedback from the co-workers at the flower shop were mainly served. Later, her daughter, Amy, who was born and raised in the US, who has a keen sense in tasting foods, suggested arrangements to her mother’s original recipes, which created newly re-born dishes. Each dish is homey yet, innovative, and the tastes make one want to have more sake to go with it.

Most of the customers are acquired by word of mouth. To let Americans know, they advertise only through Google. You cannot say that the location is ideal; however, they are so popular lately, having 4 rotations on weekends, and reservations are always required. Sometimes, you see a bunch of people waiting outside. The Polaroid photos that tightly fill the interior walls used to be taken as the proof of visited customers when they were not yet popular. Now it is a laughing matter. They always try to talk to first-time customers and single visitors, which may be one of the reasons for the restaurant to provide such a comfortable ambience.

“I’d like to help our bartenders become independent and open their own places in the future,” says Satsko. Great tasting meals and sake, and a warm ambience in which customers can make friends – you should be able to see this Japanese sake community, which was created by 14 years in the making, expanding not very long
from now.


イーストヴィレッジ地区・アルファベットシティの一角に隠れ家のように佇む『Sake Bar Satsko』。足を一歩踏み入れた瞬間に、自分の家に帰ってきたような居心地の良さや懐かしさを感じ、おもわず「ただいま」と言ってしまいそうになる。店内では、客とスタッフの区別がつかないくらい、誰もが家族のような親密な雰囲気でくつろいでいる。


約1年、主婦をした後、「フラワーアレンジメントのようなクリエイティブなことがしたい」と思い立ち、花屋の扉を叩き、「無償で働く代わりにフラワーアレンジメントを教えてほしい」と申し出た。しばらくは、花の仕事は何も分からず、職場の人とも親しくなれず、店に通うだけの日々が続いた。ある時からさつ子氏は、家庭料理をどっさり作って職場に持参し、昼食に振る舞うようになった。花屋では、フラワーアレンジメントの能力はなかなか評価されなかったが、さつ子氏の料理をみんなが美味しいと言って食べてくれ、職場の仲間との距離も縮まっていった。そのままずっと花屋で働き続けることもできたかもしれないが、さつ子氏は、次第に、「人生で一番情熱を傾けることができるのは、食べること・飲むことだ」と気づく。そして「ニューヨークは孤独な街。人々が集まって、家庭的な食事とお酒を楽しみながら、くつろげる場所を作りたい」という想いで、カフェ開店を開店。その半年後にリカーライセンスを取得して『Sake Bar Satsko』と店名を変更し、今に至る。


「料理が美味しくないと客は来ない」とさつ子氏は語る。同店は、Sake Barと名乗っているものの、食事メニューに力を入れており、新鮮な食材を使ってシンプルに作ることをモットーにしている。開店後しばらくは、さつ子氏が花屋で働いていた時に仲間からよいフィードバックを得た料理を中心に提供してきた。その後、米国で生まれ育った娘のエイミーが、母が考案したオリジナルのレシピに、彼女の優れた食の感覚でアレンジを加え、新しい料理に生まれ変わった。どれも家庭的だが、斬新さを兼ね備え、思わず酒が進むような味付けだ。



Sake Bar Satsko
202 East 7th Street
New York, NY 10009
Tel: 212-614-0933
Sun.-Thurs. 5:00pm-2:00am
Fri. & Sat. 5:00pm-4:00am
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A Japanese-style health conscious delicatessen

A Japanese-style health consci... A Japanese-style health consci... A Japanese-style health consci... A Japanese-style health consci... A Japanese-style health consci...
By Keiko Fukuda

“When parents are busy, they are not able to cook meals that require time and effort for children. It may be alright to feed children fast food or frozen foods as long as their stomachs are filled, but parents cannot help feeling guilty doing so. So, my wife (Yuriko Tachibe) thought about the concept of this store, which is to offer healthy bentos that can be easily obtained,” says Shigefumi Tachibe, the owner of “Delicatessen by Osawa” which opened in May of 2017 in Pasadena. As the owner claims, the items in the menu consist of completely preservative-free bentos and side dishes made from scratch. You certainly cannot help noticing Japanese style healthy-looking dishes made mainly with vegetables such as “Gobo & Renkon Kinpira”, “Kale & Spinach Ohitashi”, or “Hari Hari Daikon”. The bento selection under the “Grab & Go” includes “Shokado Bento Box” ($15.75), “Chicken Bento” ($10.95), “Sozai Mix Bento” ($12.75), etc. You can surely find less expensive stuff in Japanese supermarkets; however, as mentioned earlier, the dishes at “Delicatessen by Osawa” never contain preservatives or frozen foods, and everything is made with fresh ingredients, which requires higher cost and labor, thus justifies their price setting. They buy food ingredients from some vendors, but also go and buy from the Farmer’s Market in South Pasadena by themselves.

Mr. Tachibe has worked at Chaya, a well-known California cuisine specialty restaurant, as the executive chef for a long time, and launched the health-conscious M Café under Chaya. After becoming independent, he established a successful Japanese restaurant called Osawa, and then opened the delicatessen in the business district of Pasadena. The kitchen of the delicatessen is led by executive chef Tetsuya Osaki. Chef Osaki has a total of 33 years of experience as a chef in Japan and the US. His talented skills cover all kinds of cuisine from Japanese to Californian.

The interior of the store is natural-themed using plenty of wood, and gives a contemporary feel. There is a counter of side dishes in the back, and you can see the kitchen behind the counter where the chefs are cooking. I heard that all the kitchen staff including chef Osaki enters in the kitchen at 7 o’clock every morning.

I visited the store for the interview before 11 in the morning before the opening time, and tried their most popular dish, the Daily Special. The special of that day was the Loco Moco; on white rice, there was a large-size hamburger patty, which you sure can taste the umami of the meat, with a softly cooked sunny side up style egg on top, and gravy sauce. In the same bowl, there was a salad of sliced cucumber, tomato, and avocado. The set came with a corn chowder that contained cubed vegetables, and was priced at $12.95. It was very satisfying.
Since I enjoyed it so much, I asked Mr. Tachibe, “Can you please open another store in the South Bay area where I live?” He answered, “Actually, we have customers who come all the way from the South Bay area (it takes more than one hour of driving). Such a request comes from not only the South Bay area, but the West Side also. This store is good because it is close to the main restaurant, Osawa, but if it’s far away, it won’t be good because I won’t be able to keep close eyes on it. Oh well, too bad!”

At first, I thought there would be many take-out customers since it is a delicatessen, but in fact, there are many eat-in customers, and I was told that they actually run out of the tables during lunch hours. They used to close at 6 in the evening, but changed it to 7 by request. It seems still too early to accommodate all the requests, so they are planning to extend it to 9 p.m. starting in March. (The interview was done in February.) While I was tasting the Loco Moco, people who looked like regular customers started to come in one after another, and fill the space before the opening time of 11.The store concept, “For the health of families” seems to have been surely conveyed to their customers.


「親が忙しいと子どもに手をかけた料理を作ってあげられない。ファストフードや冷凍食品でお腹いっぱいになればいいかもしれないけれど、子どもに対するギルティの気持ちがどうしても残ります。それで手軽に健康的なお弁当を提供しようと、妻(立部小百合さん)がこの店のコンセプトを思い立ちました」と話すのは、2017年の5月にパサデナにオープンしたデリカテッセン・バイ・オオサワのオーナー、立部重文さん。オーナーが言うように、この店のメニューに並ぶのは、「添加物を一切使用しない、スクラッチから作ったお弁当と惣菜」だ。確かに、ゴボウやレンコンのきんぴら、ケールとほうれん草のおひたし、ハリハリ大根といった、いかにも身体に良さそうな野菜を中心とした日本的なものが目を引く。Grab & Go と題されたお弁当のラインアップは松花堂弁当($15.75)、チキン弁当($10.95)、惣菜ミックス弁当($12.75)など。日系スーパーで買えば、もっと安いものがあるが、前述のようにデリカテッセン・バイ・オオサワは添加物も冷凍食品も不使用、すべて新鮮な食材から手作りということで、コストと人の手がかかっていることを考えれば納得の値段設定というしかない。食材は業者から仕入れる以外にも、サウスパサデナのファーマーズマーケットに足を運んで調達している。






The Delicatessen by Osawa
851 Cordova Street
Pasadena, CA 91101
Tel: 626-844-8788
Tue.-Sun. 11:00am-9:00pm
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New age fusion “IZAKAYA”

New age fusion ... New age fusion ... New age fusion ... New age fusion ... New age fusion ... New age fusion ... New age fusion ...
By Elli Sekine

It has been 7 or 8 years since izakaya-style restaurants started to permeate the San Francisco area. Now, they are surely settled in American society, and have become a part of San Francisco’s gourmet culture. However, in the US, the concept of izakaya is more diverse, “having everything from sushi to a-la-carte dishes” to a “high-end kappo style menu”. “Izakaya” traditionally means a “house” for drinking sake, and is a low-key restaurant where small dishes to pair with sake drinks are served. In this US market, however, people probably perceive izakaya as “a Japanese tapas restaurant”, or “a Japanese style bar”.

Regardless of the original meaning, the name “izakaya” is evolving, and becoming a brand, and progressing towards a more high-end eatery.

”Izakaya Hashibiro Kou” which opened in late 2012, is a modern Japanese restaurant in the new age, which has those two elements. Ever since it opened, this place has been maintaining a 4-star ranking in “Yelp” under the Japanese restaurant category. The name means the stork. It is located near San Francisco Japan Town across Geary Street. You cannot say that it is an ideal location, but lately, even a Michelin-starred restaurant, which was built in a large space with a sophisticatedly renovated interior appeared in the area. Due to such changes in the scenery, the area started to attract gourmet eaters. This restaurant is one of such indispensable Japanese restaurants in the city, which has 70 seats and a bar.

Chef Jay Young is from Korea. He was born and raised in Korea. He graduated from a famous culinary school in Korea, majoring in Japanese cuisine. After graduating, Mr. Young worked as a chef in the Japanese restaurants in the Hilton Hotel Seoul, and the Sofitel Ambassador Seoul. In 2012, he was promoted to becoming the opening chef of “Izakaya Kou”, and moved to San Francisco.

His first impression of San Francisco was that it was a very gourmet food-loving society, and open. He said that he learned the joy of food culture in a diverse cultured society. His harmonized polished international food sense and Japanese cuisine are flourishing in this place. His creative high-end dishes, which are beyond Japanese boundaries, and familiar and traditional izakaya menu items offer a very unique combination. The number of menu items which include a-la-carte dishes, sushi, rolls, yakitori, teppan-yaki, donburis, soba, and ramen, is overwelming. Surprisingly, you can even order a chef’s omakase course as a special menu item.

The exterior of the restaurant does not really stand out, but the inside looks very spacious. The tables are laid out with a lot of room in between, and there is a Japanese fire-place room, a tatami room (with a hori-gotatu), and a private room that accommodates up to 8 people. Japanese calligraphy art hung by the entrance that fills up the right side wall, creates a Japanese ambience for the restaurant. There is a small table facing the street, one facing the big kitchen, and one in the private room, etc., and each table creates a different ambience depending on the location. The restaurant can easily accommodate a large group of people, too. The lights are dimmed, and the simple wood-themed interior decorations provide the feel of an old-fashoned private Japanese house.

As far as the menu goes, it looks like a list of rather ordinary a-la-carte dishes, sushi, grilled items, etc. However, each dish is cooked and presented so well that you are convinced of the facts of the chef’s graduation from a famous culinary school, and experiences of working in high-end hotels. For instance, “Gindara Misozuke” ($11) is a dish with a fluffily cooked marinated cod, served on a wooden log plate. The chili sauce, and the daikon garnish is also presented very artfully. In “Hamachi Carpaccio” ($8), a fresh Hamachi is served with crispy cucumber, and accentuated with olive oil, vinegar, chili, mint dressing and herbs. The ingredients for the salads contain organic vegetables from the farmers’ market only. The sophisticated presentations surely heighten the dining spirits.

There is a bar area in addition to the open kitchen. The selection of alcoholic drinks, which is the key to an izakaya, is vast, and contains more than 80 kinds including Japanese sake, shochu, chu-high, beers, and wines. They say that when the bar is full, the meals get promoted. In this restaurant, there is a good balance of demands and provisions as an izakaya. The happy hour is between opening and 7pm. There are only a few other large izakaya-style establishments in San Francisco, which are open until late at night, so this place is accommodating the needs for a wide variety of people from young to businessmen.


サンフランシスコで「Izakaya」スタイルの日本食店が流行し始めてはや10 年近くになるが、最近ではすっかりアメリカ人の間で定着し、サンフランシスコのグルメ文化に溶け込んでいる。しかしその「Izakaya」のテーマは、「寿司から一品までなんでも揃う」からハイエンドの割烹スタイルまで、アメリカならではの多様性がある。

「居酒屋」とは古来、酒を飲む“ 館” で、酒の肴となる小料理を出す大衆向けの店を意味する。しかしここはアメリカ。その由来にはお構いなく「Izakaya」の名前がブランド化しハイエンドへと進化している。

2012 年末にオープンした、「IzakayaHashibiro kou」は、この2つの要素を持つ新しい時代の「モダンジャパニーズ」。オープン以来、「Yelp」の日本食レストランランキングで、四つ星を持続させている。名前はコウノトリの意味。場所はサンフランシスコ日本町からゲーリー通りを渡ったところで、決して良いロケーションとは言えないが、最近周りには広いスペースをおしゃれに改装した話題のミシュラン星レストランも並ぶ。その影響でグルメ客の足が出向くようになった。同店も市内の日本食レストランの中では70 席の客席とバーを持つ貴重な存在だ。

シェフ、ジェイ・ヤング氏は韓国生まれ、韓国育ち。自国のカリナリー名門校を卒業したが、その専門が日本食だった。卒業後、ヤング氏は、ヒルトンホテル・ソウルやソフテル・アンバサダー・ソウルで日本食レストランのシェフを務める。そして2012 年、「Izakaya kou」オープニングシェフとして抜擢されサンフランシスコに移住した。ヤング氏は、サンフランシスコの印象をとてもグルメで開放的。多様な食文化、食習慣の面白さがあると言う。彼の磨き上げた国際的な食感覚と和食の融合がここで花を咲かせている。ジャパニーズの域を超えた創作的なハイエンドなメニューから誰もが知る伝統的な居酒屋メニューとの組み合わせがユニーク。一品料理から寿司、ロール、焼き鳥、鉄板、丼ぶり、蕎麦、ラーメンまで、圧倒的な品数を揃える。さらにはシェフのオマカセコースも特別注文できるという驚きの構成だ。


メニューを見る限りは何処にでもある一品料理と寿司やグリルがずらりと並んでいるが、一皿一皿の料理技術や盛り付けはさすがにカリナリー校出身、ホテルでの経験があるシェフらしい仕上がりだ。例えば「Gindara misozuke」($11)は、マリネードされた鱈をふっくら焼き上げ、それを丸太プレートで出す。チリソースやガーニッシュの大根も芸術的に盛り付けてある。「Hamachi carpaccio」($8) は、新鮮なハマチにキュウリのシャキシャキした食感を加え、オリーブオイルとビネガー、チリ、ミントドレッシングと薬味添えでアクセントをつけてあ

店内にはオープンキッチンとは別にドリンクバーもある。居酒屋の本命となるアルコール類も多種類を揃え、日本酒から焼酎、チュウハイ、ビール、ワインまで80 種類を超える。バーが充実すると食事も進むという、ここでは居酒屋ならではの需要と供給が満たされている。


Izakaya Hashibiro Kou
1560 Fillmore St.
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 441-9294

Monday Closed
Tues.-Thurs. 5:30pm-12:00am
Fri.-Sat. 5:30pm-1:00am
Sun. 5:30pm-11:00pm
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Standardize Labels

By Yuji Matsumoto

When I go to a nearby Japanese supermarket, I often find Americans at complete loss as to what to choose in the sake/shochu section. The same goes even for the Japanese, unless you have the brands memorized. So how can we categorize sake to make it easy for consumers to choose? We need to look into their purchase motivations, and what questions they have.

Consumers’ purchase motivations

• I like sake A because it’s rich-bodied and has good acidity and pairs well with meat dishes, but I couldn’t find it in a supermarket. How can I find something similar to it?

• My friend likes sushi (especially white fish), so I want to give him a bottle of sake. But I don’t know how to pick one.

• Which sake will be good as a birthday present for my girlfriend(boyfriend), who usually prefers red wines with higher tannin levels?

• My wife never had sake. She likes fruity white wines and champagnes, so which sake would she enjoy?

• I usually enjoy drinking B, but today is a special occasion and I want something similar but more expensive. How do I choose one?

• What’s good as hot sake?

Generally speaking, these are the sorts of questions normal consumers have.

It’s impossible to provide answers to all such questions and display sake accordingly, but it is possible to categorize them by the aroma, body, and food parings. Below chart is what I would use as an attempt to categorize most of the sake, based on my innumerous tastings in the past.

First, have the breweries categorize all their sake being exported to U.S. into “zones.” If they think their sake is refreshing with an aroma of a cantaloupe, it should be in the “summer zone.” The categorizations should be displayed on labels in an industry-wide standardized format. Restaurants and retailers can then post posters or hang messages on the neck of the bottles, to explain the zoning map. The breweries can have their own logos in the middle of the labels as they wish. I sincerely hope that sake bottle labels can be standardized as such.



• Aという濃醇なボディーで酸味香のある肉料理に合う日本酒が好きだが、スーパーに行ったらこの銘柄が無かった。Aという銘柄に近いものを探すのにはどうするか。

• 友人は、スシ特に白身魚が好きだから何か日本酒をプレゼントしたいが何を選んだらよいのであろうか。

• 今回は、彼(彼女)の誕生日なので、普段タンニンの効いた赤ワイン好きな彼(彼女)が気に入る日本酒はどれだろうか。

• 妻は日本酒は今まで飲んだこともないが、フルーティーな白ワインやシャンペンは好き。何を飲ませたら喜ぶだろうか。

• 普段はBという銘柄を好んで飲んでいるが、今日は特別な日なので値段が高い同じ傾向の日本酒がほしいがどうやって選ぶか。

• 熱燗に適した日本酒はどれ?



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First in the world! Ginjo event held at the United Nations Headquarters: Part 3

By Kosuke Kuji

In the previous column, Naotaka Miyasaka, 7th President of Japan Premium Sake Association wrote the association had set sail with the goal to establish Ginjo sake worldwide.

No brewery objected to his opinion, and I was highly anticipating the future of Japan Premium Sake Association.

The current political climate also provided support to Miyasaka’s ambition, as the Japanese cabinet under the Prime Minster Abe’s Administration just approved the project “Enjoy Japanese Sake,” setting the course to promote the export of Japanese sake overseas at the national level.

Currently, this movement is now moving forward as “Cool Japan” to create opportunities for sake breweries throughout Japan to export their sake products overseas, to position Japanese sake as “Japan’s traditional culture” as a nationwide effort led by the Japanese government to proudly export Japanese sake to the world as a national treasure.

Japan Premium Sake Association’s aim to introduce Ginjo sake to the world to establish Ginjo sake overseas was recognized by the Japanese Government at a time when efforts export of Japanese sake overseas are supported at a national level in Japan, which resulted in gaining support from the Japanese government.

In this climate, days of reflection continued on how the Japanese Premium Sake Association will introduce “Ginjo” sake to the world, how to kick-off the initial undertaking, for which I also joined the discussion team to simulate ideas on how to kick-off the business that would stun the world with awe.

During these discussions, I noticed my colleague from my hometown of Iwate prefecture among the Japanese government representatives to the United Nations (UN) and consulted him, which led to the proposed idea of holding a Ginjo sake sampling event at the United Nations headquarters.

I was rather in doubt at first, asking “Could we really do something like that?” But as the discussion continued, we realized it was possible, which led to the sampling event to promote Ginjo sake to the world from the United Nations (UN) headquarters.

We will continue in our next issue.

「世界初!国連(UN)本部での吟醸酒の会 その3」



そんな宮坂理事長の想いに時代も味方をし、その当時、安部政権では国家戦略会議において、「ENJOY JAPANESE KOKUSHU(國酒を楽しもう)」プロジェクトが閣議決定され、国家レベルで日本酒の海外輸出を推進していく流れが整っていました。






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Introducing the “Japan quality” to the world, that Japan is so proud of

Introducing the... Introducing the... Introducing the... Introducing the... Introducing the... Introducing the...
By Aya Ota

In a corner of the busy Midtown East District, you will find a heavy dignified looking door with a family crest design. As soon as you step into the space behind the door, the crisp air is felt like from another world. It is “MIFUNE New York” opened in the summer of 2017 as the first US restaurant by Tokyo Restaurant Factory Inc., which has established 40 restaurants in Japan, most of them serving high-end Japanese cuisine.

“While introducing the Japan quality, I would like to make a lot of Japan fans all over the world,” so told Mr. Hiroyuki Morishima, General Manager/Overseas Business Division Chief of the restaurant, about their mission. The name of the restaurant was taken from Toshiro Mifune, a prominent Japanese actor, who was known as “Mifune of the World”. The name was chosen as such that deserves to represent Japan, and carry the responsibility to go to the world. The company has a deep connection to the Mifune Production, and Toshiro Mifune himself was once passionately involved in restaurant related businesses. So, the name also holds an intension to inherit Toshiro Mifune’s old dream, and also to reintroduce his greatness.

As the name suggests, the consistent natural style and modern and international sense of Japan co-exist in “MIFUNE New York”.

While holding values of traditional Japanese cuisine, their dishes are combined with French cuisine techniques, which made them so unique that you cannot experience anywhere else. The menu was created by Hiroki Yoshitake, owner/chef of “Sola”, a Michelin starred Paris restaurant. The New York kitchen is led by Yuu Shimano, a strong-skilled executive chef, who has the experience of displaying his skills in a Michelin 3-starred restaurant in Paris. Their dishes, using plentiful local seasonal ingredients, are presented beautifully and delicately on plates made by Japanese craftsmanship, and they are picturesque, colorful and elegant, and so breath-taking that they make you leak a sigh. You see no sign of compromise from any of those dishes which are created one by one so diligently. I would really like you to try their original signature cocktails, too. They were created by a bartender, Shingo Gokan who is a winner of the World’s Cocktail Championship, and entertain you with their names taken from the films in which Toshiro Mifune starred in, and the ingredients using Japanese foods and sake. They also have “sushi AMANE” hidden in the basement, which has only 8 seats, and serves omakase-style sushi. The chef, Uino Shion, is a young elite from “Sushi Saito”, a prominent 3 consecutive Michelin 3-star winning restaurant in Tokyo. “sushi AMANE” has become a legend in no time by winning a Michelin star only 3 months after its opening, which was the fastest in New York.

“MIFUNE New York”——you may say that it is a stage where Japanese proud young talents compete.

“I wanted to make it in New York where people of diverse races and cultural backgrounds live and lead the trends, and only true things can survive,” says Mr. Moriyama as the reason for choosing New York for their first restaurant in the US. At the beginning, doing business in New York was much harder than he expected. However, they have surely been increasing the number of customers including repeaters as they have improved the menu and services flexibly since opening while they carefully observe the customer reactions. Due to its high-end ambience and price setting, people tend to use it for special occasions such as anniversaries, so their current issue is how to have more people come and use it more casually. There is a counter space near the entrance, a dining space with an open feel with a high ceiling, and private room-like divided table section in the basement, which should allow you to enjoy in various situations such as dating, group dining, entertaining guests, etc. They also wish to appeal to a wider range of people by planning a cocktail paring event with Shingo Gokan, expanding seasonal menus etc.

Mr. Morishima continues, “I want MIFUNE New York to be not only a restaurant, but also a place where people who gather there realize their dreams. I will be happy if we can motivate such a thing.” Mr. Morishima used to work in a different industry. He himself is one of those who keep trying to realize his dreams. I was surprised to know that he is already planning to open a yakitori restaurant this spring in the West Village District. I want to keep my eyes open for the Japan quality this company keeps sending out to the world.


賑やかなミッドタウンイースト地区の一角、家紋をあしらった重厚感ある扉を押して足を踏み入れると、一瞬にして別世界に入り込んだような凜とした空気が流れる。『MIFUNE New York』——高級和食店を中心に日本国内で約40店舗を展開する『東京レストランツファクトリー株式会社』の北米進出第一号店として、2017年夏に開店した店だ。


『MIFUNE New York』には、その店名が語る通り、一本筋の通った日本らしさとモダンな国際感覚が共存している。


ニューヨークの厨房を仕切るのはエグゼクティブ・シェフの島野雄氏。パリのミシュラン三つ星レストランで腕を振るった実績を持つ実力派だ。四季折々の地元食材をふんだんに使い、陶芸作家による美しい和食器に、繊細に盛り付けられた料理の数々……絵画のような色彩感覚と優雅さに、感嘆のため息が漏れる。一品一品、丁寧に作り込まれた皿からは、一切の妥協を感じない。同店オリジナルのシグネチャー・カクテルもぜひ試してほしい。カクテル世界大会優勝者のバーテンダー、後閑信吾氏が考案したもので、三船敏郎氏が出演した映画にちなんだネーミングと、和食材や酒を使った内容で楽しませてくれる。そして、地下には隠れ家のようにひっそりと、8席のみでおまかせ寿司を提供する『sushi AMANE』が存在する。シェフの宇井野詩音氏は、8年連続ミシュラン三つ星を獲得する東京の名店『鮨 さいとう』から抜擢された若き精鋭。『sushi AMANE』はニューヨーク・ミシュラン史上最速、開店後3カ月で星を獲得し、瞬く間に伝説を打ち立てた。

『MIFUNE New York』——ここは、日本が誇る若い才能が競演する舞台のような存在なのかもしれない。


「MIFUNE New Yorkはレストランでありながらも、集まった人々が夢を実現させる場所でありたい。そして、その原動力になれるとうれしい」と森嶋氏は続ける。森嶋氏自身も全くの異業種から転職し、夢に向けて挑戦し続ける一人でもある。そして、もうすでに、この春にはウェストビレッジ地区に焼き鳥店を出店予定だというので驚きだ。同社が世界に発信するジャパン・クオリティ、これからも注目していきたい。

245 E 44th Street
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-986-2800(MIFUNE New York)/212−986−5300(sushi AMANE)

Lunch: Mon – Fri 11:30am – 2:30pm
Dinner: Mon – Sat 6:00pm – 11:30pm
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A casual dining experience with udon as the main selling point

A casual dining experience wit... A casual dining experience wit... A casual dining experience wit... A casual dining experience wit... A casual dining experience wit... A casual dining experience wit...
By Keiko Fukuda

The number of ramen restaurants have reached the point of saturation not only in Los Angeles, but also in San Francisco, and New York. Now, Japanese udon noodles have slowly begun to sneak into the market. In September of 2017, MARUGAME-SEIMEN, an udon specialty restaurant chain, landed their business in the US, and open the first restaurant in the Sawtelle district which is one of the most competitive areas for Japanese food businesses in Los Angeles. There is a restaurant on La Cienega in West Hollywood, which has been running a successful business with udon as main dishes for lunch, and as an izakaya for dinner with an extensive menu besides udon. It is “Kochi”, a casual dining establishment. The owner of Kochi is Ms. Yukiko Okada from Fukuoka. She had her experience in the restaurant industry by working for KATSUYA in Studio City when she was still going to school. After that, she launched a media production company. She still runs the company simultaneously with the restaurant. She opened Kochi in November of 2016. I asked her why she has decided to open an udon restaurant.

“First of all, I love udon myself. There was no good udon place near Culver City where I lived. So, I wanted to have a place which serves the kind of udon that feels good to eat. In the meantime, an acquaintance who had established 7 restaurants in Japan, 2 in Malaysia, and 1 in Vietnam, consulted me about his hope to add another in Los Angeles. I decided to team up with him to open an udon restaurant. Actually, both my father and my brother are cooks. They run a restaurant in Fukuoka. I set up Kochi’s menu by consulting my ideas with my father and brother. In addition to traditional udon dishes such as Niku Udon, Kakiage Udon, and Kitsune Udon, there are some innovative dishes such as Uni Cream Udon, Mentai Cream Udon, and Carbonara Udon, as part of their signature udon series.

Originally, she was planning to use hand-made house udon. However, she had doubts about the consistency, and decided to buy it from a food trading company instead. “It was a practical decision. It is more convenient to ask the provider to make the noodles exactly how I want. 3 kinds of noodles, thin, thick, and chewy, are ordered, and used to pair with dishes in the menu. For example, thin noodles are for salads, thick noodles are for soups, and chewy noodles are for creamy dishes. In the future, not only pairing with each dish, I would also like to give customers options to choose whatever kind of noodles they prefer.”

They offer some lunch specials at $10. Special A consists of tempura, tuna sashimi, salad, miso soup, rice, and pickles. Special B consists of Karaage and tamagoyaki (Japanese style omelet) instead of tempura and sashimi. Special C consists of chicken cutlet and tamagoyaki. The price sounds incredibly low considering the location of the restaurant, but it is a strategy to gain repeating customers. It would make me happier if they could add a small bowl of udon to those specials with a little higher price.

Right now, they offer a service for which you can add a small bowl of donburi dish for an additional $3.50 when you order an udon dish from the menu for lunch.

As the last question, I asked her the reason why she chose this location in West Hollywood. She said, “I chose this location because I bought it with all its furnishings and the license, which allowed an immediate opening after the deal was made.” The area is not crowded with other sushi restaurants and izakayas, or anything like that, however, considering the traffic on La Cienega, a major busy boulevard, it is not impossible to expect some walk-in customers. Ms. Okada is already considering opening a second restaurant. She told me, “I think it would be good to open in San Diego, South Bay, and Orange County. I would like to open at least 3 more restaurants in areas where the Asian population is high.”










408 N.La Cienega Blvd.,WestHollywood, CA 90048

Mon.-Thu.11:30am-2:00pm / 5:30pm-10:00pm
Fri.& Sat.11:30am-2:00pm . 5:30am-10:30pm
Sun.11:3oam-2:00pm . 5:30pm-9:30pm
#Hollywood #Japanese #alljapannews #dining #kochi #udon

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