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Japan Fair 2018

Japan Fair 2018
I am writing this message on behalf of Japan Fair 2018. Japan Fair will be held on July 7 and 8 this year at Meydenbauer Convention Center Bellevue Washington gathering about 20,000 Japanese, Japanese Americans and people interested in Japan.

I would like to extend our invitation to your company to exhibit at the show. If you can help us celebrate the Japanese heritage, please contact me at or contact Japan Fair Office.

Just by contacting me, I will give you $150 off from the usual $500 booth fee.

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I am designing Linux PC for ...

I am designing Linux PC for ...
I am designing Linux PC for people who are 50+.
Why ... Because unlike younger people they know what they are doing.

People who are 50+ often considered not technically well round.


Those are the people who

  • invented PC.
  • Used DOS Command Prompt
  • Invented Word Processing, Speed Sheet and Database
  • Invented Internet
  • Invented Cellular Phone and Cellular Network

    And you think they are technically not good. You got to be kidding.
    Those are exactly the people who can use Linux and be happy about it.
  • #BentoBoxLinuxPC #kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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    Linux PC

    Old School Linux Old School Linux
    I am working on Linux PC to be sold with our Internet services. Yes, I am working to develop a hardware (software) for sale.

    When you hear Linux ... you think of the screen like above. I thought so too. But today's linux is way more user friendly. As I use more, I wonder why I need to use Mac or Windows.

    I will keep you posted on the progress.
    #BentoBoxLinuxPC #PSPinc

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    But I did not do anything !!!

    Back in 2012 ... Apple Closed ... Back in 2012 ... Apple Closed MobileMe Service
    Progress sometimes include shutting down the services.
    When there is a problem, people often say "we did not do anything."

    Isn't it funny that people think when there is a problem, there is someone caused that problem. Isn't it possible that problem happened because people did no do anything.

    People think nothing will happen when you do not do anything. That is the reason why people are so afraid of changes. Look at the companies that did not do anything for last 20 years (since the beginning of Internet). They are not doing well, are they? The problem was "They did not do anything."

    Although Internet his everywhere, Internet is still growing. What are you doing about it?

    #kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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    Promote Your Business with Kiroboto

    Promote Your Business with Ki...
    Promote your business with
    You can register for free and post your business or product for free.

    Good for your SEO marketing efforts.
    #kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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    This is how I talk to Pompom in heaven.

    This is how I talk to Pompom ... This is how I talk to Pompom ...
    #marketing #onlinesales #postinheaven #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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    Kiroboto is Free

    Kiroboto is Free Kiroboto is Free Kiroboto is Free
    Today I updated three fantastic deals on kiroboto.
    You can post sale you like or promote your own business for Free.
    #kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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    Text Book Company IKEA

    IKEA ... With many Brick and Mortar companies not doing well, IKEA and COSTCO are doing so well. Why?

    I think here are some of the keywords that describes IKEA success

    - Low Prices
    - Good Quality
    - Large Choice
    - Cleanness
    - Large Stores
    - Friendly
    - Inviting
    - Membership
    - Information Gathering

    What do you think???
    #kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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    Why are the cars so much better looking 40 years ago than today.

    Is that because of the safety reasons?

    Why can't wa make cars like it used to be?

    You don't have to develop gasoline engine any more.

    You can create an electric car much easier now.

    Why don't we too more car manufacturers posing up?
    #WhyWhyNot #kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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