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Eva making breakfasts. Eva making breakfasts.
Ten-year-old, Eva, sets an example for all of us. She is a planner and wants to be a chef.

ALWAYS HAVE A MEAL PLAN: Eva says, "My favorites are Shaklee's Coffee Latte and Chocolate Shakes with milk and then I add some fruits. I make sure Mom get's what I need for my healthy breakfasts when she goes shopping."

CHOOSE YOUR SNACKS BEFORE YOU NEED THEM: Eva's favorites are Shaklee's Toffee and Coconut ones."

Most snacks are empty calories with little nutritional value. As we get older we also need more nutrient dense food.

So with good nutrition "in" with Shaklee type nutrition, one is more free to eat for taste and convenience.

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Choose Your Own Title

Choose Your Own Title Choose Your Own Title
Sometimes we can't help but take a picture.

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Thaddeus, eight-years-old, has the Japanese saying: NANA KOROBI, YA OKI, memorized. It means, seven times down and eight times up. He is also in charge of the red Daruma figure that he has with two blank eyes.

The family has set a goal of daily spending five to ten minutes cleaning the main part of the house, where one comes in, so Papa can feel good when he gets home. Thaddeus is starting to draw in the left eye for setting the goal. He started it with a tiny dot and plans to grow it as the family becomes more consistent with their goal.

Next year or so, when they get good about using team work and cleaning every day before Papa gets home, Thaddeus will put in the right eye.

Sam Goto drew the cartoon strip, but credit goes to IKE'S PRINCIPLES, a book we helped Tsuguo Ikeda write.

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Guatamala Trip by Sam

by Sam Goto

One day, I was talking to Bob about pyramids and his reaction was just so so. I said to him, “I thought everyone was interested in them like sex.” I had been interested in pyramids and ancient civilizations since high school. Anyway, It’s interesting to me and kind of fun to recall my trip to Mexico and Guatemala in 1974.

We had built our new house and Dee’s cousin from Japan had gone home after a six-month stay, Dee pulled her nursing job savings together and sent me on this trip.

It was hot and humid when I got to the Yucatan and Merida, I had to take baths both in the morning and night, I went on a car tour, with three of us, and as we passed a kind of walled off cemetery, I asked about it so the driver stopped.

It was one of those places where the dead body was placed to decay in a shallow grave box with a lid. After a year or so, nothing was left but the skeleton. It looked all brown and dusty. There was a man inside near one of the walls. His job was washing the bones - what a job. I learned that after the bones were washed, they were placed into a lantern-like display case, the family was notified and there was a ceremony.

With all it’s political issues, Guatamala City was not peaceful. Soldiers were standing around with automatic weapons on their shoulders. The city, laid out in kind of a circle with the capital in the middle was interesting. There was a walking relief map of Guatemala, like a putt putt golf course. The guide explained that the President liked it so much, he had the builder killed so no one else could make one like it. Using my limited Spanish, I got around.

The most impressive place was Tikal, an ancient Mayan city that had been reclaimed from the jungle. As I was riding in a small Bush Plane, I mentioned to the pilot, “I recently read that a plane had crashed flying over the jungle.”

He answered, “That was my brother.”

After we landed, the site was nothing special at first. Then we got under the canopy of the jungle foliage of the lost city of Tikal. It smelled like mushrooms. I saw huge Banyan trees roots and a lot of monkeys overhead!

Entering the big courtyard of the main pyramid ruins with the famous steep steps, maybe 300 ft. high, it was more exciting than I had imagined! I climbed, holding on to a chain. At the top was a 2000 year old cedar temple. What a view!

Seeing the Tikal pyramid scenes again in a Star Wars movie and seeing documentaries on TV, create special feelings because I’ve been there.

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I just got back from a family meeting where this Baklinski family of eight children are on fire about benefitting from good nutrition and Shaklee products so they can feel good enough to accomplish the things in life they want.

Fourteen-year-old Cyprian wants to be successful with soccer and he is excited about the 100+ Gold Medal Olympic Athletes who use Shaklee. Thirteen-years-old Helena says, "I want to be successful in Shaklee as my job." Anna, twelve-years-old, has chosen to be a team leader, like Russell Wilson, and is doing a good job of following through on what she says she is going to do. Ten-year-old Eva, wants to be a chef and has been fixing breakfasts for the family, without skipping, as her part.

Thaddeus is eight and in charge of the "Daruma". A Daruma figure stands for a Japanese saying: "Seven times down. Eight time up.". Seven-year-old, Basil, works for his treats and five-year-old, Alexander, doesn't want to be left out. Tia is only one-years-old and makes sure she is heard.

It takes a lot of advertising dollars for success in any business. Niki is pleased to be a Working-Mom from home to earn the advertising dollar because Shaklee company advertises through their distributors. She is also pleased to get the tax breaks while having a blast sharing "tools for energy and good health". Andrew sees that the average Shaklee customers have been consistent customers for over twenty years. He sees the residual income potential. He says, "I have a good job in sales, but I have to start at zero each month."

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Make Your Bed

Make Your Bed
Got a late Mother's Day Present book today MAKE YOUR BED. One of the things Sam and I do every morning, as we awaken and get out of bed, is to make our bed together. I don't think we've ever missed. Sam says he's going to do a comic strip about how his mom used to say: "Miki bed".

The author William H McRaven writes the book from his Navy Seal training perspective and says "Little things that can change your life and maybe the world."

The other part of the start of each of my days is that I take 10 or 15 minutes to put on my makeup, fix my hair and dress for the day. I figure that even if I plan to stay home, I have to look at myself as I pass a mirror or two and Sam is as important a person to look decent for as anyone.

I look toward our bed as I head down the stairs and I'm ready for the day and ready to meet any person or situation.

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Vitalizer goes to space

Vitalizer goes to space
Tonight we saw a National Geographic Live event at Seattle's Beneroya Hall featuring a discussion of GOING TO MARS.

Scott Kelly was featured as spending a year in space and came back 2 inches taller and with longer telomeres than his twin brother Mark. These are part of the science going in to preparing for that future event to Mars.

Important to us was that Scott and Mark also take Vitalizer daily. Vitalizer is a daily packet of six Shaklee supplements. Besides the Multi-mineral/vitamins, there is a probiotic that is encapsulated to wait to release until it gets to the large intestine and helps repopulate the good bacteria - that antibiotics destroy. The Fish Oil also waits to release in the small intestine so there is no residual fish taste and the B & C release slowly for twelve hours.

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Trip to my hometown, Ontario, Oregon


"All of the goodness in the world doesn't amount to a hill of beans without courage." -Dennis Prager

At the September 2016, 60th class reunion of the OHS Class of ’56, we agreed to write a book about our class for the 65th reunion. April, 2017, I drove the 500 miles from Seattle to Ontario to do research and stayed the week with classmate Ray Dickerson and his wife Inge.

Watching the fast moving Snake River out the Dickerson’s family room windows, we talked non-stop for a week, sharing an equally fast pace of stories, history, issues and the changes the city of Ontario has made in the last sixty years.

We got excited about leaving a legacy. With Ray and Inge’s help, I made appointments to visit the Superintendent of Schools, the ED of the 4 Rivers Cultural Center, the ED of the Boys & Girls Club, the publisher of the Argus Observer, Business Owners, City Council individuals, the City Manager, a former Mayor, local classmates and others interested in Ontario’s future.

A summary of the discussions with these community leaders is that we are excited to make this a project, starting with a children’s book, about values we learned in Ontario as we STRUGGLED FOR GOODNESS and COMPETENCE. Our class of ’56 has a host of outstanding outcomes to inspire the children about “responsibility” and “respect”. Religion along with good parenting and modeling are key and important, but are not enough. Studies conclude that “Goodness” comes first and needs to be taught, but learned by each child with their own struggles against an inborn human nature of narcissism.

John Dillon of the Argus Observer is excited to print a set of our stories. Starting next year, he will feature one story a month for forty months. I met him again having breakfast at the Plaza and he was still energized about our ideas.

Juvenile arrests in Ontario have gone down 37% since the Boys & Girls Club has been around the last few years. They will use some of the stories for dealing with issues with their participants and give us feedback.

The stories will go to print for our 65th class reunion. Matt Stringer is eager to host our event at the 4 Rivers Cultural Center. Ontario Leaders who are interested in the STRUGGLING FOR GOODNESS PROJECT will also be invited. Perhaps this first book will develop into a series, including stories from other classes and other community members.

"All the goodness in the world doesn't mean a hit of beans without courage." -Dennis Prager

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According to Mamie Yokum of Li'l Abner comics: "Goodness is better than badness because It's nicer.".

Damien was born on Valentine's Day and he is 60 to 70 trillion cells of narcissism expressing the need for survival. Danielle educated herself to do the best for providing prenatal and now breast milk nutrition, but it is all a set of choices. Providing the "right stuff" is a struggle. It's a struggle of "choices" for knowing what is good, being able to afford what is good and then preparing and presenting needs, the best way?

This is a blog that I'm starting to discuss the various "struggles for goodness" from studies, experiences with life and stories from those of you who are following this blog with us.

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